Miranda Reads's Reviews > Twilight

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: absolute-favorites, audiobook


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The Written Review
So, my review might be a bit biased...

This was my first (and only major) episode of fangirling.

I owned a tshirt ("vegetarian vampire" - so edgy).

I saw the first movie an embarrassingly high number of times in theater.

I judged people based off of Team Edward or Team Jacob (for the record: Edward in the books, Jacob in the movies).

Even now, more than 10 years later, I still absolutely adore this first book - there's too many good feelings.

I tried so, so hard to look at this book with my sophisticated grown-up eyes, to see past all the trite plotholes and develop a good, sound hatred of Twilight .

I just can't - I live for this series.

So, just keep in mind where I am coming from when I decided to reread this one.

My overwhelming realization? Bella should probably be hospitalized

There is no way she doesn't have some inner-ear or traumatic brain injury. There is no physically relevant way a seventeen year old could be that unbalanced.

It defies all logic. It's like every time I turned the page, there'd she go. Falling. Again.
You really should stay away from me.
The other overwhelming realization? Rosalie was the voice of reason.

I remember absolutely hating her because she was the only one who stood between Edward and Bella.

How dare she not love that they're in love? Well, now that I'm older, it's more of YOU'RE ONLY SEVENTEEN AND HE'S A HUNDRED YEARS OLDER.

Team Rosalie-the-voice-of-reason all the way.

Despite everything, the cheesy quotes, the terribly unrealistic portrayal of love and the big sparkling plot-holes, I can't help it.
I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Me, falling in love with this book all over again. description
P.s. Still got that 10 yr old vegetarian vampire shirt in the back of my closet.

P.p.s. yes. That's my original Twilight copy, literally worn away from my multiple rereads...

Audiobook Comments
Well-read by Ilyana Kadushin, though I wish the guy voices were a bit more distinct when the girl-reader said them. They were all just slightly deeper version of girl-voices. Not much variation in tone/inflection.

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February 12, 2018 – Started Reading
February 12, 2018 – Shelved
February 13, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 152 (152 new)

message 1: by Ms. Smartarse (new)

Ms. Smartarse I have never read the book, but I did go to the movies with my BFF with the express purpose of making fun of it. Well, the last two... mainly, we didn't feel like shelling out TOO much money for it. And... those were fun experiences, if for all the wrong reasons. :P

Still, I can totally get behind your fangirling. I too have felt the same about other books in the past, and still rate them high for nostalgia's sake. So for that, KUDOS for the lovely review.

BernLuvsBooks I remember reading them all as they came out - devoured them actually! I loved the books. The movies - not so much. I'm not ashamed to admit it ;)

Miranda Reads Ms. Smartarse wrote: "I have never read the book, but I did go to the movies with my BFF with the express purpose of making fun of it. Well, the last two... mainly, we didn't feel like shelling out TOO much money for it..."

Awww, thank you so much. Rewatching the movies is another story - i can hardly stand that first one :p

message 4: by Miranda (last edited Feb 17, 2018 07:15AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Miranda Reads (Bern) Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas wrote: "I remember reading them all as they came out - devoured them actually! I loved the books. The movies - not so much. I'm not ashamed to admit it ;)"

Fab fangirls forever!

Talie Hawkins One of the only series I have read a few times over! Great review!

Miranda Reads Jen wrote: "Great review, Miranda!! I loved the Twilight books, couldn't put them down when I read them years ago and I still feel the same way today. :-)"

Glad to know I'm not the only one :D

Miranda Reads C. wrote: "Even if not vampire / werewolf fare, I relate to wholly and love to see, someone enjoying and gushing over something they enjoy as much as this. I am a fan girl of things too and act over the moon ..."

Awww, thank you! I enjoy Star Trek too :)

Miranda Reads Talie wrote: "One of the only series I have read a few times over! Great review!"

Thank you - I keep rereading them as well!

Cyndi Great review! My youngest daughter loved this series. Since books within reach of me must be read, I read them, too. I liked them, but I loved discussing books with my daughter. 😊

message 10: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Good n honest review, Miranda! :)

Miranda Reads Diane wrote: "Good n honest review, Miranda! :)"

Thank you :)

message 12: by Chelsea (new)

Chelsea Humphrey This is the most refreshing and inspiring review I’ve read in YEARS. I too was unhealthily obsessed with this series (books and movies) and refuse to apologize for it. Well done!

Hannah I feel the exact same way about Twilight. Even though I'm able to see all the flaws now that I'm not a 15 year old angsty teen, the nostalgia makes it impossible to hate. #NoShame lol

Olivia's Bookish Places & Spaces Good review! I actually think that people are too hard on "Twilight". Yes, it can be a little cheesy at times but in all honesty so are many YA romances.

Stephanie Meyer created an elaborate world and based much of the plot around classic works such as "Wuthering Heights" and incorporated elements of Native American legends when developing the werewolves.

So, she obviously isn't stupid and really did some research when creating her novels.

Miranda Reads Chelsea wrote: "This is the most refreshing and inspiring review I’ve read in YEARS. I too was unhealthily obsessed with this series (books and movies) and refuse to apologize for it. Well done!"

haha, I'm glad you liked it as much as I did. It was so, so much fun to love this series unconditionally :)

Miranda Reads Hannah wrote: "I feel the exact same way about Twilight. Even though I'm able to see all the flaws now that I'm not a 15 year old angsty teen, the nostalgia makes it impossible to hate. #NoShame lol"

Yaaaaaas! Fangirls Unite!

Miranda Reads Olivia wrote: "Good review! I actually think that people are too hard on "Twilight". Yes, it can be a little cheesy at times but in all honesty so are many YA romances.

Stephanie Meyer created an elaborate worl..."

Totally agree. It just became so cool to hate back in the day.

I still think that The writing is rather well done and the characters/ world building is far superior than some YA series I've read.

Miranda Reads Maddie wrote: "Same rating, high five
The inner child in me will always love this series 😉"

thanks Maddie - we're twihards through and through 😊😊

message 19: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Wonderful review Miranda! :)

Miranda Reads Sandra wrote: "Wonderful review Miranda! :)"

Thank you so much. I had so much fun revisiting this world :)

Olivia's Bookish Places & Spaces Great response! I know people hate the sparkly vampires but she was putting her own twist on a classic villianesque type creature. People claim that they like it when YA authors get creative in their stories yet they make fun of this. I would like to see people attempt to do something similar.

message 22: by Miranda (last edited Feb 20, 2018 04:15PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Miranda Reads Olivia wrote: "Great response! I know people hate the sparkly vampires but she was putting her own twist on a classic."

Yaaaaaaaaas. I always thought that the sparkling was super fun. Everyone always said it was so unrealistic.... but honestly, is a blood drinking and burning in sunlight any more grounded? :P

La Coccinelle I had similar thoughts about Bella's "clumsiness". Nobody should be stumbling around that much unless they have an inner ear problem!

Catherine Ha. I'm one of those who were like "what the hell?" when I was a teen and Twilight was everywhere, but I get the appeal. Honestly I don't "hate" the story of sparkling vampires who are vegetarians because they eat animals, I just find it ridiculous (no offense to the fans, it's a personal opinion). But more seriously, my main issue with the Twilight series was the anti feminist message sent by Meyer: the girl who was dying inside when the guy she's been dating for a few months left and would get herself killed to see him, the weird pro life part subtle enough I guess to not be seen as such by others readers but still present... When I got to the part where the guy falls in love with his previous crush's baby, that was it. Those are the reasons why I could never like Twilight, but like I said, I understand what the appeal was for teenage girls back then. I also think that when you loved a book series so much it keeps a place in your heart even if you're an adult. The only thing I can be glad for is that the movies made Kristen Stewart popular since she's imo a very talented actress.

Miranda Reads La Coccinelle wrote: "I had similar thoughts about Bella's "clumsiness". Nobody should be stumbling around that much unless they have an inner ear problem!"

Omg yes. . . How is it possible that the doctors haven't noticed this? :p

Miranda Reads Catherine wrote: "Ha. I'm one of those who were like "what the hell?" when I was a teen and Twilight was everywhere, but I get the appeal. Honestly I don't "hate" the story of sparkling vampires who are vegetarians ..."

You have such good arguments. Honestly, i read for fun and this one was fun. And in a world gungho female heroines ready to change the world, it's nice to have something that is a little different one in a while :)

Catherine Miranda wrote: "Catherine wrote: "Ha. I'm one of those who were like "what the hell?" when I was a teen and Twilight was everywhere, but I get the appeal. Honestly I don't "hate" the story of sparkling vampires wh..."

I'm honestly glad to be able to talk with someone who loves books I have issues with without offending them, so thank you lovely :) ♥

Purplesnow13 Lol I agree. Rosalie being the voice of reason. I never read the books until this past year and had always only seen the movies.. you read the books and realize all sorts of things!

Whitney Team Edward shirt over here lol I bought a promotional sign from a Hot Topic they were going to throw out for $1 once, too 😂 hung it in my room. We all probably have past Twilight shame

message 30: by A. (new) - rated it 3 stars

A. Olesiewicz "...Love that they're in love". Lol. Great review!

message 31: by chi (new)

chi HAHAHAHA omg I hate the book, but I think you've said all my secret inner thoughts!

Miranda Reads Catherine wrote: " I'm honestly glad to be able to talk with someone who loves books I have issues with without offending them, so thank you lovely :) ♥

It's rare but it can happen :p

Miranda Reads Purplesnow13 wrote: "Lol I agree. Rosalie being the voice of reason. I never read the books until this past year and had always only seen the movies.. you read the books and realize all sorts of things!"

Ohhhhh those movies. I Don't feel brave enough to rewatch the movies quite yet. Nothing can match the rosy glow nostalgia :p

Miranda Reads Whitney wrote: "Team Edward shirt over here lol I bought a promotional sign from a Hot Topic they were going to throw out for $1 once, too 😂 hung it in my room. We all probably have past Twilight shame"

Omg. Love that. We're twihards together :p :p

Miranda Reads A. wrote: ""...Love that they're in love". Lol. Great review!"

I cringe so hard at younger-me :p

Miranda Reads pris wrote: "HAHAHAHA omg I hate the book, but I think you've said all my secret inner thoughts!"

Lol. Hate, Love. .. same thing! :p

Miranda Reads JV wrote: "Haha! Still Team Edward after all these years, but not the Robert Pattinson version, more of like, Hayden Christensen, the sexier and not the too emo-ey version. :p Dr. Carlisle and Emmett in the m..."

Ohemgeee. Yes.

Ninoska Goris I still have my tshirt too. I will always love this series. For me are the books that started everything. I know that I absolutely love to read fantasy over anything

message 39: by Reynita (new) - added it

Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★ Great review! I haven't read this series but I watched the movies a few years ago and I liked them so much and I was team Edward. I remember me and my close friend talked about the movies ( and Edward hahaha ) together and my sister has read this series and she loved it so much. 😊

message 40: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I love that I'm not the only one who has massive rose-colored nostalgia glasses on when they read this.

Allison ☾ I re-read this recently as a 25 year old and I agree with everything you said here lol.

Miranda Reads Ninoska wrote: "I still have my tshirt too. I will always love this series. For me are the books that started everything. I know that I absolutely love to read fantasy over anything"

YAAAAAS! Tshirt Buddies for Life!! And I feel the same. Twilight really kickstarted my high school years off right!

Miranda Reads Reynita wrote: "Great review! I haven't read this series but I watched the movies a few years ago and I liked them so much and I was team Edward. I remember me and my close friend talked about the movies ( and Edw..."

Oh man. So many happy memories regarding the movies and the books :)

Miranda Reads Anne wrote: "I love that I'm not the only one who has massive rose-colored nostalgia glasses on when they read this."

Hurray :D:D

Miranda Reads Allison ☾ wrote: "I re-read this recently as a 25 year old and I agree with everything you said here lol."

OMG. We're twins now :P

Jasmine Love this review 💜💜💜

Miranda Reads Thank you!!

Felicia I loved these books and idc that my son makes fun of me for it 😂 great review 💖

Tiffany Yes!! 🙌 This series was one of my first book loves so I completely understand! I can still reread and fall for it all over again... even with the crazy unrealistic bits.

Jennifer (TheBookishCatGirl) I've yet to read this series. 😶 BUT I've seen the movies and I own the books... 😙😙

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