Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Girl of Nightmares

Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
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The following book has been found in an abandoned, run-down house along with a body, a pen, and a worn and tattered copy of Girl of Nightmares.  The walls have many words and phrases written in blood. It's contents provide the only clues to the

events that led to the the death of a person and an increasing string of disturbances in the area.

It reads as such:


This is a journal of my reading expedition.  I have traveled to this remote locale so that I may read Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake in solitude.  Rumour has it that this book is cursed and that whosoever reads it is doomed to have their wits scrambled and to be left insensible.  Nevertheless I bravely proceed and scoff in the face of superstition.  My intention is that others may benefit from the experiences chronicled within my journal and use it as a reference guide in their own reading experiences of Blake's second dip into the Anna Dressed in Blood Universe.

Page 1

I have been intrigued and saddened by the beginning.  Dearest Anna, it seems, will likely not be a major character in this book, alas.  But the writing remains of quality and it seems there are to be some ghost.

Page 48

There have been some instances of exciting ghost happenings, but also a great deal of plot set up and relationship dynamics.  I rather wonder what the hype is but shall persevere for now.

Page 150

It has been a difficult slog.  There has been average levels of awesome recorded and long stretches between badassery.  I have grown weary of the angst and seek to end the experiment.  Perseverance forces me onward and the everlasting hope that I shall one day be reunited with Anna. Her lack of presence in this novel has made it cumbersome and Cas' angst, and the secrecy surrounding him is wearisome.  I am starting to doubt the curse.  Worse yet, I am starting to doubt Blake.  How far I have fallen?  Tonight I shall weep tears of disappointment as I sleep with the lights on.

Page 235

Hark? Is this the same novel?  Surely some great charm has bewitched me.  My instruments do not lie, yet surely there has been a mistake.  When I documented the levels of awesome, I was forced to notarize in my ledger that it was over 9000 and was unable to take further measurements for I had incidentally crushed my scouter in response.  "What? 9000?" I said in shock and awe.  "There's no way that can be right!"

I am not sure what happened next for I blacked out and was awoken the next day by hazy memories.  There are now strange markings on the wall but I know not what they mean.  I fear I have put them there.  Am I becoming a monster?  Can this curse be true and is it tampering with my senses?

Page 291

I understand now.  I was foolish and ignorant before, but I have been shown the way.  There is no human explanation.  Yet I realize now that life has no meaning, but for this book.  It is my only love.  My purpose.  It is the reason I have been born.  There is no curse.  Those who have not read it have been cursed.  It is all so clear to me now.  I have written a song for Blake that brings tears to my eyes as I sing it continuously throughout the night. It has become my only companion through out my enlightenment.  I have written it down so that this knowledge may be passed on through the ages.

Blake Blake Blake Blake, Blake.
BlakeBlake, Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake,
Blake Blake Blake, BlakeBlake.
BlakeBlakeBlake...Blake Blake Blake.

I hope that I am one day able to sing this song to her in person and that SHE WILL BE PLEASED WITH ME!

Page 332



Snargle half-blabber!


This review and more can also be found at my blog, Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
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Reading Progress

October 14, 2011 – Shelved
May 3, 2012 – Started Reading
May 4, 2012 –
page 48
14.46% "Holy merciful mother of Pokemon! Wwwwaaaahhhhhh! Turn on ALL the lights."
May 4, 2012 –
page 144
43.37% "Awwwwwwwww! Noooooo!"
May 5, 2012 – Finished Reading
May 8, 2012 – Shelved as: favorites
May 8, 2012 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
May 8, 2012 – Shelved as: leaves-awesomeness-behind
May 8, 2012 – Shelved as: to-ya-or-not-to-ya
May 8, 2012 – Shelved as: ya-pnr-maddness

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Shay (new) - added it

Shay Have (creepy) fun!

Rola You got the ARC ? :O

Steph Sinclair How much do you love the drawing Kendare drew for us? :)

Kat Kennedy Rola - Blake was kind enough to send us one.

Steph - it's so cute! I love it!

Rola Lucky !!! How is it so far? I'm seriously dying to read it!

message 7: by Marina (new)

Marina Reading the first book rn mostly because I've seen you guys ARC-ing the second. Haha. It's pretty good! Is the mother more involved in #2? Her non-presence and general acceptance of what underage Cas is doing is one thing I'm currently having an issue with.

message 8: by Siddhee (new) - added it

Siddhee oh man! I just read your review, and m excited beyond words. And now I once again have to succumb to being patient, and wait for this book. *weep*

message 9: by Lyndi W. (new)

Lyndi W. Pretty sure all reviews should be written in this 'lost journal' format.

message 10: by Kate (new)

Kate Copeseeley hahaha I wondered where you went, and now I know. Had to get away from the kids so you could read a book, huh? That's what the gym is for.

message 11: by Jase (new)

Jase Nice Reviw .. I would love to read that book

Giselle Blake Blake Blake Blake, Blake.

Look what you done!

message 13: by Julianna (new) - added it


message 14: by Ain020596 (new) - added it


message 15: by A (new) - added it

A I'm so insanely jealous that you've read this already! I'm ripping my hair out until August 7th!

Heather the Queen of (Smut)Books Best review I have ever read!! Seriously.

Stuti Rai Ha ha! Puts me in mind of the minotaur creature from The God Complex episode of Doctor Who S06. Better be careful, Blake's probably coming to suck the life out of you. :P

Story I love the format of your review! It fits so well with the tone of the books!

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