Katy Loves Romance ❤️'s Reviews > Love Happens

Love Happens by Melanie Moreland
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bookshelves: arc, favourites, light-hearted-and-sexy, rockstar, friends-to-lovers


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This is the perfect little read for anyone who loved Rise by Dylan Allen, for me who absolutely fell hook line and sinker for Dylan's writing this is a perfect extra into that story. That said you can also read this as a standalone as it's about Louis and Cara whom are Simon and Addies best friends so really you can just dive right into this sweet romance. Louis and Cara have a sexy relationship that kind of shocked them both. It's sweet, loving and actually turns into more. At the beginning it starts with Cara revealing that she is set to move to Paris that for her is a dream come true for her career and so this read is about them realising that they can't live without each other. It's short and sweet but I is equally a fabulous read as Rise.


4 fun Stars for HITCH BY S.M WEST

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This took me an hour to read, it's a perfect read for inbetween books. It's about a Rockstar and a girl called Pansey who is running away from 1 her old life and 2 her family which is the same thing tbh. Silas is the Rockstar whom is dealing with anger issues. They're both one mess of emotions and so together get into some situations but I loved it, it is surely a page turner. It kept me on my toes, their banter and chemistry is fireworks they argue like cat and dog then make up and are all over each other. It kind of reminds me of those road trip films. Super fun and quirky.

So if your wanting fun and plenty of chemistry in your characters then be sure to pick this up.

That is all..

ARC generously gifted in exchange for a honest review

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Reading Progress

April 15, 2017 – Started Reading
April 15, 2017 – Shelved
April 16, 2017 – Shelved as: arc
April 16, 2017 – Shelved as: favourites
April 16, 2017 – Shelved as: light-hearted-and-sexy
April 16, 2017 – Shelved as: rockstar
April 16, 2017 – Shelved as: friends-to-lovers
April 16, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Raj (new)

Raj Great review Katy! xx

message 2: by Christy (new)

Christy Fantastic review, Katy! x

Katy Loves Romance ❤️ Christy wrote: "Fantastic review, Katy! x"

Rag wrote: "Great review Katy! xx"

Thank you so much loves Xoxo

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