Taylor Ramirez's Reviews > An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green
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bookshelves: nope

"Coming home from work at three a.m., twenty-three-year-old April May..."

April May

Nope. Ya lost me.
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Reading Progress

January 23, 2018 – Shelved
January 23, 2018 – Shelved as: nope

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Annie Come on! its Hank Green, of course her name is April-May. Give it a try, the book is amazing

message 2: by Kaylie (new) - added it

Kaylie Her parents were just really clever, that's all!

Aaron After reading it, the first book that I thought of that kind of had the same feel was Snowcrash, and... well... Hiro Protagonist. Didn't even notice it until now.

April Lol that's the main reason I want to read it. My name is April, and my name was almost April March because my mom hadn't changed her last name from her ex-husband's yet. (Stephen March, an author, btw.) She took my dad's name, so I was saved that, but she always liked to joke that she could have named me April May March.

message 5: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Archer Just bailed after a hundred pages. Could not stand this book. What a dumb premise.

message 6: by Devon (new)

Devon Munn Is there any other reasons you don't want to read the book besides the main character having a silly name? Just askin.

message 7: by Taylor (new) - added it

Taylor Ramirez Devon wrote: "Is there any other reasons you don't want to read the book besides the main character having a silly name? Just askin."

The premise just doesn't interest me lol. That's the main reason, the name thing was a joke.

message 8: by Devon (new)

Devon Munn Taylor wrote: "Devon wrote: "Is there any other reasons you don't want to read the book besides the main character having a silly name? Just askin."

The premise just doesn't interest me lol. That's the main reas..."

Oh ok just asking. Humor can be a weird thing these days

message 9: by Amy (new)


message 10: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie Taylor I went to university with someone named April March

message 11: by Ari (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ari Yep. And the way her character is written pretty much mirrors the pretentious, silly tone of her name, honestly.

Sierra Copeland I liked that the book had a silly, non-serious vibe to it honestly. I mean, somebody was turned to grape jelly. I don't think the whole book was meant to be taken seriously. I liked that the ridiculousness of the whole thing made me laugh at times.

Robynne Lozier I do agree that the name is not at all imaginative. It could not have been more plain.

Too Much To Swallow (I am fox!) uhhhhhhh
i REaLlY HaTe GoOdReAdS sOmEtImES

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