Sarah Joint's Reviews > Don't Believe It

Don't Believe It by Charlie Donlea
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: traveling-sisters

This is the perfect group read: you'll have plenty to discuss, lots of theories to share, suspicions to talk about... and you're probably wrong on all of them. Don't Believe It cemented Charlie Donlea's place on my must-read list. It's laid out in a unique way, sharing details about the making of a documentary interspersed with scenes from the finished product. It reads like you're really there watching it unfold, which ups the tension and keeps you on your toes. Imagine a documentary series that airs each episode right after it's completed: the viewers find things out right after the cast and crew does. There's no such thing as spoilers. It would be a risky format, and this book shows exactly why! Expect the unexpected.

For ten years, Grace Sebold has been in jail for the murder of her boyfriend in St. Lucia. It was big news for awhile in the States, the med student couple with such promising futures on a vacation that went terribly wrong. After she was found guilty, she faded into the background. She isn't giving up on her freedom though. She just needs help. She needs Sidney Ryan. A rising filmmaker, Sidney has already freed a few people by casting doubt on their conviction and making a documentary about it. Can she do the same for Grace?

Soon, the med student turned prisoner has America watching and rooting for her. The case has definite problems, and everything is being dug up. Sidney finds plenty of reasons for the case to be opened again. Just when Grace is set free, Sidney receives correspondence that tells her she has it wrong. That Grace should be spending the rest of her life behind bars. That she's responsible for the release of a ruthless killer. Could she have gotten her wrong?

I practically squealed when Livia Cutty from The Girl Who Was Taken made an appearance, adding to an already strong list of characters. Completely absorbing, twisted, and shocking, this book comes highly recommended from me with 4.5 stars! When I participate in group reads, it's not uncommon for some people to just not be a fan of the book. With this one, we all were! (Hello, Traveling Sisters!)

I received a copy of this book from Net Galley and Kensington Books, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.
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Reading Progress

May 18, 2018 – Started Reading
May 18, 2018 – Shelved
May 19, 2018 –
May 19, 2018 –
57.0% "Break time to discuss with The Traveling Sisters!"
May 23, 2018 –
76.0% "Omg."
May 23, 2018 – Finished Reading
May 29, 2018 – Shelved as: traveling-sisters

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Norma Wonderful review, Sarah! :-)

Sarah Joint Norma * Traveling Sister wrote: "Wonderful review, Sarah! :-)"
Thanks, Norma! I'm so glad I read this one with you all.

message 3: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Awesome review, Sarah!

message 4: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Fantastic review Sarah 😊

Melisa Woo so glad we all loved this one - love your review!

message 6: by Michelle (new) - added it

Michelle Fantastic review, Sarah! :) I love seeing all the positive reviews coming in for this one.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Great review, Sarah! I was surprised, but happy too, when Livia popped up!

Susanne Wowza Sarah! Fab review! Sorry I missed out on this one. :)

Kendall Awesome review Sarah! I loved this one too 😊👌

message 10: by Suzy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Suzy I must get my hands on this book! Fantastic review Sarah! 😊

Kaceey Fantastic review Sarah! Loved reading this one with you! 🤗

message 12: by Tammy (new)

Tammy Terrific review Sarah! X

message 13: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Love, love, love the sound of this one! Fabulous review, Sarah.

Sarah Joint Maureen wrote: "Fantastic review Sarah 😊"
Thanks, Maureen! :)

Deanna wrote: "Awesome review, Sarah!"
Thank you very much, Deanna!

Sarah Joint Michelle wrote: "Fantastic review, Sarah! :) I love seeing all the positive reviews coming in for this one."
Thank you, Michelle! :) It's definitely worth a read!

Melisa wrote: "Woo so glad we all loved this one - love your review!"
Thanks, Melisa! This was the first group read in awhile I've done that we all liked so much!

Lindsay L Terrific review Sarah! So glad we all loved this!!! 💜

Sarah Joint Susanne wrote: "Wowza Sarah! Fab review! Sorry I missed out on this one. :)"
Aw, I'm sorry you did too! It was a great sister read. Thanks, Susanne!

Meredith wrote: "Great review, Sarah! I was surprised, but happy too, when Livia popped up!"
Thanks, Meredith! I kinda did a double take and went back to the page for his previous book to make sure I had the name right. It was a nice callback!

Sarah Joint Babydimps wrote: "I must get my hands on this book! Fantastic review Sarah! 😊"
Thanks, Babydimps! You really should!!

Kendall wrote: "Awesome review Sarah! I loved this one too 😊👌"
Thanks, Kendall! So good! :)

Sarah Joint Tammy wrote: "Terrific review Sarah! X"
Thank you, Tammy! :)

Kaceey - Traveling Sister wrote: "Fantastic review Sarah! Loved reading this one with you! 🤗"
Thank you, Kaceey! I'm so glad I joined the read.

Sarah Joint Lindsay - Traveling Sister wrote: "Terrific review Sarah! So glad we all loved this!!! 💜"
Thanks, Lindsay! I love that we were all happy with it!

Melissa wrote: "Love, love, love the sound of this one! Fabulous review, Sarah."
You should check it out! Thanks, Melissa! :)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Wonderful review Sarah!

Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews Excellent review Sarah. I loved this one too!

message 23: by Diane S ☔ (new) - added it

Diane S ☔ Awesome review, Sarah. Loved this too!

message 24: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Super review, Sarah! I don't have this one but it's on my wishlist! :)

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