Leonard Gaya's Reviews > Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites

I remember reading and loving this book as a child. I identified with Alice’s point of view, lost in a world both strange and familiar. All the characters she encountered were mad and funny. There was a sense of playful and sparkling adventure. I loved the vintage illustrations by John Tenniel. I guess the charming Walt Disney adaptation also influenced my perception of the book.

My impression, as I re-read Lewis Carroll’s novel recently, is entirely different. The atmosphere of childish innocence is still there throughout: Alice sounds like a smart, Victorian, well-mannered young girl. But she keeps growing and shrinking uncontrollably — like a penis. And Wonderland feels like a sort of dystopia, where strange creatures and objects are incapable of making sense. The funny puns and situations are, in fact, not so amusing and appear instead as a way to mangle common sense with wild logic and absurd, albeit rational reasoning. As a result, as the Mock Turtle says, “it sounds uncommon nonsense”.

To me now, Lewis Carroll appears to borrow from the 18th-century satirists, such as Jonathan Swift or Voltaire, and to pave the way for 20th-century surrealism and the black, absurdist comedies of Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco, Tom Stoppard or even Franz Kafka and Kurt Vonnegut. In the end, as I re-read this book, it is getting “curiouser and curiouser”.

The edition I am holding (published in the US in 1975) includes meticulous illustrations by Arthur Rackham, best known for his work on fairy tales.
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Reading Progress

May 17, 2017 – Started Reading
May 17, 2017 – Shelved
May 17, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
June 23, 2017 – Finished Reading
April 9, 2021 – Shelved as: favorites

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Federico (last edited Nov 02, 2023 01:34PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Your review is amusing and whimsical Donatello! Like a penis!

Leonard Gaya I've never met a whimsical penis, Pisanello!

message 3: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or " She keeps growing and shrinking uncontrollably, like a penis ".

Leo, you're great . You won me back.

Leonard Gaya Great, have another cup of tea and pot cookie then!

message 5: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or I still wonder qui a tué Hamlet, though.

Leonard Gaya It’s the Cheshire Cat, of course!

message 7: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Dammit.. How come I didn't realize it ?! I thought of Geluck's Le Chat !

message 8: by Lizz (new)

Lizz Delightful review!

Leonard Gaya Thanks!

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