Paromjit's Reviews > The Secrets She Keeps

The Secrets She Keeps by Michael Robotham
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: crime-fiction, mystery, netgalley, thriller

This is an outstanding psychological thriller that had me completely unable to stop reading until I had finished. To say it is compelling is an understatement. It is a novel narrated through the perspective of two women expecting babies around the same time from different ends of the social and economic spectrum. Meghan is having her third 'oops' child, is married to the well known, good looking sports commentator, Jack, and runs a popular mums blog detailing her everyday life and personal thoughts. She has had a privileged lifestyle, and despite elements of her marriage feeling stale and occasionally fraught, loves her husband. Agatha is expecting her first child, is involved with a younger man, Hayden, who is a sailor in the Navy. She works in a supermarket, sees and relates to Meghan shopping there regularly, and thinks that Meghan has the perfect marriage, husband, and children.

The two women become friends at Agatha's persistent instigation. They connect over their coming births, looking forward to the lives they have planned. Only Jack is supremely ambitious and is not so keen on having an unplanned baby. Agatha's background has been traumatic, challenging and there is a dark schism between her and her mother, rooted in her dark history with her parents as committed Jehovah's Witnesses. Agatha is not above being manipulative when it comes to her relationship with Hayden in her efforts to ensure that it is as wonderful as it could be. However, Meghan and Agatha harbour lies and deeply buried secrets. Their lives collide on a path that places such deep strains on their lives that you wonder if they can survive.

This is a well plotted and twisted story with a narrative that is tense and gripping. I was particularly impressed with the complex and authentic characterisation of Meghan and Agatha, not to mention other characters such as Hayden and Dr Cyrus Haven. The storyline felt desperately realistic, and there are mentions of real life contemporary events that it echoes. The portrayal of the media really touches a nerve with its amoral drive for any angle for a exclusive story that it can get, without any thought to the people concerned and the lives they ruin. A terrific book that I highly recommend.
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Reading Progress

June 1, 2017 – Started Reading
June 1, 2017 – Shelved
June 1, 2017 – Shelved as: crime-fiction
June 1, 2017 – Shelved as: mystery
June 1, 2017 – Shelved as: netgalley
June 1, 2017 – Shelved as: thriller
June 1, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 71 (71 new)

Maureen Great review Paromjit, I agree, an outstanding read.

Mary Paromjit,5*??? Brilliant!!
Am delighted you loved it so much!
I'm a great fan of this writer and can't wait to read this one!!!

message 3: by Fran (new)

Fran Paromjit...another excellent review!

Sasha Yes such an amazing review

Sasha you should write something bout youself in your bio.

Melissa Nice review, Paromjit! I'm looking forward to this one. :)

Diane S ☔ Reading this soon. Awesome review, Paromjit.

Brenda Excellent review, Paromjit!!

message 9: by Dem (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dem Great review and have added thanks.

Zoeytron Terrific review, Paromjit.

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Great review, Paromjit! This sounds fantastic!!

message 12: by Jan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jan This sounds good! Nice review!

message 13: by Jaline (new) - added it

Jaline Really enjoyed, your review, Paromjit! It reminded me to check for this on Overdrive! :)

message 14: by Supratim (new) - added it

Supratim Good review, Paromjit!

message 15: by Vanessa (new) - added it

Vanessa S. Really nice and thorough review, Paromjit! I'm looking forward to this one.

Holly  B (slower pace!) Wasn't it Fantastic! I'm still thinking about it! Great Review!

Paromjit Maureen wrote: "Great review Paromjit, I agree, an outstanding read."

Yay Maureen. High Five for a great book!!!

Paromjit Mary wrote: "Paromjit,5*??? Brilliant!!
Am delighted you loved it so much!
I'm a great fan of this writer and can't wait to read this one!!!"

Thank you Mary. Definitely a good writer and looking forward to what you make of it!! xxx

Paromjit Fran wrote: "Paromjit...another excellent review!"

Thank you so much Fran and so very appreciated xxx

Paromjit Sasha wrote: "Yes such an amazing review"

Such a good book Sasha. And thank you so much :)

Paromjit Sasha wrote: "you should write something bout youself in your bio."

I shall think that over Sasha!!!

Paromjit Melissa wrote: "Nice review, Paromjit! I'm looking forward to this one. :)"

Thank you Melissa my friend. Can't wait to see what you think!! xxx

Paromjit Diane S ☔ wrote: "Reading this soon. Awesome review, Paromjit."

Thank you Diane, you are so generous. Can't wait to read your thoughts on this one. :)

Paromjit Zoe wrote: "Brilliant review Paromjit x"

So kind Zoe. Thank you xxx

Paromjit Brenda wrote: "Excellent review, Paromjit!!"

Terrifically kind Brenda... thank you xxxx

Paromjit Dem wrote: "Great review and have added thanks."

Thank you Dem, much appreciated xxx

Paromjit Zoeytron wrote: "Terrific review, Paromjit."

Thank you Zoeytron,,,enjoyed reading your review. :) xx

Paromjit Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Great review, Paromjit! This sounds fantastic!!"

So kind of you to say so Jennifer. I really hope you enjoy it xxx

Paromjit Jan wrote: "This sounds good! Nice review!"

Thanks Jan. xx

Paromjit Jaline wrote: "Really enjoyed, your review, Paromjit! It reminded me to check for this on Overdrive! :)"

I don't think it's published yet Jaline, but I do think you will like it. Thank you xxx

Paromjit Supratim wrote: "Good review, Paromjit!"

Much appreciated Supratim, and thank you xxx

Paromjit Vanessa wrote: "Really nice and thorough review, Paromjit! I'm looking forward to this one."

Thank you Vanessa my friend. So kind and generous. Hope you really enjoy it :) xxx

Paromjit Holly wrote: "Wasn't it Fantastic! I'm still thinking about it! Great Review!"

Yes Holly!!! I liked it because it could be real. Such a great book :) xx

Kevin Brilliant review Paromjit!

Paromjit Kevin wrote: "Brilliant review Paromjit!"

Thanks so much much appreciated!! xx

Debbie Fantastic review! Sold!

Paromjit Debbie wrote: "Fantastic review! Sold!"

Thank you Debbie....really hope you enjoy this xx

message 38: by Carol (last edited Jun 03, 2017 02:03PM) (new)

Carol You are killing me thrilling me Paromjit. I'm adding it but there's no room on the bookshelves.

Paromjit Carol wrote: "You are killing me thrilling me Paromjit. I'm adding it but there's no room on the bookshelves."

We have a real problem in that there's so many wonderful books 📚 out there Carol!!! I groan when I see amazing reviews on this site. Impossible to read them all. Apologies to adding to your woes. Many many thrilling hugs, my friend :) xo

message 40: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma You've made this sound like a must-read!

Mackey I can't wait to read this - great review!

Paromjit Emma wrote: "You've made this sound like a must-read!"

I just enjoyed this book more than I expected to Emma...such a compelling read. Thank you xx

Paromjit Mackey wrote: "I can't wait to read this - great review!"

Thank you my dear Mackey. By the way, I have posted my review on The Ministry of Utmost Happiness and it answers your questions on Kashmir. :)

Carolyn Great review Paromjit! I really loved this one too ;)

Paromjit Carolyn wrote: "Great review Paromjit! I really loved this one too ;)"

Such a great book Carolyn....many thanks :)

Karen R Starting it now. Hope I enjoy as much as you!

Paromjit Karen wrote: "Starting it now. Hope I enjoy as much as you!"

So do I, Karen. Looking forward to seeing what you make of it :) x

message 48: by Julia (new) - added it

Julia Macguire I can't wait to read this book!

Paromjit Julia wrote: "I can't wait to read this book!"

So hope you enjoy this Julia x

message 50: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike Fantastic review, Paromjit.

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