Joey R.'s Reviews > A Killer's Mind

A Killer's Mind by Mike Omer
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4.0 Stars—- I just finished my first book by Mike Omer and for the most part I thoroughly enjoyed it. The book tells the story of FBI consultant/psychologist Zoe Bentley and her work assisting the FBI and Chicago police in working the case of a serial killer with the worst nickname ever —-“The Strangling Undertaker.” Bentley is assigned to work the case with FBI agent Tatum Gray, who is an enjoyable cut-up and the antithesis to the no-nonsense, no-fun, all work Bentley. The book alternates between the current case and a case from 20 years ago (when Bentley was 14) in which Bentley was personally involved in solving a different serial killer case. Although it is obvious to the reader she solved this case, the police do the dreaded ‘don’t take her serious because she’s a kid’ routine and blame it on someone else. These two investigations inevitably come together but with some very different outcomes and twists. Personally, I believe this is why I enjoyed the book so much. Just when I thought that it was going to turn into a boring book that I have read 20 different times with 20 different names, it surprised me by going in a totally different direction. It also has one of the better climactic scenes to bring the story to an end I have read in quite a while. If it wasn’t for some typical stupid local law enforcement overreactions and one completely ridiculous out of character Bentley field trip, I might have given the book the full 5 stars, but a solid effort nonetheless.
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Reading Progress

August 14, 2018 – Started Reading
August 14, 2018 – Shelved
August 22, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
November 12, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron Had to stifle a giggle about "The Strangling Undertaker" - I agree, it's a terrible nickname. Doesn't even make good sense. Entertaining review, Joey!

Joey R. Thank you I laughed every time I heard the nickname— I doubt that nickname would have made the top 100

message 3: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat This sounds right up my alley, thanks for the review.

message 4: by Shainlock (new) - added it

Shainlock Kudos. Great review. Tried not to read anything spoilery bc I think I have this one on my kindle right now. But I know you don’t hand out stars at random. You’re a tough customer. lol. So I thought. Yes, check that out.

Jessica Santiago I'm just curious, why do you think the Bentley field trip was out of character? I ask because I thought it was totally something she would do. She did it as a 14 year old girl when she visited the sites where the dead girls were found. Which is how she figured out who the real killer was in the first place.

Joey R. It has been a few months, and you make a good point about the earlier trips but I thought with the killer at large and for her to go to such an isolated place via taxi ( I believe ) by herself just to think and observe — she was just asking to be attacked. Since the killer was able to predict the date and time of her visit by being there maybe it was in character lol

Jessica Santiago Ah, that makes sense lol. I definitely agree she was asking to be attacked.

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