Linda's Reviews > The Ninth Hour

The Ninth Hour by Alice McDermott
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 5-star-winners, fiction, historical-fiction, alice-mcdermott, favorites

"Fairness demanded that grief should find succor, that wounds should heal, insult and confusion find recompense and certainty, that every living person God had made should not, willy-nilly, be forever unmade."

And when the suffocating weight of despair visits upon the souls of the hopeless, choices will fit into the maze of forever. Jim sends his young wife, Annie, out the door of their delapitated Brooklyn tenement in order to do the weekly shopping. The turn of that knob clicks off something within him. Like the closing of this door, Jim chooses to shutter any ray of light remaining in his self-perceived worthless life. He turns the switch slowly on the gas stove and snuffs out the future in a single gesture. The lives of Annie and his unborn child will be chiseled with anguish and desperation.

But when sorrow visits the doorsteps of these tenements, it ushers in the Little Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor. The bend and the turn of the 20th Century reveals the fate of the recent immigrants and the destitute who live on the streets of Brooklyn. We will come to know Alice McDermott's chosen characters who reveal a stamina and a resilience reflecting life choices that will leave a darkening stain upon themselves and those who follow in the future. "She saw how the skim of filth, which was despair, which was hopelessness, fell like soot on the lives of the poor."

Annie is offered an opportunity to work in the convent's basement laundry. The labor is hard, but Annie has her little daughter, Sally, in a basket by her side and is able to stay in her apartment. We will focus on these two characters who were handed the roughest end of the stick. It will be Sally's future that will turn the wheels on this brilliant novel.

Alice McDermott crafts this novel with words hitting bone upon bone. Lives are complicated. Period. Nothing fits perfectly into boxes labeled good and bad. And does fate seal the deal? McDermott hones her characters with the uneven curves of simple humanity. She has been given a fine talent for allowing the readers to feel, to the core, every profound action within these pages. This will be a novel that you won't be forgetting any time soon. A Brooklyn Guarantee.
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Reading Progress

September 4, 2017 – Shelved
September 4, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
September 29, 2017 – Started Reading
October 3, 2017 – Shelved as: 5-star-winners
October 3, 2017 – Shelved as: fiction
October 3, 2017 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
October 3, 2017 – Finished Reading
October 17, 2017 – Shelved as: alice-mcdermott
October 14, 2018 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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message 1: by Susanne (new)

Susanne Can't wait for your review Linda!

Linda Loving this one, Susanne. Almost finished. 🤗

Linda Thanks, Babybook, Frances, Irene, and Ashton. I can't say enough about this latest novel by Alice McDermott. It is absolutely beyond good. :)

Linda Thanks, Julia, Pamela, Jaime, and Niki. This one is in the libraries now. If you get a chance to pick this one up, you will be delighted. Beautiful, beautiful writing. ;)

Angela M is taking a break. Linda, excellent review! You described perfectly what McDermott do beautifully does in her writing - “words hitting bone upon bone “ - love that . “Lives are complicated. Period. “ it’s her knack for giving us these complicated, ordinary lives that makes her such extraordinary writer. One of my very favorite authors. Loved your review!

Angela M is taking a break. So not do- darn phone!

Linda Thanks, Angela. I need to go back to revisit her work. I read Charming Billy some time back. She is remarkable. What a treasure of a read! WoW! 💜

Angela M is taking a break. I loved Someone and Child of My Heart also.

message 9: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike Really great review, Linda. Loved this observation you made:

"McDermott hones her characters with the uneven curves of simple humanity. She has been given a fine talent for allowing the readers to feel, to the core, every profound action within these pages."

Can't say I was interested in McDermott before but now you have me reconsidering this one.

Linda I think that you'll be taken with the writing style of McDermott, Mike. She's known for her characterizations that reveal a commonality to us all. Rich in details, too. Loved it! 👍☺️

message 11: by Zoeytron (new) - added it

Zoeytron First review I've read of this. Couldn't add it fast enough. Great review, Linda!

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Linda!

Linda Thanks, Zoeytron and Meredith. A really exceptional storyline that drives this one. It reveals what drove the actions of people during that era. A page turner. 😯

message 14: by Ethan (new)

Ethan I'm riveted by your descriptions and eagerly yearning to learn more about this story.

message 15: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Excellent review!!

Linda Thanks, Ethan and Deanna. It's a fast read that is packed with human emotions. Hope you get a chance to pick this one up. 😉

Cheri Wonderful review, Linda! I finished this thir morning and loved it! So glad you loved this one, too!

Linda Thanks, Cheri. Loved the variations in the characters. Checking out more of her previous works. 👣☺️

Cheri I must do the same, Linda!

message 20: by Pat (new)

Pat What a beautiful review Linda.

Linda Thanks, Pat. A very gripping storyline that focuses on the exceptional strengths and the weaknesses of the human spirit. Such a good one. 👍😊

message 22: by Dem (last edited Oct 18, 2017 12:20AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dem I am hoping to read this soon. Nice review Linda.

message 23: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Terrific review, Linda. I like McDermott-this sounds like a must read.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Kelly I just started this last night. Great review.

Linda Dem wrote: "I am hoping to read this soon. Nice review Linda."

Thanks, Dem. Think that you'll like this one. :)

Linda Ellie wrote: "Terrific review, Linda. I like McDermott-this sounds like a must read.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention."

Thanks, Ellie. McDermott seems to hold back on her books so there's quite a gap of time between them. She has such a talent when it comes to presenting original characters like she did in this one. Enjoy! ;)

Linda Kelly wrote: "I just started this last night. Great review."

Thanks, Kelly. McDermott seems to have her finger on the pulse of this time period and her characters reflect that. Hope you enjoy this one as well. :)

Bookish Ally I'm so taken by the evocative word choices of your review. As a woman who has an intimate knowledge of the layers and journey of grief it was beautiful to read. Thank you. I don't know if I will read the book but I enjoyed your review!!!

Linda Thanks, Ally. Perhaps one day you'll come upon this one. It was a special read. :)

message 30: by Pat (new)

Pat Beautiful review Linda.

Linda Thanks, Pat. Really impressed with this author's writing. ;)

Linda Thanks, Elyse. An outstanding book by an outstanding author. 💜👍

Terrie  Robinson Such a beautiful review, Linda!💙 I discovered Alice McDermott from her newest book “Absolution” and couldn’t wait to get my hands on her backlist. This is the second book I’ve read and I’m in love again. Her writing is simple, descriptive down to the last detail, and affecting. I plan to read another one soon…

Linda Thanks so much, Terrie. You are absolutely spot-on in regard to Alice McDermott. Some books just stay with you. Her writing is to be savored for the very reasons you observed. Oh, so good. 🌺

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