Mario the lone bookwolf's Reviews > Ghost Story

Ghost Story by Peter Straub
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bookshelves: horror

An entertaining horror novel with exceptional frightening factor that sadly loses some potential and momentum towards the end.

The first half is some of the best horror I´ve read, not much splatter or violence, just the extremely detailed description with some really scary scenes that fuel the readers´ paranoia in the darkness. There are some moments one might not forget so soon, if not even never, but suddenly there is a bit more action and story, which make the terror factor disappear.

This loss of credibility, tension, and style towards the end is because of
Too many unnecessary details and debates
Much of the momentum gets lost because of too much preparation, backstory, or sheer drivel. This could have been so much better with more haunting horror, characters going bonkers, and more directly story related horror.
Some just incredible and ridiculous actings and motivations of the characters. One of the most epic, involuntarily funny moments: (view spoiler) Just thinking about it makes me laugh like mad, as if there was another option, especially with the final slapstick killing one didn´t see coming. But at least something came.

Clever background plotline
There is an ingenious red line throughout the novel that fuses characters, timelines, and settings together to let the reader back in awe when realizing it. And it would have been so much cooler with more and earlier inclusion of the big badass antagonist, who even isn´t really one because there is a dark background secret reason for the hauntings that make it seem quite legit. A bit exaggerated retaliation, but still understandable.

Because there isn´t really much out there in the horror genre, I still consider this one a solid 4 star, maybe even with a small plus, because it has its good moments and some of my arguments could be just subjective taste, maybe others enjoy the change in style towards the end and the character backstory overkill. However, have a good fright.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
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March 19, 2018 – Shelved

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message 1: by Nocturnalux (new)

Nocturnalux I know I read this but precious little.

Am I correct that this starts- or this takes place in the beginning- with a man driving a little girl or am I misremembering? And a little girl is fairly important, I think...?

Mario the lone bookwolf Nocturnalux wrote: "I know I read this but precious little.

Am I correct that this starts- or this takes place in the beginning- with a man driving a little girl or am I misremembering? And a little gir..."

Yes, that´s part of the ingenious interconnection of the whole thing, also ending with the same setting.

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