jessica's Reviews > The Tattooist of Auschwitz

The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather   Morris
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really liked it

what a comfort it is to know that, even in the most desperate and tragically unfathomable of circumstances, love and hope are possible and can be found.

this was a truly touching story about lale and gita and how the love they found for each other in auschwitz helped them survive. the story is based on true events, information gathered from lales interviews with the author. lale waited until after the death of gita to open up about his experiences due to fear of being perceived as a nazi sympathiser. but goodness, this was a story that needed to be told.

and i feel rather heartless giving a book with that sort of gravity anything less than 5 stars, but i was very let down when it came to the writing and the way the story was told. i would have much rather heard the story told from lale himself, as i dont think heather morris did his story justice. the writing was very flat and didnt evoke the sense of emotion i would have hoped for from a story as memorable as this.

regardless, i am still grateful i read this, for there were so many valuable lessons within this book. lessons on what it means to be human, how far one would go to survive, how love can be found anywhere, and most importantly, the power of hope.

3.5 stars
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July 17, 2018 – Shelved
July 17, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
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October 15, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah VanRooyen I have been dying to read this

jessica i hope you get the chance to read it soon, hannah!!

message 3: by Hannah (new) - added it

Hannah VanRooyen jessica wrote: "i hope you get the chance to read it soon, hannah!!"

Thank you!! I hope so as well. I have a soft spot for anything WWII

Carla I‘ve read it recently and I totally agree with you!

jessica hannah - same! i definitely have to be in the right mindset because i get sad easily, but i never regret reading WWII stories.

carla - yay! so happy to hear you feel similarly and enjoyed the book! <3

message 6: by Mary-Faith (new)

Mary-Faith Great review! I’ve been wanting to read this forever. Definitely going to have to pick it up.

jessica thanks, mary! i hope you get a chance to read it soon! :)

Emily spot on review - my thoughts exactly

jessica always happy to hear when other feel similarly. i thought this could have been an outstanding book had the writing been more emotional.

Iolanda Pinheiro agree 100%!

Lilac Bookworm Love your reviews! I find them to be so refreshing, soothing, and colorful. I love the way you wrote! I lingered on your every word!

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