Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen)'s Reviews > An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: didn-t-finish, lgbt, speculative-lit-not-quite-sci-fi

DNF @ 75%

“Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren.”

Me: *eagerly pre-ordered this book over a year ago*
Me: *didn’t read it until my book-club picked it as BOM*
Me: *Didn’t finish said book*
Me: *Left an unfinished “It’s-not-you-it’s-me” review for over 9 months*

[image error]

Honestly, this is not a bad book. It talks about the internet in a non-demonizing way. There’s discussion of fame, power dynamics, ethics vs celebrity and all this really interesting really relevant stuff.

And the author is in a unique position to talk about this stuff? As someone who clambered to internet fame before we really realized that was a thing Hank Green (and his brother John) have done amazing things with their evolving platform-- CrashCourse for dozens of school subjects, Sci-Show for my science geeks, hilarious vlogbrother videos and those that TLDR: current events. I still regularly listen to two of Hank Green’s podcasts (Delete This and Dear Hank and John, which if you liked this I highly recommend). Hank Green literally has a whole podcast where he and his wife go through his twitter each week and discuss how this form of communication hinders and helps in politics, environmentalism and basic empathy-- a theme in this book. Aka this book covers stuff the author really, really cares about, and it shows.

But maybe that’s part of why it didn’t work for me. This narrative voice didn’t feel like a new character to me. It sounded just like Hank Green. This really may be just a case of me having already read/seen/listened to too much of the author himself. But it made the book feel lackluster to me.

In Conclusion:

In all actuality a case of “it’s-not-you-it’s-me” but if I wanted to hear a narrative voice that sounded just like Hank Green talk about his thoughts on the internet and fame…. I’d just listen to one of his podcasts.


*puts on spectacles*



I knew it!

I still listen to Hank and John Green's podcast, and a few episodes ago Hank teased an announcement. Totally nailed it with my guess it was going to be a book!

Love both the brothers and the impact they've had on Internet culture. Hank is especially well-spoken and enthusiastic about so many important things, can't wait to see how this translates into a book!
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Reading Progress

September 19, 2017 – Shelved
September 19, 2017 – Shelved as: anticipated-releases
October 16, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
January 3, 2019 – Started Reading
February 7, 2019 –
page 100
29.15% "So far the most relatable aspect is that the MC is an exhausted millennial who names inanimate objects"
February 20, 2019 –
page 220
64.14% "This whole thing low-key feels like a really long tumblr post"
March 6, 2019 – Shelved as: didn-t-finish
March 6, 2019 – Shelved as: speculative-lit-not-quite-sci-fi
March 6, 2019 – Shelved as: lgbt
March 6, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)

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Sarah I'm so excited for this and John's new book TATWD :)

Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) Sarah wrote: "I'm so excited for this and John's new book TATWD :)"

Me too! At least we know when to expect TATWD! :)

message 3: by Shambhavi (new) - added it

Shambhavi DFTBA! I am so excited. I didn't realize this book was a thing until two seconds ago. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) Shambhavi wrote: "DFTBA! I am so excited. I didn't realize this book was a thing until two seconds ago. THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Sure thing! I'm already so hyped! DFTBA :)

message 5: by Hank (new) - added it

Hank I did NOT tease! John teased despite the fact that I was DILIGENTLY AVOIDING TEASING!

message 6: by Kaylin (last edited Sep 24, 2017 07:20PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) Hank wrote: "I did NOT tease! John teased despite the fact that I was DILIGENTLY AVOIDING TEASING!"

Touché. But there was STILL TEASING.
(And I'm still hyped)

message 7: by Hank (new) - added it

Hank September 25

Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) Hank wrote: "September 25"

Thank you!! 10/10 sale, would sell soul again

Carley I’m so glad I’m not the only one who could only hear Hank’s voice the entire time. I couldn’t turn it off lol

Too Much To Swallow (I am fox!) I thought thats what makes it so good though... hank has just the right amount of "hank" in this story. oh well.
(btw all that stuff about relationships in the book? hank hasnt really gone through much of that... so that was purely hank the writer, not the internet activist)

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