İntellecta's Reviews > Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina
Tolstoy draws a portrait of three marriages or relationships that could not be more different. Anna Karenina is rightly called a masterpiece. Moreover Tolstoy does not spare on social socialism and describes the beginnings of communism, deals with such existential themes as birth and death and the meaning of life.
Tolstoy’s narrative art and his narrative charm are at the highest level. He also seems like a close observer of human passions, feelings and emotions.
All in all I was touched by his book because it was one of the most impressive books I have ever read.
"Kendi yüceliğinin yüksekliğinden bana bakmasına bayılıyorum". Sayf 55
"Belki de sahip Olduğum şeylere sevindiğim, sahip olmadıklarıma da üzülmediğim için mutluyum."
Sayf 167
"Kadın dediğin öyle bir yaratık ki istediğin kadar incele, gene de hiç bilmediğin yanlarıyla karşılaşıyorsun..."
Sayf 168
"Insana akıl, onu huzursuz eden şeylerden kurtulması için verilmiştir."
Sayf. 758
Tolstoy’s narrative art and his narrative charm are at the highest level. He also seems like a close observer of human passions, feelings and emotions.
All in all I was touched by his book because it was one of the most impressive books I have ever read.
"Kendi yüceliğinin yüksekliğinden bana bakmasına bayılıyorum". Sayf 55
"Belki de sahip Olduğum şeylere sevindiğim, sahip olmadıklarıma da üzülmediğim için mutluyum."
Sayf 167
"Kadın dediğin öyle bir yaratık ki istediğin kadar incele, gene de hiç bilmediğin yanlarıyla karşılaşıyorsun..."
Sayf 168
"Insana akıl, onu huzursuz eden şeylerden kurtulması için verilmiştir."
Sayf. 758
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Anna Karenina.
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Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)
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message 1:
rated it 3 stars
Feb 05, 2018 08:11AM
Hast du schon „Krieg und Frieden“ gelesen?
Wonderful review Intellecta! So glad you enjoyed this book, it is one of my top 5 favorite reads of all time!💕💕
An Tolstois Wälzer hatte ich mich lange nicht getraut. Kürzlich motivierte mich eine Lesegruppe "Krieg und Frieden" zu lesen. Es hat mich gefangen genommen. Dein Review bestärkt mich danach auch "Anna Karenina" anzugehen.
Peter wrote: "An Tolstois Wälzer hatte ich mich lange nicht getraut. Kürzlich motivierte mich eine Lesegruppe "Krieg und Frieden" zu lesen. Es hat mich gefangen genommen. Dein Review bestärkt mich danach auch "A..."
Hi Peter, freut mich:)
Tolstoi hat meiner Meinung nach ein sagenhaftes Werk vollbracht. Seine Charakterstudien und lebendigen Beschreibungen sind meisterhaft und absolut lesenswert.
Hi Peter, freut mich:)
Tolstoi hat meiner Meinung nach ein sagenhaftes Werk vollbracht. Seine Charakterstudien und lebendigen Beschreibungen sind meisterhaft und absolut lesenswert.
Jill wrote: "I loved this book and the film, starring Greta Garbo..."
i fully agree with you, film with Greta Garbo is very successful!
i fully agree with you, film with Greta Garbo is very successful!
David wrote: "Now I must make the effort and get down to reading it!"
You will not regret it:) happy reading David.
You will not regret it:) happy reading David.
Laurene wrote: "Been putting off reading Anna Karenina -- need to put it higher in my TBR pile!"
Hi Laurene, a tip from me, maybe you can read "Anna karenina"when your Reading Challenge completed?
Hi Laurene, a tip from me, maybe you can read "Anna karenina"when your Reading Challenge completed?
David wrote: "Now I must make the effort and get down to reading it!"
thank you Intellecta. I am sure you are right about that.
thank you Intellecta. I am sure you are right about that.
İntellecta wrote: "Beverly wrote: "Great review Intellecta!"
Thank you so much Beverly! :)"
You are welcome, I just read this recently too and loved it.
Thank you so much Beverly! :)"
You are welcome, I just read this recently too and loved it.
Kimber wrote: "Gorgeous review, Intellecta! I agree it's one of the best books I've ever read also. :-)"
Thank you so much Kimber :))
Thank you so much Kimber :))
Great review Intellecta. I must admit I don't read many "classics" but maybe I should make this an exception
Adrian wrote: "Great review Intellecta. I must admit I don't read many "classics" but maybe I should make this an exception"
Thank you so much Adrian :) i guess you won't regret it!
Thank you so much Adrian :) i guess you won't regret it!