carol. 's Reviews > Last Argument of Kings

Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie
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really liked it
bookshelves: fantasy, epic-fantasy

Wow. Just finished, and that was a book that was just... wow. Made expectations, fulfilled them, broke them apart into little pieces and reassembled into a huge jagged collage of a work. Amazing.

Glokta continues to be the character you would love to hate, except that he is the very essence of tortured humanity. Jezal grows beyond a self-involved ego into a man willing to stand for his beliefs--except that he remains manipulated and somewhat ignorant of the extent to which he is played. Logen unfortunately sees too many more appearances of The Bloody Nine, and it costs him almost everything even as he wins. Commander West continues to lead with loyalty and strategy. Everyone is so humanly flawed, admirable in their nobility and despicable in their actions at times.

Truly an impressive but uncomfortable work. The dark side of fantasy, not because it delves into Evil with the capital "E," but because it shows how choices and character continue to drive us, perhaps causing us to make the very same mistakes, or the choices we make when we have no choice at all. Even the most unsympathetic of characters have their moments. (view spoiler)
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August 14, 2011 – Shelved
September 17, 2011 – Started Reading
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Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Chelsea I finished the part with Bayaz talking to Glokta before he gives him his promotion... mind is blown! Omg!!

carol. Agree! Not a comfortable book, but very engrossing and inventive. *tries to reassemble blown mind*

mark monday just finished this. perfect ending! definitely agree with your review.

carol. Thanks, mark. Look forward to reading yours.

Milda Page Runner Great review! Reflects my feelings after finishing this book with perfect precision.

carol. Thanks, Milda. It is a powerful series.

Milda Page Runner It certainly is.
Following through with Best Served Cold. Just wanted to remember the feeling after reading the trilogy. And here it is! You nailed it :)

Mr. Matt 100% agreement with your take. The series completely blew my mind. So good. So refreshingly real.

carol. Mr. Matt wrote: "100% agreement with your take. The series completely blew my mind. So good. So refreshingly real."

Thanks! I couldn't even write more than this for a review, unless it was:

Mind blown.

Suhail To answer that question, yeah Bayaz is the worst of the worst. Say one thing about Joe Abercrombie, say he knows how to write fantastic characters. Are you going to read the next in the series? It's a standalone. Best Served Cold.

message 11: by Bee (new) - rated it 4 stars

Bee There are scenes is this where you burst out laughing though a tear runs down your cheek. The dialogue is just so powerfully done.
It's an exceptional audiobook also, amazing performance.

message 12: by Samantha (AK) (new)

Samantha (AK) Oh, high praise indeed!

Alfred Haplo How is it that I've not seen or Liked your review before? Abercrombie writes vigorous action scenes thrillingly well with some highly-inspired humor, but if I may deviate from general sentiments on the overall plot arc for the trilogy....

carol. Alfred, well, you know. The wonders of GR. And since we aren't friends, it won't preferentially sort that way, although it should still put "followed" above "community" reviews.

carol. Samantha (AK) wrote: "Oh, high praise indeed!"

It was emotionally powerful, although as Alfred notes, a bit of a challenge at times plot-wise.

message 16: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Great review, carol ;)

carol. Thank you, Diane.

carol. I did like the stand-alone 4th book in this group. Haven't read some of his other series, as a couple seemed to be YA geared, and fantasy just isn't my main cup of tea these day.

Daniella Hard agree with this. I am in love with the series. All hail Lord Grimdark!

Igenlode Wordsmith Given that Bayaz is apparently happy to employ Eaters himself, there doesn't seem to be much to choose between them save which empire they choose to espouse...

Craig C I mean supernatural cannibals are hard to out evil, although machiavellian gandalf's sure make for a fun read. Looking forward to the next trilogy

message 22: by DC (new) - rated it 5 stars

DC At the end I take it you meant Khalul.

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