Shannon's Reviews > Nine Princes in Amber

Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
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it was amazing
bookshelves: my-very-best-reads, owned, fantasy-scifi, action, books-reviewed
Read 6 times. Last read November 11, 2020 to November 12, 2020.

Man, all the good stuff has been said to let me be brief:

OVERALL FEELING: One of my favorite fantasy pieces; sort of starts out as a PI man who lost his memory and has to figure out that he's the prince of another world.

CONCEPT: What if Gods who looked like people created this world and all the other worlds through their Godly thoughts? And what if their father disappeared and there was a fight for the throne which shook all the worlds? And what if this Godly war led to doorways being opened which should not have opened which could kill off these Gods?

MARKETING APPEAL: The Amber series is greatly loved; I imagine that it sold well; it took a first person point of view of a wise cracking PI type fantasy hero who discovered the realm of Amber; a conflict of sibling gods who are out for dominance and then discover a great evil. Superbly written.

[image error]Photobucket

FAVORITE METAPHORS: “The night was bargaining weakly with the sun. The rising sun cast billions of bright shards into the foaming swell of the waters, and our eyes were dazzled by their dance so that we could not see beneath the surface.”

“The devil danced in his blue eyes . . . “

“I saw the fleet, sailing on a great ocean the color of blood. FAVORITE ACTION PASSAGE: As soon as we came to a halt, I flung open my door and leaped out --- barefooted yet! ... it!”

“ We pushed on, slowly, and there was blood on every step for as far back as I could see. There's a moral there, somewhere.”

FAVORITE DESCRIPTIVE PASSAGE: “It was about eight o'clock when the cab deposited me on a random corner in the nearest town. I paid off the driver and walked for around twenty minutes. Then I stopped in a diner, found a booth and had juice, a couple of eggs, toast, bacon and three cups of coffee. The bacon was too greasy.”

“Very, very much would they pay. An anger, a terrible one, flared within the middle of my body.”

“Answers? None.”

[image error]Photobucket

DIALOGUE: I really liked the dialogue. It was terse and to the point with witty remarks all over the place, as well as some deep insights. Does a good job of not telling too much in the dialogue. No one is an idiot or constant talker. All, are sort of street smart. Corwin also has this fatalist attitude that I like. At times, he wonders as to the words he uses which makes it feel only more so that you are involved in the discussion with him (even if you can't talk back and ask questions). Good threats, too.

"Blood!" I called out. "Give me blood and vengeance this day, my warriors, and you will be remembered in Amber forever!" And as a man, they raised their weapons and cried out, "Blood!" And gallons --- no, rivers --- of it were let that day. We destroyed two more of Caine's raiders, replenishing our numbers from those of the survivors of our own fleet. As we headed toward a sixth, I climbed the mainmast and tried to take a quick count.

"Catch them, you fool!" And he did.

All I have to say is that Zelazny is my my favorite fantasy writer next to only one other writer: George Martin who is known for his incredible A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series. This is surely one of the best series in fantasy even though it was written in the 1970s.

Note that the book directly after this one is Zelazny's “The Guns of Avalon”. A three part graphic novel was created from this tale in the 1990s and talks of a movie have been in the work for, well, decades.

CHARACTERS/DIALOGUE: A minus to A; STORY/PLOTTING: A minus to A; FRESHNESS (for its time): A to A plus; SETTING/TONE: B plus to A minus; NARRATIVE FIRST PERSON FLOW: A minus; OVERALL GRADE: A minus to A; WHEN LAST READ: 2001 (read three times) (revised review early April 2012).
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Quotes Shannon Liked

Roger Zelazny
“I like libraries. It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have walls of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is something to hold back the shadows.”
Roger Zelazny, Nine Princes in Amber

Roger Zelazny
“I walked among Shadows, and found a race of furry creatures, dark and clawed and fanged, reasonably manlike, and about as intelligent as a freshman in the high school of your choice-sorry, kids, but what I mean is they were loyal, devoted, honest, and too easily screwed by bastards like me and my brother. I felt like the dee-jay of your choice.”
Roger Zelazny, Nine Princes in Amber

Roger Zelazny
“Blood!" I called out.
Give me blood and vengeance this day, my warriors, and you will be remembered in Amber forever!"
And as a man. they raised their weapons and cried out, "Blood!”
Roger Zelazny, Nine Princes in Amber

Reading Progress

Finished Reading
Finished Reading
Finished Reading
Started Reading
January 1, 2000 – Finished Reading
November 18, 2011 – Shelved
March 3, 2012 – Shelved as: my-very-best-reads
July 6, 2012 – Shelved as: owned
September 19, 2012 – Shelved as: fantasy-scifi
April 24, 2013 – Shelved as: action
June 20, 2013 – Shelved as: book... (Other Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 20, 2013 – Shelved (Other Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 20, 2013 – Shelved as: action (Other Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 20, 2013 – Shelved as: owned (Other Mass Market Paperback Edition)
June 20, 2013 – Shelved as: books-reviewed
November 11, 2020 – Started Reading
November 11, 2020 –
November 12, 2020 – Finished Reading
April 25, 2021 – Shelved as: fant... (Other Mass Market Paperback Edition)

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Dan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dan Schwent The first five Amber books are great. The second five, not so much.

Shannon Agreed!

Richard Ditto. I really need to re-read Zelazny.

message 4: by Amber (new)

Amber Thanks for linking this to me Shannon! Adding to my to-read list now!

Shannon You're welcome, Amber.

message 6: by Talitha (new) - added it

Talitha This sounds like one I need to read...

Aimée “ We pushed on, slowly, and there was blood on every step for as far back as I could see. There's a moral there, somewhere.” Perhaps... But what exactly the character's sense of this was was neither implied nor articulated. Which, sort of sums up the rest of the book to me. I didn't mind the writing, nor the twisted characters and the sense of this particular one having acquired some nuance of humanisation. The general plot line and storytelling was OK to fine. And I liked the concept of `adding and subtracting' things to get to different lands, and how there were shadow ones, and even that somehow, and in some sense, Amber was the only true one, but there was no depth beyond this, no implication as to the `moral'/`source of interest' of the writer in this (I don't think any implication of Gods). But, I realise that I'm a somewhat demanding reader in terms of my requisites for imagination and depth in books that make it to the `A' grade.

Shannon You're crazy, Aimee.

Aimée StoryTellerShannon wrote: "You're crazy, Aimee." Don't worry - you aren't the first one to think so :P

message 10: by Kristina (new)

Kristina I love this book! 😁

message 11: by Grace (new)

Grace Ahhh this has been on my list for yeaars. You're reminding me how much I need to finally get around to reading this.

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