Chelsea Humphrey's Reviews > Mister Tender’s Girl

Mister Tender’s Girl by Carter   Wilson
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bookshelves: from-publisher, netgalley


"For better or for worse, Alice, you can never separate yourself from your children. They are an extension of you. I haven't spoken to my girls in over ten years, but they are still a part of me."

"Like a tree," I say. "Branches on a tree."

"No," he answers. "Like a cancer."

This was one messed up book, and I mean that in the best way possible. While it won't be the preferred taste of every reader, those who enjoy tales of dark deceit and disturbing disasters will likely take to Mister Tender's Girl. I kept spying raving reviews of this book on Goodreads, so like the good girl I am I immediately went and requested it from NetGalley. #FOMO I can 100% see where all the hype is coming from, and I love that the inspiration for this unique tale is somewhat grounded in the reality of the Slender Man stabbing. If you enjoy mysteries but are a bit squeamish, you'll want to take a hard pass on this one, but if you enjoy the heavier, more graphic side of the genre, you're in the right place.

We find out right off the bat that our girl Alice was the subject of a gruesome attempted murder by teenage twins aiming to please Mister Tender, a fictional bartender in the graphic novels that Alice's father penned. It was rumored that if you could please Mister Tender, he would grant you the greatest desire of your heart, and the twins wanted everlasting fame. Well, I guess they got it one way or another. Hence the "Mister Tender told me to" story. Fast forward 14 years and Alice is still trying to escape her past. She's moved with her mother and brother to America and the twins have recently been released from prison. Someone is gearing up to mess with Alice again, and this time it's escalating quickly. Who is Mister Tender and what does he want with Alice?

Let's start with all the things I loved about this book. I was in the mood for something highly entertaining, something I could get lost in yet not have to think about too deeply. This was the perfect novel to do so in, because it is gripping, exciting, and perfectly equal parts breath-taking action and suspenseful character development. While there are many mysteries, great and small here, I didn't feel the pressure of having to solve them myself. I was able to just sit back and watch it all unfold. I was fully invested in the reveals, but was able to wait and be shocked along the way, instead of rushing about trying to figure it out before the author decided to let us in on all the secrets. I hope that makes sense.

The characters, the plot development, everything was perfect for me up until about the 85% mark. I was all set to give this the biggest, fattest, five stars you've ever seen, but then the ending happened. Let me clarify-I loved the who and why of the reveal. All the pieces that tied this portion together were perfection. What I didn't enjoy was the how. The final "big showdown" wasn't grand at all; in fact, it was anti-climactic at best. I can't give any detail for fear of spoilers, but I sat there shaking my head going "REALLY? That's the best way this story could end?" for a full hour before I could move on to reading something else. Perhaps I just was expecting something a bit less cheesy, but it felt as if the author got to this point and lost steam. Otherwise, this book was amazing and I still recommend it purely for the enjoyment factor.

I'm new to Wilson's books, but I've seen his previous The Comfort Of Black floating around Goodreads with copious praise, so I'm more than intrigued to read another story from him. This was overall a well-written, engaging, and at times terrifying read; the type I'm always wishing to find more of. Carter Wilson is clearly an author who knows how to entertain his audience by including meaningful family drama with his crime fiction, and I hope to continue seeing his books plastered across social media in the near future. Highly recommended for those looking for a little less mainstream read; one that isn't a cookie cutter reading experience but will take you on a wild ride, if you allow it to. Go ahead, tell Mister Tender your deepest, darkest secrets. He's listening. :)

*Many thanks to the publisher for providing my copy via NetGalley. 
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Comments Showing 1-23 of 23 (23 new)

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Elle G. Reads I hope you enjoy it. I really liked this one!

Chelsea Humphrey Elle ✦ Pretty Little Books ✦ wrote: "I hope you enjoy it. I really liked this one!"

Thanks Ellie!

message 3: by Stacey (new)

Stacey The best thing about being late is that it's available NOW!! I'm running to the book store....

Chelsea Humphrey Stacey wrote: "The best thing about being late is that it's available NOW!! I'm running to the book store...."

That is so true!!! 🤣

Melisa Woo, it’s cray! Enjoy!

Chelsea Humphrey Melisa wrote: "Woo, it’s cray! Enjoy!"

Perfect; I need a good dose of fictional cray! 🤣

message 7: by Erin (new)

Erin Clemence Better late than never!

Brooke Just got this one today & excited to start. Hope you're liking it so far.

Chelsea Humphrey Erin wrote: "Better late than never!"


Chelsea Humphrey Brooke wrote: "Just got this one today & excited to start. Hope you're liking it so far."

Ah can’t wait to hear your thoughts! I’m barely into it due to life thwarting my reading plans but so far am intrigued.

message 11: by Cassie (new) - added it

Cassie Yes!!! Totally how I felt!!

Chelsea Humphrey This book was so engaging and unique and then that final showdown was like crickets chirping 🤣

message 13: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Patiently awaiting!

Chelsea Humphrey Holly wrote: "Patiently awaiting!"

❤️ I’m leaning toward a 3.5 for now but I’ll let you know ASAP! 😘

message 15: by Crumb (new) - added it

Crumb Excellent review, Chelsea!

Chelsea Humphrey Crumb wrote: "Excellent review, Chelsea!"

Thank you crumb!

Brenda Excellent review, Chelsea! 👏

Chelsea Humphrey Brenda wrote: "Excellent review, Chelsea! 👏"

Thank you Brenda; as was yours! 🤗

Frank Phillips I'm reading it right now with about a hundred pages left and I'm loving it! I hope I enjoy the ending more than you did though :-(

Chelsea Humphrey Frank wrote: "I'm reading it right now with about a hundred pages left and I'm loving it! I hope I enjoy the ending more than you did though :-("

I’ve seen loads of reviewers who enjoyed the ending much more than I did. I think I’m in the minority here. 👍🏼

message 21: by Amelia (new) - added it

Amelia Strydom Excellent review, Chelsea. Gotta read this one!

Chelsea Humphrey Amelia wrote: "Excellent review, Chelsea. Gotta read this one!"

Thanks Amelia; the kindle edition is only $1.99 right now!

Debra Terrific review, Chelsea!

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