Ashley's Reviews > Network Effect

Network Effect by Martha Wells
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it was amazing
bookshelves: lgbtqia, sci-fi, speculative, the-robots-will-kill-us-all, hugo-awards-2021, calling-all-aces

Post-release thoughts aka Review: I loved this book so much, and that of course means I am at a loss to describe it. I also read it almost three months ago, and am only now attempting to write this review. This means BULLET POINTS.

But first, I do want to say that I was very pleased with the first outing of Murderbot in novel form, as opposed to novella. I enjoyed spending a longer page count with Murderbot, whose character arc continues to develop in a pleasing fashion. I will be sad and displeased if Wells goes back to novellas. (I am typing all of this full well knowing that the next Murderbot book is going to take place before this one, and it is going to be a novella. I guess I am in “denial”.)

•Murderbot once again has to save the pesky humans, this time after they are all abducted.

•ART is back! And oh my god it’s even better than before. (view spoiler). And it makes it all the more delightful for me that all of this plays out with Murderbot’s characteristic repressed but very strong emotions in play.

•I liked the way that there was such an emphasis on Murderbot not being a human, and not wanting to be a human, just being a person is hard enough, thank you.

•I don’t remember very much about the plot, sorry, entirely here for the emotions or denial thereof.

•Mensa is so motherly in this I can’t even.

•When the second SecUnit gets roped in to Murderbot’s hacked governor-module club, I nearly lost it with glee, I was so happy.

•I don’t remember enough to make more bullet points.

I really just want to re-read, but that would mean re-reading all the novellas, too, and I only own the first one in e-book, and not the others. I’m waiting so patiently for an eventual bind-up to be published. I tried the audiobooks (they’re all on SCRIBD) but I hated Kevin R. Free’s narration. He’s just not Murderbot for me and I didn’t make it past the first two sentences, though I have enjoyed a couple other books he’s narrated. Basically: WOE.

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Reading Progress

July 16, 2018 – Shelved
July 16, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
May 11, 2020 – Started Reading
May 12, 2020 –
15.0% "“Nobody fucking listens to me.”

Murderbot is so disgruntled."
May 12, 2020 –
35.0% "Murderbot is basically a mama duck at this point, and all these stupid humans are ducklings to keep safe from being murdered real bad."
May 12, 2020 –
47.0% ""In a low voice, Ratthi commented to Overse, 'Anyone who thinks machine intelligences don't have emotions needs to be in this very uncomfortable room right now.'""
May 13, 2020 –
74.0% ""I just really like you. Not in a weird way.""
May 13, 2020 – Finished Reading
May 14, 2020 – Shelved as: lgbtqia
May 14, 2020 – Shelved as: sci-fi
May 14, 2020 – Shelved as: speculative
May 14, 2020 – Shelved as: the-robots-will-kill-us-all
April 16, 2021 – Shelved as: hugo-awards-2021
April 26, 2023 – Shelved as: calling-all-aces

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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Ashley I knew you would be excited! It's not coming until 2020, though. It feels so far away.

Evelina | AvalinahsBooks It's wayyyy too far away. I am starting the countdown.

Ashley I think I'm going to try and forget it's happening so when it's published it's a happy surprise :)

Evelina | AvalinahsBooks And then we get to reread the whole series to remember!
I'm pretty sure I'll forget even before I try. Two years is a long time 😱

Pkeets After all this waiting, it looks like its been damaged by clueless editing. Decent, but not what I'd hoped for.

Jason , etc. O. M. G.

message 8: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth Yay, another outstanding review for Network Effect! I am slowly but surely making my way through the novellas (I just finished #3) and am getting more hyped to pick up this one :D

Ashley It's very good!

Jason , etc. I loved it, too, and have listened to all of them as audiobooks (KEVINRFREE4LYFE). In other news, you've managed to turn me onto yet another series early that requires me to wait for subsequent books. Is there no end to your evil?

Ashley I just hated his narration for Murderbot, hated it! He sounded whiny and not funny.

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