Sarah's Reviews > Sparked

Sparked by Helena Echlin
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Is there a sequel? Tell me there Is! - review to follow on my blog.
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Reading Progress

September 16, 2017 – Started Reading
September 16, 2017 – Shelved
September 17, 2017 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Malena (new)

Malena Watrous Hi Sarah! Thank you so much for posting here. We are working on a sequel and will happily share some early chapters once they're ready. If you want to be an early chapters of the sequel reader, let me know by emailing us at [email protected] and we can put you on that list. Happy fall to you and thank you so much for reading!

message 2: by Malena (new)

Malena Watrous Huge favor-but if you have a chance, would you mind posting this review on Amazon too? We have been told to try to get as many Amazon reviews as possible so that they start recommending the book to readers reading similar stuff. Apparently this matters-I don't know-but if you had the chance it would be hugely helpful!

Sarah Hello! I'd totally be interested in joining the list! I'll email you. And I can certainly post my review on Amazon no problem! I like to help out in any way that I can 😊

message 4: by Malena (new)

Malena Watrous Thanks, Sarah! If you give me your email here, I can save you the time of having to go elsewhere by joining you to the list. I so appreciate the review!

Sarah I have literally just emailed but it's [email protected] thank you!!

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