destiny ♡ howling libraries's Reviews > City of Ashes

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
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bookshelves: ya, owned-p, fantasy

#1 City of Bones ★★★★☆
#2 City of Ashes ★★★☆☆
#3 City of Glass ★★★★☆
#4 City of Fallen Angels ★★★★★
#5 City of Lost Souls ★★★★★
#6 City of Heavenly Fire

I was originally going to give this installment 4 stars like I did with the first one, but after I thought about it for a while (er… the two freaking months it took me to get around to reviewing it, that is), I ultimately decided that I couldn’t really justify it, no matter how much I loved the ending. You see, my problem with Ashes is that, while the last 20% or so is fantastic, everything leading up to that point is booooring. That said, this review won’t be as in-depth as my Bones review was, so I apologize for skimming over things a bit more, but “meh” reviews are really tough for me to write! (Anyone else?)

“I don’t want to be a man,” said Jace. “I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can’t confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead.”

The angst is real in this book, and I don’t mind teenage angst at all—in fact, I’m often quite the sucker for it—but it never felt legitimate in this series? Maybe I’m jaded because I came into the series so late. Maybe, had I read these books when they were brand new and I didn’t have a clue what was coming, I would be crying right alongside these characters and eating it up, but as it stands, I just kept kind of doing that “hurry up” gesture towards my book and rolling my eyes a bit.

“I’ve got a stele we can use. Who wants to do me?”
“A regrettable choice of words,” muttered Magnus.

We also spend a lot of time with a lot of new characters in this one, whether it’s the Lightwood parents, some vicious old Shadowhunters, Fae folk, more demons, or members of Luke’s pack. I enjoyed the introductions of the newbies, but sometimes, it felt like characters were being introduced for the sole purpose of acting as props, rather than actually being fleshed out fully. One character in particular that I’m hoping we see more three-dimensionality from in the future is Maia, because her sassy little self had my heart from the get-go and I wanted more time with her.

“Is standing by the window muttering about blood something he does all the time?” asked Simon.
“No,” Jace said. “Sometimes he sits on the couch and does it.”

Another thing that was a huge positive for this book is how much time we got to spend exploring the more magical “Downworld” side of things, whether it was meeting the Fae people under the lake, or seeing Magnus show off as the incredible warlock he is. Magnus Bane might actually be my favorite character so far—since he hangs out with the teens, it can be hard for me to keep in mind that he is this incredibly old, powerful being, so whenever he gets the chance to remind everyone, I’m so here for his fabulous bisexual self.

“I thought I’d lie on the floor and writhe in pain for a while,” he grunted. “It relaxes me.”

Of course, my favorite thing about this book is the same as what I enjoyed most in Bones—no matter what your thoughts on Cassie’s writing are, you have to admit that she writes really adorable, hilarious banter, and watching the characters interact with each other is so much fun. The one-liners and snarky remarks alone are enough to keep me coming back for more, and in case you hadn’t already guessed, I will most certainly be picking up the third book in the series as soon as I get the chance. A lot of people have told me the second book is their least favorite and that it’s all uphill from here, so I cannot wait to see what comes next.

You can find this review and more on my blog, or you can follow me on twitter, bookstagram, or facebook!
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January 4, 2018 – Shelved
January 4, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
January 4, 2018 – Shelved as: ya
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February 23, 2018 –
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February 25, 2018 – Finished Reading
July 8, 2018 – Shelved as: owned-p
January 25, 2019 – Shelved as: fantasy

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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Ally I had the exact same feeling reading this- couldn't decide if the ending made up for the majority of the book or not lol

destiny ♡ howling libraries Ally wrote: "I had the exact same feeling reading this- couldn't decide if the ending made up for the majority of the book or not lol"

Lmao I'm glad I'm not alone! Like, I really, REALLY loved the last few chapters, with all of the action and all, but I was really surprised by how boring a lot of the beginning and middle parts were!

message 3: by Adrianna (new) - added it

Adrianna I’m reading a book right now that I’m enjoying and will finish because I need to know what happens but I don’t really like any characters that much and the writing is kind of blah

destiny ♡ howling libraries Adrianna wrote: "I’m reading a book right now that I’m enjoying and will finish because I need to know what happens but I don’t really like any characters that much and the writing is kind of blah"

That’s honestly one of the worst feelings lol. When you know you won’t rate a book highly or love the book but you still just have to know how it ends!

Marta This happens so often! Sometimes a book sucks during the majority of the story and then, it picks up at the end. I personally try to rate them by having everything in consideration.

destiny ♡ howling libraries Marta wrote: "This happens so often! Sometimes a book sucks during the majority of the story and then, it picks up at the end. I personally try to rate them by having everything in consideration."

Very true! That's what I'm trying to do, too. I feel like if I rate it based on the main part, I'm discounting the ending, but if I rate it based on the ending, I'm setting unfair expectations for the beginning/middle, lol!

Khrys ♡《TheWaffleGirl》 Omg I totally feel your frustration! Inconsistency in books always drive me crazyyyy

destiny ♡ howling libraries Khrys wrote: "Omg I totally feel your frustration! Inconsistency in books always drive me crazyyyy"

Right! I loved the first book and I hear a lot of people say this was their least fave in the series, so I'm still super excited to pick up City of Glass, but I can't say I was super impressed by Ashes.

jamie I felt the same way! I found the beginning to be so boring but LOVED th last like 100 pages

destiny ♡ howling libraries Jamie wrote: "I felt the same way! I found the beginning to be so boring but LOVED th last like 100 pages"

Exactly! The last 100 pages flew by!

Katie I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew threw the end of the book. I will say, TMI is CC's weakest series (in my opinion) but it's definitely worth it to get through because TID and TDA are SO much better

destiny ♡ howling libraries Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew threw the end of the book. I will say, TMI is CC's weakest series (in my opin..."

Exactly! I was reading 5 chapters a night for 4 nights. The first 3 nights were soooo slow, and then last night zoomed by, lol. I hear that a lot! After City of Glass, I'll be picking up the TID series, and then coming back to this one, like her website recommends. :)

Katie destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew threw the end of the book. I will say, TMI is CC's weakest seri..."

I know, it's rough. And idk about you, but I also HATE the love triangle in this book, which really only made things worse for me. By the end, at least that wasn't really the focus anymore! And good idea!! I definitely recommend reading TID at least before City of Heavenly Fire, so I think your plan is perfect :)

destiny ♡ howling libraries Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew threw the end of the book. I will say, TMI is C..."

Oh my GOD, yes. I absolutely hated it! I just do not like the "losing" character in the triangle at all, tbh - I mean, he was more exciting by the end of the book due to... you know, circumstances, lmao, but overall I just haven't enjoyed him as a character. I was so relieved when he was finally just like "Nah, forget this" at the end.

Katie destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew threw the end of the book. I will..."

Yeah, he's not my fave in the beginning of this series, but if it helps at all, I love him later in the series! It just frustrated me that he kind of forced it on Clary but at the same time, she let him do it even though she didn't really feel that way about him, and yeah it's one of the most frustrating love triangles ever. There is a love triangle in TID, but it's pretty much the most amazing love triangle ever (ok that might be overhyping it but it's a well done love triangle unlike this hot mess lol). But yes, that part at the end, I was like 🙌🏻 lol

destiny ♡ howling libraries Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew threw the end of ..."

That does help! I've heard other people say they liked him but they all said they liked him in the beginning, too, so I was worried I would never like him lol. But yeah, it is super frustrating - especially, like you said, her letting it happen despite knowing she didn't reciprocate. It also bugged me that HE could totally tell she didn't reciprocate. I dunno. It's part of why I genuinely appreciated the ending of this book, though - he finally respected himself enough to cut things off. Like, YES, thank you lol!

Katie destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but then I flew thr..."

I don't totally remember because the first time I read this was over 5 years ago, but I feel like I didn't like him initially and he grew on me, which is how I am feeling after rereading the first two books. And I think the epilogue helped where he was the one to end things. Like, I think that's the start of when I actually started to like him! So hopefully you're the same and you like him as the series continues as well! :)

destiny ♡ howling libraries Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "destiny wrote: "Katie wrote: "I recently reread this book and this is 100% how I felt - it took me FOREVER to read the first like 60% but..."

Oooh, good! I really hope so!

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