Pat's Reviews > The One

The One by John Marrs
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I really enjoyed this but, strangely, it seemed almost comedic in parts. Imagine a world where you could be matched with your one true love by DNA matching. No more guesswork, no more trial and error. Foolproof, right?

This book follows the fortunes of a bunch of people who have been matched and describes some of the ways this utopian vision can turn into a nightmare. Its not all 'happily ever after' here although some couples do make it.

In today's tech heavy world I guess the total reliance on technology to determine our lives has ample scope to backfire and I think this is what the move was trying to say. The result is a series of vignette-like stories that are uplifting, sad, horrifying or depressing. And although I don't think it was intentional I also found some moments of humour here (maybe I'm just twisted).

I really enjoyed this novel take on the dating game. Would you dare?
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Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Deborah Pat, now that you mentioned it, I can see the humor in parts. I am glad I read, too. I don't know if I would take such a test as it seems such an invasion of privacy and takes away the mystery (angst or pleasure) of dating if you are predestined with a match.

message 2: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat Deborah wrote: "Pat, now that you mentioned it, I can see the humor in parts. I am glad I read, too. I don't know if I would take such a test as it seems such an invasion of privacy and takes away the mystery (ang..."

I agree with you, some things are better left unknown. Thanks for your comments 😊

Lisa Great review Pat you liked this more than me glad you liked this one

Ceecee Great review Pat - I enjoyed this one too!!!

message 5: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat Lisa wrote: "Great review Pat you liked this more than me glad you liked this one

Thanks Lisa, we can’t always like the same thing 💕

message 6: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat Ceecee wrote: "Great review Pat - I enjoyed this one too!!!"

Thanks Ceecee, I’m glad you enjoyed it too 🥰

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today I loved this too. Great review.

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today I loved this too. Great review.

message 9: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat tamar wrote: "I loved this too. Great review."

Thanks Tamar.

Jayme It was entertaining!!

message 11: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat That it was. Goodness it looks like a lot of my older reviews are suddenly circulating again 😳

MarilynW I've been known to necro-comment, like now, when I've just read this book for the first time. 😁 Anyway, I agree, I felt like there was a humorous aspect to this book, too.

message 13: by Pat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Pat MarilynW wrote: "I've been known to necro-comment, like now, when I've just read this book for the first time. 😁 Anyway, I agree, I felt like there was a humorous aspect to this book, too."

Is that what you call it 😂? Maybe we just have a warped sense of humour?

message 14: by MarilynW (last edited Mar 15, 2021 08:55PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

MarilynW Pat (not getting friend updates currently) wrote: Is that what you call it 😂? Maybe we just have a warped sense of humour?


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