Veronique's Reviews > Head On

Head On by John Scalzi
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bookshelves: read2018, specfic

Having loved Lock In (and the short story that started it all Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden's Syndrome), I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this sequel. As expected, we are offered another fast-paced police procedural set in a world very much like our own but with some important differences due to a percentage of the population suffering from Haden’s Syndrome, in effect locking people in their own bodies.

The murder mystery is treated in the usual way, focusing on the FBI Agents Chris Shane and Leslie Vann’s investigation of a sports related murder. However, since the violent sport in question is one only played by Hadens using their threeps, nothing is as it seems.

On the surface, this is a very easy and entertaining read, but in the background, Scalzi carries on with his treatment of the notion of gender as well as that of perception. If I had one wish, it would be that he develops Chris more deeply somehow, especially since Vann’s portrayal is spot on.
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October 29, 2017 – Shelved
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June 3, 2018 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Helen 2.0 (new) - added it

Helen 2.0 I hardly remember the characters/plot of book one - do you think I’m good to just drive straight into this one? Or will I be too confused?

Veronique You don’t need to remember the plot of book 1, just Chris and Vann, and that part of the population have Haden’s (and which changes this has brought). I reckon you should be fine :0) If something is unclear, you can post it on our reading thread and I’ll answer it

message 3: by Helen 2.0 (new) - added it

Helen 2.0 Awesome!! Thanks :)

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