Nassy's Reviews > The Emperor's Blades

The Emperor's Blades by Brian Staveley
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it was amazing
bookshelves: fantasy, high-epic-fantasy

Full Review

Fear is blindness, Calmness is sight

πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• Where has this book been all my life??? I loved every single moment of it!!

I started reading this awhile back but didn't even finish the prologue because I wasn't in the mood. Well, I was definitely in the mood this time.

What is this about? The emperor has been murdered and it looks like it was an inside job. Meaning that someone or some people are traitors. This book is told from 3 povs which are all from the Emperor's children.

We have Kaden, who is the Heir. There is Valyn who is Kaden's older brother, and there is Adare who is the eldest and their sister. Kaden is the Heir even though he is the youngest of the two brothers because he has 'the eyes' which is special in colour and brightness, and is seen as a sign of divinity or something like that. Only the Male child with the eyes can become emperor.

Kaden and Valyn were sent away when they were younger. Kaden to a monastery and Valyn to the most skillful fighters in the world, The kettral. For the past 8 years, they were being trained in their specific fields.

Valyn is aware of the Emperor's death while Kaden isn't because the monastery is secluded. Valyn is also aware that there might be a threat to him and his siblings and that someone amongst him might be trying to kill him. His chapters are pretty much about trying to find the traitor.

Kaden is pretty much learning about the self and how to control his emotions. His chapters are the most innocent because he still thinks that his father is alive and that all is well.

Adare is the only sibling in the Capital and being a girl in a place where girls aren't supposed to have power, she finds herself in a challenging situation.

The fighters who frighten you are not the fighters to fear. The man you barely notice will be the one to bury a blade in your back

This book is filled with plot twists, and you would never know who to trust because everyone seems like a suspect. It's also intense and brutal sometimes but I liked it anyway.
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Reading Progress

April 6, 2018 – Shelved
December 21, 2018 – Started Reading
December 24, 2018 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Maia (new)

Maia I started a while back but I wasn't in the mood for it either. Your review makes me want to read it though! :)

Nassy Maia wrote: "I started a while back but I wasn't in the mood for it either. Your review makes me want to read it though! :)"

Thank you Maia. Yeh, I think this book requires a mood (all adult fantasy books do tbh lol)

message 3: by Aqsa (new) - added it

Aqsa I wanna read it!!! Excellent review, Nasom :)

Nassy Aqsa wrote: "I wanna read it!!! Excellent review, Nasom :)"

DO IT! Thank you so much Aqsa πŸ’•

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