JSou's Reviews > Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 1001, classics, favo-u-rites

Oh, Fyodor.

Who else could keep me up and awake night after night, even though I promise myself every morning to go to bed at a decent hour?

Who else can create such authentic human emotions that I feel I'm experiencing all of them myself?

Who else would make me subject my kids to dinners of grilled cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs, or frozen waffles just to spend more time with you?

There is no one else. Only you.
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Reading Progress

June 17, 2008 – Shelved
June 17, 2008 – Shelved as: 1001
June 17, 2008 – Shelved as: classics
July 11, 2010 – Started Reading
July 20, 2010 –
page 349
July 23, 2010 – Finished Reading
July 26, 2010 – Shelved as: favo-u-rites

Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)

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Sasha Ah cool, I didn't know you were reading this. How's it going?

JSou I just started it yesterday, but I'm really liking it already.

message 3: by Ben (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ben I know exactly how you feel!!! I concur 100%!!!!!! I love that man: I love him.

Charity *pitter patter* goes my heart over this review! Looks like I need to crack this one open asap.

Chloe This review makes me want to pull it down off the shelf for a re-reading. In the whole of Western Literature, there is no author better able to express pure and honest feeling than Mr. Dostoevsky.

Kristi  Siegel Write more, Jessica! I love this book.

Jennifer (formerly Eccentric Muse) I love Dostoevsky AND grilled cheese. And this review.

JSou Thanks guys! I loved this book. There were times I actually had difficulty breathing normally, it was so intense.

I'm now trying to decide which Dostoevsky to start next. Poor Folk (though my edition is titled Poor People), or The Idiot.

Kimley I just read this recently too. It's such a page-turner! I'd say your kids are lucky they got grilled cheese (which is good anyway). I had a hard time stopping for silliness like food.

I've got The Idiot up near the top of my queue.

message 10: by Ben (last edited Jul 26, 2010 11:19AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ben I thought The Idiot was his best with regards to plot, but inferior to The Brothers Karamazov in characters and inferior to Crime and Punishment in psychology. Awesome book, though -- easily 5-stars for me and almost an all-time favorite; really the kind of book only Dostoevsky could write.

Kimley Ben, have you read all the Dosty books now? You are our resident Dosty expert.

message 12: by Ben (last edited Jul 26, 2010 01:09PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ben I'm no expert, just a lover. I've read 5 of 'em-- his Big 4, plus House of the Dead, also an amazing read, especially if you're interested in reading a fictional account of his experience in the Siberian prison. My next from him is going to be Demons (which is also translated as The Possessed, I think).

message 13: by JSou (last edited Jul 26, 2010 02:06PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

JSou Okay, decision made. I'll go for The Idiot next. I'll move it up to my to-read-soon pile and hopefully get to it within the next few books.

message 14: by Rauf (new)

Rauf Jessica wrote: Who else would make me subject my kids to dinners of grilled cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs, or frozen waffles just to spend more time with you?

Whoa XD

message 15: by David (new)

David Katzman were the waffles still frozen when you served them?

message 16: by JSou (new) - rated it 5 stars

JSou I was supposed to toast them?!? Fuck. Damn high-maintenance kids.

Craig Cunningham This is a phenomenal book. I enjoyed your comments. One can always get wrapped up in a sweeping tale such as this.

s.penkevich Hilarious. This is probably my favorite novel that I have had the pleasure of reading - that is, I'm sure until I finally get around to reading Brothers. I've been putting it off so I can bask in my love for C&P a while longer.

Justin Nichols Did you ever read The Idiot? If so, what'd you think of it?

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