Kris's Reviews > The Host

The Host by Stephenie Meyer
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did not like it

I am having so much trouble reading this book, and who am I to judge? I am just a lowly reader and spender, not a publisher. But there is just something about the writing in this book that is making the voices in my head scream. I had the same experience when I read "Twilight."
Ms. Meyers is over-the-top descriptive where there is no need to be. If I had to count how many times she wrote, "I winced." or, "I flinched." or, "I sighed." or, "Ian sighed." I bet it would be in the hundreds. She has added TOO many 2 word sentences that would drive most English Professors to madness. I know it is driving me to madness, and I only worked for English Professors.
It has gotten to the point to where I may have to set this book aside and move on to something else before I can come back and finish it.
If I didn't have the policy of "no book left unread," I would toss it aside. But alas, it is not in my genetic makeup to leave a book unread.

Ok, I stuck it out and finished the book. I can't say that I like it much better than what I said above. I don't know why this was classified as an adult novel. It read way too much like her Twilight series without a lot of complication. Her relationships and inward character battles are exhausting and juvenile. I do have to say that maybe my expectations were a little too high for this book and that is why I am disappointed.
However, I will end with this: who is the one getting books published? Not me, so what do I know. I just know what I like to read.
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May 6, 2008 – Shelved
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June 1, 2008 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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message 1: by Chanelle (new) - added it

Chanelle You verbalized everything I was thinking about this book. In the first half, every other sentence is followed by "he groaned, she moaned, he grumbled, or she mumbled". It was driving me batty and that's all I could notice!

Vivian But there is just something about the writing in this book that is making the voices in my head scream.

LOL! I felt the same way about the book.

Sheereenrox OH gosh, how can you judge the adjectives used and not the whole book itself? In my opinion I thought it was AMAZING.., maybe because I thiught of it as a complete beautiful movie and one of the best sci-fis i've ever read...

Melyssa "Ms. Meyers is over-the-top descriptive where there is no need to be."

I totally agree with you. My thoughts immediately went to the Twilight books when I read this in your review. How many times do you have to read about how beautiful and perfect Edward and the Cullens are, and his smoldering eyes, and his sweet breath? Really.
Kudos for you being able to go back and read it all the way through. I couldn't and probably won't. I got 50 pgs. in and gave up, it bored me so much.

message 5: by Jen (last edited Apr 12, 2009 12:04PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen When reading this book I was not annoyed with the "over the top descriptions". I love the way she explains everything so that I have no questions. I do agree that it should not have been classified as an adult novel because I think it is more for Young adults. I really enjoyed this book and I know many other people who also did.

Rachel Lynn I like to be able to 'feel' what I read and Stephenie Meyer is able to do that to me. I first read the jacket and wasn't sure if it was for me but decided to give it a try because I did love the Twilight series. It's a little slow at the beginning, but soon enough it pulls you in and I couldn't put it down. That's what I like in a book.

k.wing Oh, wow and how. I just wanted to echo your statements about "winced", "flinched". I was like, the editor didn't catch this? REEEALLY?

message 8: by Keri (new) - rated it 1 star

Keri I have been reading this book for months and it just isn't any good. I don't know why I am still reading it!? I guess I have come this far so why turn back now. However, this book is horrible and boring. A huge disappointment.

Bryce I made it to page 100 before I threw in the towel. I just couldn't get into it. I was glad to find this thread, because I thought I was the only one in the world that didn't love it.

message 10: by Rachel (= (new)

Rachel (= I agree! Meyer uses way to much description in the wrong places, and always ALWAYS uses she mumbled, she groaned, she said, he said, he sighed. he laughed. And i agree, it is driving me crazy!

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

You go girl.

Doneka exactly. I absolutely loved this book. I didnt see anything wrong with it. There were parts where I laughed and parts where I cried so hard my sides hurt. I love the emotion put into this book.

message 13: by Aly (new) - added it

Aly I loved the Twilight saga...but for some reason I just cant get into this book and i've tried a few times to read it..
sometimes with books its just a matter of my mood (whether its the right time,for me, to want to read a certain book) but idk..i dont wanna say this is a bad book but honestly i havent been able to read enough to really know.

message 14: by Michal (new)

Michal You have no idea how much I appreciate you right now for sticking it out! I couldn't do it; threw in the towel somewhere between page 80 and 90...
It was way too bad a book for me to go on...way too descriptive for my taste!

After seeing so many who loved this book, I started thinking that I was the only one who hated it and that maybe I had some kind of a problem... Glad to see it wasn't just me on this boat!

message 15: by J.B. (new) - rated it 1 star

J.B. Fisher I pushed through this terrible book as well and was very angry at myself for doing so. I wanted the hours I spent reading it back and felt cheated more so by this book than any other in my life. I dare say I hated it.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

I disagree to a point where it's not needed but to give it one star is ridiculous. I'm sorry that's just the way I feel.

message 17: by Ravenclaw26 (new)

Ravenclaw26 The amount of twilighters coming to an anti review to talk about how amazing this the Host was is surprising. It is not surprising, however, how they have no idea what they are talking about.

"How can you judge an entire book by it's adjectives?"
The adjectives are are part of her writing, and her writing is, essentially, the entire book. Dull two-word sentences giving way to flowery descriptions is called bad writing and thesaurus rape.

"I like how she describes everything"
The problem is not that she describes everything, it is that she doesn't describe somethings and over-describes others. Ex: Edward. Velvety lips, ocher eyes, marble chest, bronze hair, icy fingers. We hear this over and over and over and over again. However, minor characers have practically no description. Also, putting too many adjectives into a sentence to try to make your self sound like a better writer is called using purple prose. This is an idication that the writer has no true skill. Some things should not be described that much so readers can form their own ideas about what things look like using their imagination. I suppose if they don't have one purple prose is extremely convenient, but I pray that goodreaders are above that.


message 18: by Myth (new)

Myth This was a helpful review. I was wondering if Meyer's writing had developed any or if she was taking it seriously.

I'm shocked she's still writing books. According to her own website, it was a fluke that Twilight took off and she had no prior interest in becoming an author. Her juvenile writing style was proof of her lack of experience and undeveloped skill. She practically makes a mockery of serious authors and well written literature. I really hope she's done.

message 19: by ML (new) - rated it 2 stars

ML I agree.. she is very descriptive of the action, but I think is down to taste, I personally like to imagine HOW things were said, or how someone looked at someone else.. rather than just guess. As I said, I think it comes down to a preference.

message 20: by Olivia (new)

Olivia Stephanie, I think you did a great job at making this book! I mean if your gonna dog on the book why don't
you write a book and see how many people dog on your book!

Maartje I loved the Twilight Saga but i just couldn't read this book. I started reading it a few times but always stopped after a few pages.
I don't really know why i do not like this book, but i think it is because of the writing style.

message 22: by Kris (new) - rated it 1 star

Kris Olivia wrote: "Stephanie, I think you did a great job at making this book! I mean if your gonna dog on the book why don't
you write a book and see how many people dog on your book!"

We are allowed to review books on Goodreads, right? They don't all have to be fluffy and pretty. I was just expressing my frustrated opinion.

message 23: by Kris (new) - rated it 1 star

Kris Rhyme wrote: "I think this book had an amazing plot- To say it was worse or of equal quality to Twilight is a disturbed over reaction. I think Stephanie's writing style apeals to many people, and not to many oth..."

My intent was not to compare the two books, but her writing style. While I enjoyed Twilight for its pure entertainment, I thought the writing style was juvenile. Typical for a firsttimer. I was dissapointed to say the least to see that her writing didn't evolve with each book. One thing I will say here that will make readers very mad, but try to deny it: The ENTIRE Twilight series could easily have been accomplished in one book.
The dissapointment that I am trying to convey is: The Host was Meyers first attempt at writing an adult novel. I saw no difference in the style between her Y/A and Adult writing.

message 24: by Dina (new) - rated it 1 star

Dina Omar Oh my god i know! i think i only got through two or three chapters but it's really confusing. yeah i kept comparing it to twilight too

Gladys Gibson I can't finish it. Can't I have tried.

message 26: by Tammy (new)

Tammy When I started this book I had no idea it was sic-fi. Not my favorite genre. I couldn't get past page 20 or so and I didn't even think to compare it to Twilight until later. She should stick with young adult lit - it suits her much better.

message 27: by Becky (new) - rated it 1 star

Becky Vance I tried to give this book a chance. I really did. I read until about halfway, and I just couldn't force myself to go further. The premise is a great idea, the writing banal and boring at best. I will never read another novel from this author. Plain and simple, I don't like her books.

message 28: by Lisa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lisa Stick with it, it gets better.

message 29: by Lawrence (new)

Lawrence FitzGerald Fight the OCD. Pick x pages or x chapters (I advocate 1 page...but...okay, okay I don't follow my own rules) and if the author hasn't hooked you by then, he doesn't deserve you!

message 30: by Jovani (new)

Jovani I agree Stephanie is a horrible writer. I've read better papers in high school.

message 31: by K (new) - rated it 1 star

K My thoughts exactly. I got so tired of reading "i flinced". We get it Stephanie. No need to write it 6000 times.

Sheereenrox "OH gosh, how can you judge the adjectives used and not the whole book itself? In my opinion I thought it was AMAZING.., maybe because I thought of it as a complete beautiful movie and one of the be..."

message 33: by Ruby (new)

Ruby Thank God for this post. You totally have spoken for me. She is a terrible writer. I didn't even finish this book. And I'm glad I didn't after I have seen the movie franchise. It's just like The Twilight Saga. There is no point in telling the story because it felt like my regular everyday life. Might as well be a children's book. Even Cinderella's story is better.

message 34: by Iona (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iona For me this helped me fully understand the story and the characters actions. Love her writing style- guess it's just a matter of preferences

Denise Salerno You forgot the word "gasp"; I'm convinced she spattered this novel with "gasps" to prove she could get away with it.

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