Jasprit's Reviews > Geek Girl

Geek Girl by Cindy C. Bennett
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bookshelves: arc-galley, read-in-2011, contemporary, romance, ya

Jen is your typical bad girl; she hangs out with a group of friends known for their reputation for partying hard, drinking, drugs and smoking. She has a typical Goth look going on that her foster family don’t really approve of; tight black clothes, red and black hair and lots of heavy make-up. She hasn’t really had a stable family relationship, her relationship with her parents was difficult and so she’s moved around quite a lot from one foster family to another. Having got stuck with a foster family who are “un-cool”; they have a no piercing on the face rule, insist on spending Fridays together as family time, where they play family games and hang out and her foster mum likes to go on evening walks wearing a ridiculous straw hat! Jen’s completely bored and so to liven things up a bit decides to bet her friends Beth and Ella that she can turn one of the school geeks Trevor bad. This is an interesting challenge for Jen as Trevor isn’t your typical geek, yes he’s a straight A student and a goody two shoes, but he’s sort of a cool geek. If Jen wins the bet her friends agree to pay for Jen to get her lip re-pierced. But Jen ends up getting more than she bargained for, having initially seeing Trevor as a complete geek; with his debates about sci-fi films with his other geeky friends, (view spoiler)

It was fun watching Jen trying to convert Trevor over to the bad side, his awkwardness at Jen continually approaching him and hanging out with him and not understanding why. The whole getting to know Trevor was a whole new experience for Jen, she’d already been through so much and so (view spoiler)

Cindy Bennett did a great job with Geek Girl; I felt at times the story could be predictable (view spoiler) and because of the predictability of the story I could only give Geek Girl three stars. But her writing is cleverly done; she inter-weaves serious aspects to a generally comically fun book really well.

If you’re looking for a quick, fun easy going read then Geek Girl’s for you.

Thank you NetGalley and Cedar Fort for giving me this opportunity to read this book.
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Reading Progress

October 10, 2011 – Shelved
November 18, 2011 – Started Reading
November 24, 2011 –
November 26, 2011 – Finished Reading

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Jasprit Thanks Sam check it out it might be your type of book :)

message 2: by ♥Rachel♥ (new)

♥Rachel♥ Great review Jasprit. Was the payoff good in the end? :)

Jasprit Thanks Rachel. I don't know it wasn't my usual sort of read but I mostly did enjoy it :)

message 4: by Laura (new)

Laura I have been meaning to read this one! Sounds like a cute read! :) So hard…must resist clicking on spoilers! Haha… :D Wonderful review!

Jasprit Haha thanks Laura :)

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