Sophia Triad's Reviews > Slave to Sensation

Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
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it was amazing
bookshelves: shifters, leopards, 1paranormal-lovestories

Sascha Duncan (Psy) and Lucas Hunter (Changeling)

This was about murder… and the greatest lie that had ever been perpetuated by a race upon its own kind.

This book is an impressive start to a series that I have a feeling that it will become one of my favourite PNR series.

Psy-world is an interesting different new world. I haven't read anything similar before to be honest. The Psy have great psychic powers, but not feelings or desires.
They basically live in two worlds:
1. The real world which also includes Changelings (shifters) and humans.
2. The PsyNet which is like Internet, except it’s made up of minds, not computers. I would also compare it with the movie Matrix. It is actually a place where Psy “meet” and “socialize”.

Shifters are the normal shifters that we meet in most PNR books. They can transform into animals and they live in packs. We learn about two packs:
1. The DarkRiver leopard pack
2. The SnowDancers wolf pack
These two packs coexist in neighbourhood grounds.

In terms of mating, there can be only one lifemate for each Changeling.

Lucas Hunter is the Alpha of DarkRiver pack and he is a black panther. He will meet Psy Sascha Duncan , while he tries to find the Psy killer who keeps butchering Changeling females. When another girl is taken, Lucas runs out of time.

Sascha lately is not well. She is scared to death and she tries to hide it before she is locked away in a “rehabilitation facility”. Her main problem is that she has started having feelings, emotions, physical reactions in these emotions. This is not normal for a Psy. She is defective. The fact that she needs to work so closely to Changelings that they are overflowed with feelings and they are so close to their animal side, does not help.

Gradually we will learn that Psy have secrets. Their own lack of emotions is a deception imposed to them in order to make them less dangerous.

I enjoyed the writing style and the way the story and the world building is exploited. The mystery with the serial killer has a obvious solution, but I really did not mind this. I wad satisfied with everything else.

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Reading Progress

June 1, 2018 – Shelved
June 1, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
June 4, 2018 – Started Reading
June 4, 2018 – Shelved as: shifters
June 4, 2018 – Shelved as: leopards
June 5, 2018 – Finished Reading
February 6, 2019 – Shelved as: 1paranormal-lovestories

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Kazza (new)

Kazza I totally understand the timelines, 'I will start this....but'. Go. Enjoy it in 2018 :)

Sophia Triad Kazza wrote: "I totally understand the timelines, 'I will start this....but'. Go. Enjoy it in 2018 :)"

8 years and about 15 books later hahaha

Mareli What a story! What a series!

Aisling Zena lol I hope you manage to get to it Sophia! I'm sure you'll love it! On the plus side when you do start it you'll have a ton of them to binge read without waiting for years. :D xx

message 5: by Nazanin (new)

Nazanin Fantastic review, Sophia! xoxo

message 6: by KAS (new)

KAS Fabulous review, Sophia!! ❤️

Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession Great review sweetie :)

Aisling Zena Fantastic review Sophia! So glad you loved it! :D xx

Sophia Triad Mareli wrote: "What a story! What a series!"

Excellent! :) ❤

Sophia Triad Aisling Zena wrote: "lol I hope you manage to get to it Sophia! I'm sure you'll love it! On the plus side when you do start it you'll have a ton of them to binge read without waiting for years. :D xx"

So far, I am doing okay. Still plenty of books ;) ❤

Sophia Triad Aisling Zena wrote: "Fantastic review Sophia! So glad you loved it! :D xx"

Thank you Aisling 💋❤

Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog•• Wonderful review babe!!! xx

Sophia Triad Nazanin wrote: "Fantastic review, Sophia! xoxo"

Thank you Nazanin ❤💋

Sophia Triad KAS wrote: "Fabulous review, Sophia!! ❤️"

Thank you KAS ❤💋

Sophia Triad Jessica's wrote: "Great review sweetie :)"

Thank you Jessica ❤💋

Sophia Triad Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog•• wrote: "Wonderful review babe!!! xx"

Thank you Jenny ❤💋

Sammy Loves Books Fab review!!

Sophia Triad Sammy wrote: "Fab review!!"

Thank you Sammy :)

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