Rae Meadows's Reviews > Manhattan Beach

Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
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A 3.5 I suppose. I was disappointed by this novel. I really liked Goon Squad, but Manhattan Beach? Meh. Although it was a competent and well-formed novel, it didn't dazzle me. There's nothing glaringly wrong with it, but I was never emotionally invested. It felt overburdened by research, and at times the plot felt like stretch. (The period dialog felt hokey to me at times.)

I live across the street from the Brooklyn Navy Yard, so that was fun, looking out on Building 77, for instance. But I didn't dog-ear pages or particularly look forward to reading this book. I don't really get the hype, except it's Jennifer Egan. She is a talented writer, of course, but Manhattan Beach, to me, didn't really show her talent as it might have. A solid read but not enough fizz.
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message 1: by Sara (new) - added it

Sara ugh. yes, you nailed it.

message 2: by Rae (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rae Meadows Sara wrote: "ugh. yes, you nailed it."

Thanks, Sara. Glad it wasn't just me. It felt like the emperor's new clothes!t

message 3: by Larry (new)

Larry H Great review, Rae! Sorry it didn't work for you. I'll admit to having trouble with her books, so I've been on the fence with this one for a while, but I've seen more reviews like yours than glowing ones.

message 4: by Rae (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rae Meadows Larry wrote: "Great review, Rae! Sorry it didn't work for you. I'll admit to having trouble with her books, so I've been on the fence with this one for a while, but I've seen more reviews like yours than glowing..."

Thank you, Larry! I feel like you wouldn't feel the emotional connection to this one either.

Angela M is taking a break. I thought I commented but don’t see it . I liked this better than Goon Squad but as always appreciate your thoughts!

message 6: by Elaine Mullane (new)

Elaine Mullane || Elaine and the Books Great review. I've heard mixed reviews about this one but something tells me I'll still give it a go!

message 7: by Rae (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rae Meadows Angela M wrote: "I thought I commented but don’t see it . I liked this better than Goon Squad but as always appreciate your thoughts!"

Thanks, Angela--I can see Goon Squad not being for everyone, and possibly not holding up over time. It will be interesting to see if she sticks with the traditional novel next time around.

message 8: by Rae (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rae Meadows Elaine wrote: "Great review. I've heard mixed reviews about this one but something tells me I'll still give it a go!"

Thanks, Elaine! It's definitely worthwhile. I would have liked it more if my expectations had not been so high.

message 9: by Lorna (new)

Lorna Rae, I have vacillated on this and I thank you for your honest review. Meh. . .

message 10: by Rae (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rae Meadows Lorna wrote: "Rae, I have vacillated on this and I thank you for your honest review. Meh. . ."

Thanks, Lorna!

Cheri Perfect review, Rae, I never read Goon Squad... I read the kindle sample and it just didn't grab me, but the idea of this held so much promise... and then it became such a disappointment. I'm sorry it wasn't better for you, either.

message 12: by Rae (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rae Meadows Cheri wrote: "Perfect review, Rae, I never read Goon Squad... I read the kindle sample and it just didn't grab me, but the idea of this held so much promise... and then it became such a disappointment. I'm sorry..."

Thanks, Cheri! Yes, it felt like it should have been more emotionally engaging--if going by the premise--but then, no. Sorry it didn't work for either of us.

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