destiny ♡ howling libraries's Reviews > Furyborn

Furyborn by Claire Legrand
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it was ok
bookshelves: fantasy, ya, review-copies

DNF @ pg 210

I normally don't give star ratings to DNFs unless I've put in a substantial enough effort to fully determine my thoughts on the book, but I'd say 200+ pages of effort is enough to justify a star rating for this one.

Do you ever have one of those books that something in your gut tells you, 'You're not going to like this one, but you give it a try anyways? And then within a few chapters, you realize that your intuition was totally right and you never should've bothered? Because that was this book for me, from chapter one onward. Despite reading this with a group of lovely reviewers who were all enjoying it vastly more than I did, I just couldn't seem to get into the hype or form any enjoyable connection with the plot or characters.

Furyborn starts off strong, don't get me wrong. The prologue is absolutely beautiful and had me thinking that maybe I would end up shocking myself and loving this book, but as soon as chapter one began, it felt like a totally different author had taken over. The writing wasn't as beautiful or captivating, the characters weren't as intriguing, and the plot wasn't as enthralling. By the end of the first chapter, I felt like a dark, gloomy cloud had settled over my entire reading experience.

The story shifts between two perspectives: Rielle, from the past, and Eliana, from the present - two queens, both with incredible powers foretold by prophecies. I love alternating perspectives, I love split timelines, and I love prophecies. I even love tournaments, which is what a substantial portion of Rielle's narrative revolves around. And there's bi rep? Theoretically speaking, this book should have checked all my fantasy boxes! Here's why it didn't:

• Eliana is painfully unlikable. I adore morally grey characters more than anything, but I need them to be genuinely grey, and in my opinion, Eliana wasn't. She flips constantly between cold-hearted cruelty, or bouts of angst and shame, and I just wanted her to commit one way or another rather than falling to pieces every time she was alone for more than five seconds.

• I immediately grew weary of Eliana's arrogance and insistence that she could destroy or seduce anyone she met. I am so here for sex positivity, don't get me wrong! But half of the time, her motives behind seduction or even flirting are to gain the upper hand or trick someone, and that's a trope that gets old fast for me. I'd much rather see a character have sex because they want it, as opposed to using it as a means to an end.

• Rielle is not only boring, she's also fully out of control - which makes sense, given that she was raised not to utilize or temper her powers, but her lack of self-control is portrayed via a scene of animal abuse that left me positively infuriated and sickened. There are so many ways it could have been presented that wouldn't have made me hate her character, but the fact is that, as the abuse was occurring, she noticed that her actions were harming the animal, but disregarded the consequences until they were brought to her attention in a fairly graphic and incredibly difficult to stomach manner.

• The world-building feels so unrefined to me. The entire notion of their world, politics, and belief systems were fascinating on the surface, but after over 200 pages, I still felt like nothing had been properly explained and, to be frank, had lost faith that they ever would be. I love books with action as much as the next reader, but I genuinely feel that Furyborn sacrifices building up its world and magic system in favor of over-dosing on fight scenes and trials, and I wasn't here for it.

There were a few things I enjoyed, such as the prologue, or the bi rep Rielle offered (I actually almost finished the book just in hopes of seeing a polyamorous relationship form between herself, the man she loved, and that man's fiance). Unfortunately, though, there was a lot more that I didn't like.

I received this ARC from Fairyloot, but these are still my honest opinions, as always. If you disagree with my opinions, I'm always happy to have a friendly conversation about our disagreements, but please be respectful in your discourse! <3
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Reading Progress

November 16, 2017 – Shelved
November 16, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
March 2, 2018 – Started Reading
March 2, 2018 –
page 64
12.77% "I would really like to say that I am already in love with this book.

Sadly, that is not the case. At all."
March 3, 2018 –
page 70
13.97% "Wow. TW for animal abuse. 😔"
March 4, 2018 –
page 140
March 5, 2018 –
page 140
27.94% "Strongly considering DNFing this one, and it makes me sad, but... life is short, you know?"
March 5, 2018 – Finished Reading
February 12, 2019 – Shelved as: dnf
February 12, 2019 – Shelved as: fantasy
February 12, 2019 – Shelved as: ya
February 16, 2020 – Shelved as: review-copies

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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J.A. Ironside Really sorry this one wasn't for you, Destiny.

destiny ♡ howling libraries J.A. wrote: "Really sorry this one wasn't for you, Destiny."

Thanks, Jules! <3 It's a bummer but I'm so glad the rest of you are all enjoying it so much! I have high hopes for the next buddy read. :)

Nadhira Satria Oh I’m loving these bad reviews for this ugly book that are popping out


destiny ♡ howling libraries Nadhira wrote: "Oh I’m loving these bad reviews for this ugly book that are popping out"


Lmaoooo. I feel like it's going to be one of those big releases that is just super polarizing, which is weird because I feel like we've had a lot of those in YA SF/F lately? (Like Everless, Heart of Iron, The Hazel Wood...)

The horse almost made me throw the book across the room tbh.

message 6: by Paula (new) - added it

Paula (She Sniffs Books) Eh, I'm thinking about DNFing it, too. I haven't said hardly anything in the buddy read, but probably will today.

Nadhira Satria destiny wrote: "Nadhira wrote: "Oh I’m loving these bad reviews for this ugly book that are popping out"


Lmaoooo. I feel like it's going to be one of those b..."

TRUEEEE. Fortunately I loved Everless but I got the hazel wood from fairyloot and I'm scared to read it

message 8: by Cindy S. (new)

Cindy S. Thank you so much for the warning about the animal abuse as it can be pretty triggering to me. This is not a book I was sure I wanted to read to begin with so I think I'll give it a pass.

message 9: by Quill&Queer (new)

Quill&Queer "The prologue is absolutely beautiful and had me thinking that maybe I would end up shocking myself and loving this book, but as soon as chapter one began, it felt like a totally different author had taken over."

I had a problem with this with the Chemical Garden series by Lauren DeStefano. I think it was written at vastly different points in her life which may be what happened here.

destiny ♡ howling libraries Paula wrote: "Eh, I'm thinking about DNFing it, too. I haven't said hardly anything in the buddy read, but probably will today."

Oh my god, Paula! I feel so validated right now! 😂💕

destiny ♡ howling libraries Nadhira wrote: "destiny wrote: "Nadhira wrote: "Oh I’m loving these bad reviews for this ugly book that are popping out"


Lmaoooo. I feel like it's going to b..."

I hope you enjoy it more than I did 😂

destiny ♡ howling libraries Cindy S. wrote: "Thank you so much for the warning about the animal abuse as it can be pretty triggering to me. This is not a book I was sure I wanted to read to begin with so I think I'll give it a pass."

You’re welcome, Cindy! I can definitely understand passing on it over that. :(

destiny ♡ howling libraries Vee ♔Under Mountain Books♔ wrote: ""The prologue is absolutely beautiful and had me thinking that maybe I would end up shocking myself and loving this book, but as soon as chapter one began, it felt like a totally different author h..."

Wow, Vee, you know, I hadn’t thought about it like that, but now that you mention it, I think I read somewhere that the author had been working on this book for over a decade? So maybe she did write the prologue at a different time! That actually would make a lot of sense! 🤔

Ainslee || Jest and Hearts I read this and don't buy into the hype of the book, I liked it but my problem with it was the characters. Audric and Rielle specifically were just horrible characters. Rielle is extremely unlikeable to the point I didn't even want to read her perspective anymore and Audric was just an IDIOT blinded by his feelings. it drove me insane. Im all for morally gray characters too but Rielle was just beyond that.

destiny ♡ howling libraries Ainslee || Jest and Hearts wrote: "I read this and don't buy into the hype of the book, I liked it but my problem with it was the characters. Audric and Rielle specifically were just horrible characters. Rielle is extremely unlikeab..."

Totally valid complaints, Ainslee! I agree that Audric felt blinded by his feelings, for sure. As far as Rielle goes, I didn't dislike her as much as I disliked Eliana, but I still didn't enjoy her as a character overall. :( It makes me feel like this author's writing may not be for me as a whole, if those are the types of characters she crafts.

message 16: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy Risner Sorry you didn't like this, Destiny! It's been fun discussing in our buddy read chat, though! Totally valid reasons you've listed! <3

message 17: by Nadhira (last edited Mar 06, 2018 10:37AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Nadhira Satria destiny wrote: "Ainslee || Jest and Hearts wrote: "I read this and don't buy into the hype of the book, I liked it but my problem with it was the characters. Audric and Rielle specifically were just horrible chara..."

"As far as Rielle goes, I didn't dislike her as much as I disliked Eliana"

oh sweetie, you should be glad you stopped at page 210....

She gets worse every 50 pages :)))

destiny ♡ howling libraries Amy wrote: "Sorry you didn't like this, Destiny! It's been fun discussing in our buddy read chat, though! Totally valid reasons you've listed! <3"

Thank you, Amy! <3 I've had a great time with the buddy read chat!

Rian *fire and books* Oh Destiny! I'm sorry our communal love couldn't rescue this book for you! That animal scene was freaking hard yo. Onto better books! I'm sure we'll all let you know what happens to what I also sincerely hope turns into a poly triangle. (Grumble grumble need more queer grumble grumble)

destiny ♡ howling libraries Rian *fire and blood* wrote: "Oh Destiny! I'm sorry our communal love couldn't rescue this book for you! That animal scene was freaking hard yo. Onto better books! I'm sure we'll all let you know what happens to what I also sin..."

Aw, thank you, Rian! <3 I'm just so glad you guys are enjoying it and I honestly can't wait to read all of your reviews! (And yesss, can we PLEASE start getting some poly rep in these books?!)

message 21: by Tina (new) - added it

Tina oh no...I was really really looking forward to this book... 🙈🙈🙈

destiny ♡ howling libraries Tanvi wrote: "oh no...I was really really looking forward to this book... 🙈🙈🙈"

I would definitely say still pick it up and give it a try! It seems like everyone either hates or loves it with no in-between, haha!

Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ Hope your next read is better, babe! Awesome review even though the book was a bust xx

message 24: by CR (new) - added it

CR Daylex I couldn't get into it either ;( The writing was just weird? The first scenes seemed so unnecessary.

destiny ♡ howling libraries Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰ wrote: "Hope your next read is better, babe! Awesome review even though the book was a bust xx"

Thank you, Alex! <3

destiny ♡ howling libraries CR wrote: "I couldn't get into it either ;( The writing was just weird? The first scenes seemed so unnecessary."

Yeah, I feel you. :/ I just wasn't impressed.

Fafa's Book Corner I’m sorry you didn’t like it 😞

Yes exactly! Also I’m so done with fantasy characters in an abusive family! I know that there are abusive families but in fantasy it’s used as a plot device. Like it was just done so that Rielle could hate her father.

Oh yeah I remember that poor horse! Although not once did I see the bi representation. Both Rielle and Eliana only seemed to lust after men.

I hope you’re next read is better! Great review ☺️

destiny ♡ howling libraries Fafa's Book Corner wrote: "I’m sorry you didn’t like it 😞

Yes exactly! Also I’m so done with fantasy characters in an abusive family! I know that there are abusive families but in fantasy it’s used as a plot device. Like it..."

The main bi rep I saw before I DNFed was Rielle (I think?) talking about how she had sexual dreams about both men and women? But at the point I DNFed it, that was the only mention of it I remember explicitly seeing. But yeah, I just felt so "meh" about the story as a whole. :( I'm sorry you didn't like it, either!

message 29: by Candace (new)

Candace Robinson All I know is I tried to get through this several times and just could not! So many people seem to love it so glad there isn’t something wrong with me! 😂😂

destiny ♡ howling libraries Candace wrote: "All I know is I tried to get through this several times and just could not! So many people seem to love it so glad there isn’t something wrong with me! 😂😂"

No, definitely not, Candace! Haha it always makes me feel more "valid" when someone else struggles with a book I couldn't get into, too, though, so I feel you. <3 We are totally valid no matter what books we like (or dislike), even if our brains sometimes say otherwise, haha!

message 31: by Dee (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dee I liked the world building in this, but I agree it could have been more fleshed out. I'm about 40% in, and I'm just having a real hard time with it. I don't like either character. Glad to know it's not just me!

destiny ♡ howling libraries Deanna Reads Books wrote: "I liked the world building in this, but I agree it could have been more fleshed out. I'm about 40% in, and I'm just having a real hard time with it. I don't like either character. Glad to know it's..."

Nope, definitely not just you, Deanna. :( I'm sorry it's not working out so great for you, either, though!

La La If this hadn't been a review ARC, I would have dnfed it, too.

destiny ♡ howling libraries La La wrote: "If this hadn't been a review ARC, I would have dnfed it, too."

Ugh, I'm sorry for you. I hate DNFing review ARCs and try to do it as rarely as possible, so I felt lucky that this was just one I received in my Fairyloot box.

message 35: by Dee (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dee La La wrote: "If this hadn't been a review ARC, I would have dnfed it, too."

Same! I just felt bored. I still gave it 3 stars, but I think I was just being really nice.

message 36: by CR (new) - added it

CR Daylex I DNFed this too. The writing was really convoluted at the start.

destiny ♡ howling libraries CR wrote: "I DNFed this too. The writing was really convoluted at the start."

Deanna Reads Books wrote: "La La wrote: "If this hadn't been a review ARC, I would have dnfed it, too."

Same! I just felt bored. I still gave it 3 stars, but I think I was just being really nice."

I'm just glad it isn't just me! I feel like the longer this book is out, the more mixed its reviews are - which, on the one hand, I want people to enjoy the things they read, but on the other hand, we all know there's something validating in hearing someone else say they disliked a book you disliked, haha.

message 38: by Elena (new)

Elena G I sort of have to agree with you for most of this. I’m only 79 pages in but the character switches are confusing the heck out of me and are making it hard to follow the plot. I enjoy stories with varying amounts of perspectives, but only if you do it right. For example, in the book Echo, the other book Echo After Echo, and They Both Die In the End, the character switches were done magnificently. And the way how nothing is explained? I have a history of not liking books where they just jump into the plot but I think I’ve decided to stay where I am, and I like it as long as there is a little bit of information slipped in here and there, like in Gifted. But this far into Furyborn, I expect to understand it better. And I’m not going to mention the characters in the prologue (mainly Simon) because I suspect they’ll show up later. If they don’t, then well...

I do also agree that the basic plot and world for this story have a good potential and could have a wonderful story, but the way we jump right into the rising action with no exposition just 1. Confuses readers 2. Doesn’t let us get attached to characters and 3. Jumps right into the action with hardly any context. And can we talk about how there’s hardly any flaws for Rielle and Eliana? I mean, Rielle can seem to control herself but she seems to enjoy it. And Eliana, she has the occasional flaw but nothing that stands out. I wanted to like this book but so far, there’s just quite a few things I would fix.

destiny ♡ howling libraries Elena wrote: "I sort of have to agree with you for most of this. I’m only 79 pages in but the character switches are confusing the heck out of me and are making it hard to follow the plot. I enjoy stories with v..."

Thanks, Elena! These are all super valid points. I don't mind too much if a book jumps right into a plot or alternates perspectives as long as it's done well, but sadly, I just don't feel like it's done very well in this one. I'm currently reading another upcoming release of Claire Legrand's titled Sawkill Girls, and while I am so far enjoying it a lot more than this one, I'm still not loving the way she writes her perspective switches. It also is guilty of the same thing as Furyborn, where you're dumped right into the middle of the action, but it's a thriller so I think it works better for that genre as opposed to how it was accomplished in Furyborn.

Julie Daniels I'm glad it isn't just me. Thank you for posting this. I've been struggling with this one and I'm ready to give up.

destiny ♡ howling libraries Julie wrote: "I'm glad it isn't just me. Thank you for posting this. I've been struggling with this one and I'm ready to give up."

Definitely not just you! I'm sorry you're not enjoying it much either, though.

message 42: by Eren (new) - rated it 1 star

Eren I had to put it down too. I did find the world fascinating but the characters were ripped straight from a Sarah J Maas book imo. I don’t like SJM either so I just gave up. Even though I loved the world, the plot nor the characters were interesting enough for me to continue.

message 43: by Quill&Queer (new)

Quill&Queer Thank you, I draw a hard line at animal abuse so this is being removed from my wishlist.

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