Samir's Reviews > The Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake (The Witcher, #5)

This book is a perfect example of how to end a series in the most boring and underwhelming way possible.
I don't think that introducing a bunch of pointless and boring characters in the last book of the series just for the sake of world-building is the way to go. And the ending was really bland.
I give myself five stars for resisting the urge to DNF this a couple of times and for not dying of boredom.
The book gets 1.5 stars, barely.
I don't think that introducing a bunch of pointless and boring characters in the last book of the series just for the sake of world-building is the way to go. And the ending was really bland.
I give myself five stars for resisting the urge to DNF this a couple of times and for not dying of boredom.
The book gets 1.5 stars, barely.
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June 16, 2017
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February 27, 2019
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My sentiments exactly. Nicely summarized.
Vidio sam da je Andrzej najavio da piše novu Witcher knjigu (navodno ce biti jos 3) ali sada nekako nemam dobar osjećaj oko toga.."
Meni je totalno slaba. Već u prethodnoj knjizi se osjetio pad ali ovdje se totalno sve srozalo. Geralt je ovdje jedva sporedni lik.
Što se mene tiče, može ih napisat još deset. Meni je dosta.
Ako dobijem želju sa se družim sa Geraltom, to druženje će biti isključivo virtualno.