Manny's Reviews > The Comedy of Errors

The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare
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Q: Why is a Shakespeare production never stopped by technical problems?

A: (view spoiler)
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Reading Progress

August 17, 2018 – Shelved
August 17, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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message 1: by Manny (new) - added it

Manny (Joke composed while they were sorting out lighting and sound issues at tonight's performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream)

message 2: by Jafar (new)

Jafar Isbarov It is your first review I know of that had received no likes in 13 minutes. I liked it, though.

message 3: by Matt (new)

Matt Manny wrote: "(Joke composed while they were sorting out lighting and sound issues at tonight's performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream)"

Will, I hope they eventually sorted it out, because, you know, All's Will That Ends Will.

message 4: by Manny (last edited Aug 17, 2018 11:40PM) (new) - added it

Manny It looked kind of tense for a bit - I guess you could call it a Will-they-won't-they situation. But the People's Will triumphed in the end.

message 5: by Matt (new)

Matt Very Will.

message 6: by Manny (new) - added it

Manny If only we could get a few more volunteers to join in. I see it as a Coalition of the Willing.

message 7: by Matt (new)

Matt Wishing you will. Will begun is half done.

message 8: by Manny (new) - added it

Manny Q: What did Shakespeare say when he got married?

A: (view spoiler)

message 9: by Matt (new)

Matt Kristy wrote: "groannnnnn Manny"

Will you please rephrase and use the word Will?
To Will or not to Will is not the question here. It's to Will.

message 10: by Manny (last edited Aug 18, 2018 07:33AM) (new) - added it

Manny Kristy wrote: "groannnnnn Manny"

I'm sorry Kristy. It's not like I planned this, it just happened. As these things Will.

message 11: by Jim (new)

Jim Will this silly-willy-ness never end? or Will I have to report you to the authorities? and if I decide I Will do this, Will they have the Will to take action or Will they think it's much ado about nothing.... we Will see....

message 12: by Manny (last edited Aug 19, 2018 06:57AM) (new) - added it

Manny Apologies, Jim. I see that this innocent conversation is giving you the Willies.

message 13: by Jim (new)

Jim Manny wrote: "Apologies, Jim. I see that this innocent conversation is giving you the Willies."

I will survive, because all's will that ends will....

message 14: by Matt (last edited Aug 19, 2018 07:32AM) (new)

Matt Jim wrote: "all's will that ends will...."

Hey, I already said that (comment #3)! You can't use Will at Will, or What you Will.

message 15: by Jim (new)

Jim Matt wrote: "Jim wrote: "all's will that ends will...."

Hey, I already said that (comment #3)! You can't use Will at Will, or What you Will."

Will's works are in the public domain, so I Will use them as I Will, Woll* not I?

(*"woll" being an archaic word for "will", hence the contraction "won't"... or so they told me in school...)

message 16: by Greg (new) - rated it 3 stars

Greg Hi Manny, I'm working my way through all of Shakespeare: this is a tough read. Probably far better on stage when you can see who is who.

message 17: by Théo d'Or (new) - added it

Théo d'Or Statler & Waldorf , right ?
Why did you cut the " hahaha" ?

message 18: by Manny (new) - added it

Manny I cannot answer this question. It's there in my review of Hamlet's Father.

message 19: by Théo d'Or (new) - added it

Théo d'Or Har !

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