Ceren's Reviews > Tiger's Voyage

Tiger's Voyage by Colleen Houck
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did not like it
bookshelves: avoid-all-costs

WORST. BOOK. EVER 'eye twitches'....honestly if you like to read good YA with strong heroine, no annoying love rectangles (yes, that's right RECTANGLES, because overall kelsy has had SEVEN guys fall head over heels for her throughout the three books...yep, prehaps in a perfect world I can swallow this BUT SEVEN? why exactly? she consistently comes across an annoying, whiny, twelve year old stuck in an eighteen year old's body) THEN AVOID THIS BOOK AT ALL COSTS!
On top of that, for nearly 250 pages of the book there was NO ACTION WHATSOEVER! All kelsy complained of was 'hmm which brother should I choose next?..'I love ren',
2 pages later- I hate Ren I want Kishan,
4 pages later- I want Ren again, I want Kishan as a friend,
6 pages later- I want Kishan, I want Ren as a friend only,
8 pages later- I want Ren while I'm making out with Kishan
10 pages later- I want Ren and Kishan
11 pages- Ren and I are soulmates (but i'll just casually date Kishan)
honestly I could keep up with Kim kardasian's love life better then I could keep up with kelsy's whininess and selfiness.
Furthermore, while she's juggling these two (as well as an random scuba diver, OOPS I FORGOT TO MENTION ANOTHER PERSON WHOSE HELPLESSLY IN LOVE WITH HER FOR NO GOOD REASON), the only purpose she serves throughout the whole novel is playing the helpless DAMSEL IN DISTRESS WHILE TWO MEN FIGHT OVER HER...WHY YOU MAY ASK? BECAUSE COLEEN HOUCK SEEMS TO THINK ALL WOMEN ARE HELPLESS FEMALES WAITING TO BE RESCUED! grrrr honestly and here i was thinking stephanie meyer was bad!i RECOMMEND THIS TO NOOO ONE!
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Reading Progress

November 21, 2011 – Started Reading
November 21, 2011 – Shelved
November 21, 2011 –
page 227
November 23, 2011 –
page 500
November 23, 2011 – Shelved as: avoid-all-costs
November 24, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Tiffany the first two books were terrible and I don't even KNOW why I am bothering to read this one. Totally agree with every point you made. It's disgusting. And wit all of Kells WHORING around making out with a different guy every 5 min. She is afraid to wear a 2 piece swim suit? Give me a friggin BREAK!

Ceren The first one was meh (at least there was no annoying love triangles, squares, reactangles etc). However the second and onwards were like a train-wreck, Houck focusing more on who makes out with kelsy next (which was so gross how she made out with both brothers again and again and they knew it but were fine with it? What the?) then concentrating on the plot (what plot? it was briefly written in the last 50 pages!

Tiffany yup! That about sums it up! Lol. I don't get why there are all these amazing reviews for all 3 books, they are very undeserving! Urgh!

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