Mo's Reviews > Kindred in Death

Kindred in Death by J.D. Robb
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A brutal murder takes place in New York and Dallas is called in to be the chief investigator. It is also one of their own, i.e., a cop's daughter, so there is more pressure on her than usual to solve the crime.

Another good story. Roarke is by her side, as usual, to lend his support and help. I just feel all my reviews are starting to sound the same!

“He’d walked into her life, and everything had changed. He’d found her; she’d found him—and all those dark places inside both of them had gotten a little smaller, a little brighter.”

Eve: "She completely eye-fucked you."

Roarke: "I know. I feel so cheap and used."

Eve: "Shit. You got off on it. Men always do."

Roarke: "True enough, which is why we're so often cheap and used.”

Sweet ending for another couple in the book.

Her eyes met Roarke's. And there, she thought, right there was the reason for this. The reason for the flowers and the pomp, the fuss and the formality.
There was love.
Only you, she remembered. She'd walked to him on a summer day once before, and he'd seen only her.
He smiled at her as he had when she'd walked down a white runner to an arbor of white roses toward him.
As it had then, her heart gave one quick leap.
Sometimes, she thought as she took her place, turned, life could be pretty damn perfect ...

Only downside was Eve's claim to not know who "The Boss" is!!! Shock! Horror! As Ira says,
"How could she not know him. She was 'Born in the USA'"!

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Reading Progress

March 6, 2017 – Shelved
March 6, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
June 13, 2017 – Started Reading
June 13, 2017 –
2.0% ""It's about pain."

June 13, 2017 –
20.0% "This one is a bit disturbing.

June 14, 2017 –
25.0% ""Computer, replay same segment."

"Christ Jesus, Eve"

"I need to see it again."

Roarke crossed over to open the wall panel. He pulled out a bottle of wine. Uncorked it.

Jeez, you would need it. Sláinte.

June 14, 2017 –
28.0% ""Are you on campus now?

June 15, 2017 –
45.0% ""Don't you have a nice accent. Are you from England?" (Me - way to insult and Irish person.)
"Ireland, a long while ago."
"My grandmother's grandmother was from Ireland, somewhere called Ennis."
"A lovely little town. I have people not far from there."

Went to school in Ennis - hometown is on the map.

June 18, 2017 –
60.0% ""Bollocks," she muttered, and made him laugh over her co-opting one of his oaths ...

June 19, 2017 –
70.0% ""What is it, Beethoven or something?"
"Kid." Feeny let out a windy sigh. "I don't now where I went wrong with you. You got no culture. That's Springsteen. That's the Boss."
"Boss of who?"
Feeny shook his head in disgust. "Hopeless."

Oh dear, Eve. Not sure we can ever be friends now.

June 19, 2017 –
100.0% ""Gah."

June 19, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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♥Sharon♥ I hope you enjoy this one Mo! xx

message 2: by Aileene (new)

Aileene You're inhaling this series, madam :)

message 3: by Ira (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ira Eve, sigh. LOL.
Wonderful review Maura and I'm so happy with that couple, and he also retired form his old job! Hooray 😂.

message 4: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Ira wrote: "Eve, sigh. LOL.
Wonderful review Maura and I'm so happy with that couple, and he also retired form his old job! Hooray 😂."

Thanks Ira. Yes, was very happy with that turn of events too. x

message 5: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Aileene wrote: "You're inhaling this series, madam :)"

I sure am Aileene. x

Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog•• Lovely review, darling!! xx

message 7: by Karen (new)

Karen Wonderful review Mo! Any author who can keep your attention this long.. enough said. :)

message 8: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Jenny wrote: "Lovely review, darling!! xx"

Thanks Jenny.

message 9: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Karen wrote: "Wonderful review Mo! Any author who can keep your attention this long.. enough said. :)"

Thanks Karen. x

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Great review Mo!!
Hope you loved your time in Seattle!! xo-

message 11: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ wrote: "Great review Mo!!
Hope you loved your time in Seattle!! xo-"

Had a great time. Thanks Deanna.

♥Sharon♥ Great review Maura! 😘

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