Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕'s Reviews > Professor Feelgood

Professor Feelgood by Leisa Rayven
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bookshelves: arcs-2018, favorites

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“ Loving someone is the easiest thing in the world.
Having them love you back is the hard part.”

WOW! This story totally took me be surprise and I loved that! Who would’ve thought that an frenemies romance would have me grasping for every single word and make me want so much more. Leisa Rayven created characters that were bold, classy, and full of passion that bled through every single page.

Asha Tate has one constant thing going for her and that’s her career as an editorial assistant. . Dreaming of being a top editor one day, she knows that in this business, finding the right story is everything. When she comes across an Instagram page that she’s been following for quite some time with some of the most powerful poems, she gets an idea to reach out to none other than the man dubbed as “ Professor Feelgood. With a once in a lifetime chance of having this man tell his own story for the world to read about, Asha knows that she’s about to encounter something big with this man. But what she doesn’t know is that her time with him will throw her life into a tailspin. But for better or worse, that is the question.

“Anyone who says true love is easy has never felt it because there’s nothing easy about loving a person who’s as necessary to your life as breathing. There’s nothing easy about being so terrified of losing them, you’ll make a thousand wrong decisions before you figure out that risking everything is the only right one.”

I have to say that I was completely shocked with this one. I had to no idea what to expect but I liked the fact that this author threw a wrench into the normal “boy meets girl” plot. It was funny at times, deeply emotional, humanly realistic, and off the charts sexy! Jake and Asha had had this connection like no other and you felt it everywhere. Now don’t even get me started on those poems because holy shit they were HOTTT!!!!!! Now I seriously cannot wait to see what this author is going to come up with next.

If you’re looking for a good light romance, then this one is for you.

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Reading Progress

January 12, 2018 – Shelved
September 15, 2018 – Started Reading
September 16, 2018 – Finished Reading

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❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books Happy reading Witchy!! xox

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ KAT ♕ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books ♕ wrote: "Happy reading Witchy!! xox"

Thanks beotch!❤❤xo

The Sassy Bookworm Fab review! Any OW drama in this one?

 Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕ Eve Recinella (Between The Bookends) wrote: "Fab review! Any OW drama in this one?"

Thanks Eve!! I would say kind of? If I elaborate more, it would spoil the story because of the plot lol

Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog•• Nice review, babe!! I need to add this one too! xox

The Sassy Bookworm Ok, can you say if the hero has sex with any other women apart from the herione? You can message me if you prefer. I don't mind spoilers! 😘

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Excellent review Sonya! = D xxx

Maida (Medley of Books) GREAT review, babe! I haven't read anything by this author but this sounds good! I'll have to check it out. Glad you enjoyed it! :) xoxo

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