Sheri's Reviews > Lagom: The Swedish Art of Balanced Living

Lagom by Linnea Dunne
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bookshelves: sweden, 2017

*** There are two recently published books on lagom with not only similar titles, but they are also similar in size and cover design. My review of Lagom: Not Too Little, Not Too Much: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life can be found here:

“Happiness in a sustainable sense is not about extremes.” (p 151)

Lagom is about balance, having not too little, not too much, but just enough. Linnea Dunne not only defines lagom, but captures the very essence of it in her writing on the subject. She offers up just enough information in this quick yet satisfying read. Dunne concisely conveys her thoughts and provides examples of applying the concept in your everyday life. Chapters cover work-life balance, food and drink, style, health and well-being, socializing, sustainable living, and attaining happiness. Nice references to lesser known Swedish cultural traditions, such as sportlov and lördagsgodis, are scattered throughout. Inspiring for those seeking a more balanced and contented lifestyle. Also recommended to those looking to learn more about Swedish culture and mindset.
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Reading Progress

May 20, 2017 – Shelved
May 20, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
November 18, 2017 – Started Reading
November 18, 2017 – Finished Reading
August 18, 2018 – Shelved as: sweden
January 26, 2019 – Shelved as: 2017

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Paul (new)

Paul Falk Excellent review Sheri!

Diana Have you read this one? It's also the same size and has a similar cover but isn't as good.

Sheri Diana wrote: "Have you read this one? It's also the same size and has a similar cover but isn't as good."

I think I have flipped through it and didn't see much new and interesting to me. But I may have been busy at the time and didn't have time to give it a more thorough going over. It is hard to recall as I've read some hygge books lately too, some of those were uninspiring also.

message 4: by Leslie (new) - added it

Leslie Ray Thanks for the review Shari. I am getting this book as I read the book on organizing by Marie Kondo. This sounds like it promotes a little more balance.

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