Kaye's Reviews > The Billionaire's Unexpected Wife: Book One

The Billionaire's Unexpected Wife by Ali Parker
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's review

it was amazing

Ah! What a twisted wen we weave. You get all the action, attraction and one hot night. Except for one tiny little blip. Sometime during their foray the end up married and clueslss. The characters are well developed and definitely independent. Their personalities are unique, intelligent and screw up. What else could possibly go wrong? Apparently a whole lot. But they nimble through as they seek to strive to accomplish certain goals. The scenes are off the top with an endless supply if mishaps on the go. Twists and turns abound limitless humor, happy faces and alot of heartache and fear. Ali is great a pulling us into her imagination and created a world around us until nothing else exists except what before your eyes. Incredible job Ali, thanks for sharing this awesome read with read with us.

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July 27, 2018 – Shelved

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