Maja (The Nocturnal Library)'s Reviews > Please Ignore Vera Dietz
Please Ignore Vera Dietz
Maja (The Nocturnal Library)'s review
bookshelves: contemporary-fiction, i-see-dead-people, made-me-cry, multiple-povs, moments-of-great-frustration, readalong, young-adult, reviewed-in-2011
Aug 01, 2011
bookshelves: contemporary-fiction, i-see-dead-people, made-me-cry, multiple-povs, moments-of-great-frustration, readalong, young-adult, reviewed-in-2011
3.5 stars
“Is it okay to hate a dead kid? Even if you loved him once? Even if he was my best friend? Is it okay to hate him for being dead?”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a story about a 18-year-old girl faced with the loss of her best friend.
On one side, this novel is burdened with a scary amount of raw realism. It tells a story that hits too close to home, one that none of us want to hear. There are pedophiles, abusive husbands, drinking problems, runaway mothers and friends who break our hearts. There's too much to handle at once, for Vera and for me.
Then there’s the other side that is as far from reality as can possibly be. The funny yet touching flow charts, talking pagodas, best friends turned into pickles and thousands of haunting ghosts serve as a soothing balm that helps heal the wounds made by the all-too-possible first side of the story.
For the most part, when those two sides collide, the result is great and stunningly original. However, the combination didn’t work so well for the ending. When it came time to resolve Vera's situation, I wanted King to choose one or the other, to either write an utterly realistic ending, or a completely absurd one. What she gave us felt like a cop out. But who am I to judge? My rating is a cop out as well.
It was easy enough to blame my three readalong partners for my reluctance to write this review. All three of them did such an amazing job. Ms. Marr’s deliciously funny and incredibly smart words, Ms. Reynje’s colorful world that never fails to pull my heartstrings and Ms. Lisa’s strong logic and astonishing insightfulness would intimidate even the most creative minds. But the bigger truth is that I needed time to figure out exactly why I didn’t enjoy this book quite as much as they did, especially when I claim to be such a huge fan of literary realism. And it’s true. Balzac, Stendhal, Tolstoy and many others helped me become the person I am today. But the reality they described for me is in no way my reality. I can easily dive into it knowing that I’m untouchable. Vera’s story, however, happens in everyone’s back yard. It’s the almost tangible reality of it that I can’t handle.
That doesn’t mean that I won’t recommend this book to anyone who will listen. I’ll probably reread it myself at some point.
A big thanks to Lisa, Reynje and Shirley for this amazing adventure that became known as the Double Date readalong. Everything is fun when you’re around.
“Is it okay to hate a dead kid? Even if you loved him once? Even if he was my best friend? Is it okay to hate him for being dead?”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a story about a 18-year-old girl faced with the loss of her best friend.
On one side, this novel is burdened with a scary amount of raw realism. It tells a story that hits too close to home, one that none of us want to hear. There are pedophiles, abusive husbands, drinking problems, runaway mothers and friends who break our hearts. There's too much to handle at once, for Vera and for me.
Then there’s the other side that is as far from reality as can possibly be. The funny yet touching flow charts, talking pagodas, best friends turned into pickles and thousands of haunting ghosts serve as a soothing balm that helps heal the wounds made by the all-too-possible first side of the story.
For the most part, when those two sides collide, the result is great and stunningly original. However, the combination didn’t work so well for the ending. When it came time to resolve Vera's situation, I wanted King to choose one or the other, to either write an utterly realistic ending, or a completely absurd one. What she gave us felt like a cop out. But who am I to judge? My rating is a cop out as well.
It was easy enough to blame my three readalong partners for my reluctance to write this review. All three of them did such an amazing job. Ms. Marr’s deliciously funny and incredibly smart words, Ms. Reynje’s colorful world that never fails to pull my heartstrings and Ms. Lisa’s strong logic and astonishing insightfulness would intimidate even the most creative minds. But the bigger truth is that I needed time to figure out exactly why I didn’t enjoy this book quite as much as they did, especially when I claim to be such a huge fan of literary realism. And it’s true. Balzac, Stendhal, Tolstoy and many others helped me become the person I am today. But the reality they described for me is in no way my reality. I can easily dive into it knowing that I’m untouchable. Vera’s story, however, happens in everyone’s back yard. It’s the almost tangible reality of it that I can’t handle.
That doesn’t mean that I won’t recommend this book to anyone who will listen. I’ll probably reread it myself at some point.
A big thanks to Lisa, Reynje and Shirley for this amazing adventure that became known as the Double Date readalong. Everything is fun when you’re around.
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Please Ignore Vera Dietz.
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Reading Progress
August 1, 2011
– Shelved
November 4, 2011
Started Reading
November 5, 2011
""...I toss in the penny and make a wish. I wish for world peace, because it's about as likely to occur as anything else I can wish for.""
November 6, 2011
Finished Reading
Comments Showing 1-50 of 149 (149 new)
I could start whenever, really. I'm reading a zombie book with Wen and Bonnie, but that will be a super slow one and I read super fast, so it's cool if I have something else, too. Whenever you ladies are ready, I'm ready.
I should ask Lisa, too. I know she wanted to read this, I just don't know if now will work for her.
I hope you had a great weekend, lovely Shirley. :)
I should ask Lisa, too. I know she wanted to read this, I just don't know if now will work for her.
I hope you had a great weekend, lovely Shirley. :)
I wanted to join the reading party, but I just finished the book today. I might pop in to see how everyone's doing!
@Maja - I'll just quickly finish off the novel I'm currently reading and go get the copy of Vera from the library... then I should be set:-) Yes, do ask Lisa - or if Miss O is reading this herself - would you like to be part? I had a nice weekend, I wish I have tomorrow off as well like the Melbournians do... so is it still the weekend where you are Maj? And what is the time?
@Choco - yes, I saw you had finished - will be interested in your review ;-) But do feel free to join in any of our conversations
@Choco - yes, I saw you had finished - will be interested in your review ;-) But do feel free to join in any of our conversations
Ok, I'm here, I'm here!
Count me in for the antipodes read-along, just let me know when you girls want to start! Tomorrow is a day off here and the whole troupe will be home but I should be able to manage. I am in such a reading swamp that a read-along might just be what I need to spur me...
Count me in for the antipodes read-along, just let me know when you girls want to start! Tomorrow is a day off here and the whole troupe will be home but I should be able to manage. I am in such a reading swamp that a read-along might just be what I need to spur me...
Welcome Lisa! Aww, dissapointed to hear you are in a reading swamp... let us see what newly formed Team Reynjaleysa (with special guest Choco) can do for you:-)
Would say this Saturday be a good day?
Would say this Saturday be a good day?
Hah! Lisa, that's exactly what I thought, but I didn't want to say anything because I'm scared of you and all.
Saturday would be great, any day works for me, really. That should give me a chance to finish The Scorpio Races. :D I'm SO excited. *faints*
Choco, welcome to the party!
Shirley, the weekend is over. *pouts* It's Monday morning now, and that annoying thing called real life is catching up with me.
Saturday would be great, any day works for me, really. That should give me a chance to finish The Scorpio Races. :D I'm SO excited. *faints*
Choco, welcome to the party!
Shirley, the weekend is over. *pouts* It's Monday morning now, and that annoying thing called real life is catching up with me.
Fine, Shirley, my tight socialite schedule should give me some respite by Sat.
@Maja: Oh, I am so looking forward to knowing what you think of that book.
And yes, the weekend is over and after YOUR tight socialite weekend of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll you must be exhausted honey... what a party girl :D
@Maja: Oh, I am so looking forward to knowing what you think of that book.
And yes, the weekend is over and after YOUR tight socialite weekend of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll you must be exhausted honey... what a party girl :D
Also, I'll be ditching anything I am doing once I get my hands on a copy of Drink Deep (kids included) so Saturday is good.
Oh, I agree about Drink Deep. I've been rereading Mercy Thompson, I'm afraid I'm not good for much else atm. And I've only just started The Scorpio Races, but Stiefvater's writing always has the same comforting effect on me. She just makes me happy, as simple as that.
And please don't talk about my social life in public, people might get jealous. :) (in reality, I haven't left the house in a week, which you damn well know.)
And please don't talk about my social life in public, people might get jealous. :) (in reality, I haven't left the house in a week, which you damn well know.)
Let me know where you stop and I'll catch up. The sun has miraculously appeared and I need to replenish my vitamin D levels before I settle in (I've learned to make the most of it in Melbourne!)
I've only read a few chapters, around 5 % I think. I didn't want to read much since I wasn't sure that you, Shirley and Lisa started. I'm sure they'll both be around soon, though. :)
I'm very impressed with the part I've read. I think we chose well this time.
Oh, enjoy the sun. The sky is so depressing here.
I'm very impressed with the part I've read. I think we chose well this time.
Oh, enjoy the sun. The sky is so depressing here.
It is glorious here, for a change - it's been the most miserable Spring so far.
I'm at 8%, and I think you're right about the choice - I'm really liking the writing :)
I'm at 8%, and I think you're right about the choice - I'm really liking the writing :)
Hallo! I went outside. It rained. I came back inside and stared forlornly out the window.
I've read 22 pages so far. I'm liking!
I've read 22 pages so far. I'm liking!
It's raining here too and I need to take my daughter to her ballet class. I admire (and envy) people who actually like leaving the house. Yes, that includes you two. :D
I will only leave if there is something in it for me. Like coffee. Or sun. Or libraries. Otherwise, I'm a happy little hermit for the most part :)
Yes to reading when it's raining!
I was outside perfecting my photography skills. The light before a silver electrical storm is the most perfect light. Wow, how pretentious do I sound :D
I was outside perfecting my photography skills. The light before a silver electrical storm is the most perfect light. Wow, how pretentious do I sound :D
Ooh! Sounds lovely. I miss electrical storms. Melb doesn't get many. Not like QLD anyway..
You sound like you should be wearing a scarf, listening to Radiohead B sides and quaffing cognac. Ha ha.. No, I'm joking :D
And you're into photography as well? Stop being so cool, alright?? Just stop it :)
You sound like you should be wearing a scarf, listening to Radiohead B sides and quaffing cognac. Ha ha.. No, I'm joking :D
And you're into photography as well? Stop being so cool, alright?? Just stop it :)
That's it, I'm defriending all of you.
(view spoiler)
That's it, I'm defriending all of you.
(view spoiler)
Flann, you know I have commitment issues. :D
Please don't defriend me. *sad face* Have mercy. What would I do without you?
Please don't defriend me. *sad face* Have mercy. What would I do without you?
*freezes, stands up straight* Yes Miss Flannery!
@ Reynje. I was doing that while wearing my flannel pajamas, so no way :D But I'll have that cognac thank you very much
@ Reynje. I was doing that while wearing my flannel pajamas, so no way :D But I'll have that cognac thank you very much
Cognac for all!!
Yes, I confess I have commitment issues too and am guilty of flinging my comments around wildly all over goodreads *looks sheepishly in Flannery's direction*
I vote that Vera-related chats live here on Maja's thread.
All in favour, raise your glass. (Maja, Lisa, I know it's early for you to be drinking - but hopefully you can make an exception..)
Yes, I confess I have commitment issues too and am guilty of flinging my comments around wildly all over goodreads *looks sheepishly in Flannery's direction*
I vote that Vera-related chats live here on Maja's thread.
All in favour, raise your glass. (Maja, Lisa, I know it's early for you to be drinking - but hopefully you can make an exception..)
Don't even get me started on you, Shirley. I tried yesterday to read the tentative title of your second book from that picture. I thought I was the cat's meow because I flipped it in MSPaint to read the words and then I felt like an idiot (as per usual) when I realized that the header just said 'Publishing Agreement.' Even my 20/20 vision couldn't see the pixelly even smaller words.
It's nice knowing that random people in other countries are creepily editing pictures of you, isn't it? Not creepy at all. Nope.
It's nice knowing that random people in other countries are creepily editing pictures of you, isn't it? Not creepy at all. Nope.
Hello ladies! I'm finally back home. I was at a sort-of-work thing on this sunny day in Melbourne, and all the sunshine I got was during my walk to the station :( I'm opening a bottle of wine as I type! It's the start of my weekend :D
*plops down on beanbag*
Hallo Choco!
*holds out glass*
But it is called The Cat's Meow is it not, Flan? Kitty-Kitty Whitesocks was a good firecracker waiting to go off. Tom MacKerel was a bad ginger from the wrong side of town. One night they meet at The Cat's Meow and 300-pages-of-talky-talky-pretentious-literary-waffle-through-the-backstreets-of-Fremantle-later and the course of their lives... will change....forever. Melina Marchetta calls itan abomination on the face of contemporary Aussie YA fresh new talent.
Flan... maybe we can do a spot of mutual stalking?
About Vera:
(view spoiler)
Hallo Choco!
*holds out glass*
But it is called The Cat's Meow is it not, Flan? Kitty-Kitty Whitesocks was a good firecracker waiting to go off. Tom MacKerel was a bad ginger from the wrong side of town. One night they meet at The Cat's Meow and 300-pages-of-talky-talky-pretentious-literary-waffle-through-the-backstreets-of-Fremantle-later and the course of their lives... will change....forever. Melina Marchetta calls it
Flan... maybe we can do a spot of mutual stalking?
About Vera:
(view spoiler)
Here I am!!
I am SO not drinking, girls, just thinking about it is making me sweat. I got a stomach bug yesterday and still not feeling good. I talked to Maja right from the toilet bowl :D she was charmed, weren't you Maja?
About Vera: 19%. I agree with Shirley with the POV question, have to read more. I really like Vera's voice, that's for sure.
I am SO not drinking, girls, just thinking about it is making me sweat. I got a stomach bug yesterday and still not feeling good. I talked to Maja right from the toilet bowl :D she was charmed, weren't you Maja?
About Vera: 19%. I agree with Shirley with the POV question, have to read more. I really like Vera's voice, that's for sure.
Re: The Cat's Meow (view spoiler)
Okay, enough nonsense.
Hi Choco! *waves*
Lisa, what do you think so far??
Okay, enough nonsense.
Hi Choco! *waves*
Lisa, what do you think so far??
Comment timing FAIL, on my behalf :)
Hi Lisa - Hope you're feeling a little better than yesterday and have moved from the toilet bowl :(
Hi Lisa - Hope you're feeling a little better than yesterday and have moved from the toilet bowl :(
Oh, yes. Maja the germophobe was thrilled. But you know I love you anyway.
I'm still out & about so I really can't read yet, but I'll have plenty of time later.
Flann, you didn't really do all that, did you? Who am I kidding? Of course you did. :D
I'm still out & about so I really can't read yet, but I'll have plenty of time later.
Flann, you didn't really do all that, did you? Who am I kidding? Of course you did. :D
I actually don't usually give a hoot about the actual victims of my stalking but you know I love solving puzzles and playing games. I like to see if I can find stuff. Oh my god, I make myself sound more and more like a serial killer every time I open my mouth. Er, start typing.
Glad you're feeling better, Lisa!
Shirley, that sounds like a masterpiece waiting to happen.
ETA: Suck it up about the pagoda talking. And they are in Eastern Pennsylvania. In a town near Philadelphia. Fun fact, I get more hits on my blog from people searching for the location of Vera Dietz than almost anything else. Evidently it is a very hot topic. (obviously it is 3am and I need to go to bed since I thought you were asking about the setting of the book. I'm leaving it in case anyone is wondering.)
Glad you're feeling better, Lisa!
Shirley, that sounds like a masterpiece waiting to happen.
ETA: Suck it up about the pagoda talking. And they are in Eastern Pennsylvania. In a town near Philadelphia. Fun fact, I get more hits on my blog from people searching for the location of Vera Dietz than almost anything else. Evidently it is a very hot topic. (obviously it is 3am and I need to go to bed since I thought you were asking about the setting of the book. I'm leaving it in case anyone is wondering.)
Maja wrote: "Where in the book or where geographically?"
Considering I KNOW you are very unlikely to be out of the house, I'd say... in the book, yeah. :D
Considering I KNOW you are very unlikely to be out of the house, I'd say... in the book, yeah. :D
OH sorry, I just read your previous comment! YOU ARE out of the house!!!!
SEE, never take Maja for granted. Just when you think she's hiding in the house, she's out there, canoodling with the shirtless neighbor!
SEE, never take Maja for granted. Just when you think she's hiding in the house, she's out there, canoodling with the shirtless neighbor!
(I always picture the shirtless neighbor like that guy from SATC2 movie who has sex all the time and Kim Catrall watches.)
OK Flann, and now that you put that image in my head, what am I going to do with the rest of my day??!!
I always picture him mowing the lawn, shirtless.
I always picture him mowing the lawn, shirtless.
message 42:
Maja (The Nocturnal Library)
(last edited Nov 05, 2011 04:10AM)
rated it 3 stars
Yeah, let's make fun of the hermit.
My neighbor is outside working, but he has far too much clothes on. Bleh. I'm tempted to open the window and ask him to take his shirt off. :D
I just came home. I'll make lunch and then I'm off to read.
And to answer your previous question, I'm at 10%. And I sincerely hope we've heard the last from the pagoda.
It's a pretty short book, this Vera Dietz.
My neighbor is outside working, but he has far too much clothes on. Bleh. I'm tempted to open the window and ask him to take his shirt off. :D
I just came home. I'll make lunch and then I'm off to read.
And to answer your previous question, I'm at 10%. And I sincerely hope we've heard the last from the pagoda.
It's a pretty short book, this Vera Dietz.
Listen miss, you're the one who bakes 100 muffins a week just to take a peek :D (view spoiler)
But you never told me where you are in the BOOK.
But you never told me where you are in the BOOK.
It is quite short.. that percentage counter at the bottom of my kindle screen is ticking over very quickly.
I used to have a naked neighbour. Sadly, it was not nearly as exciting as it sounds..
I used to have a naked neighbour. Sadly, it was not nearly as exciting as it sounds..
A naked (or a half naked) neigbor sounds super creepy unless he's hot like mine. :D
Where are you now, Reynje? Should we stop and some point and wait for Shirley?
Where are you now, Reynje? Should we stop and some point and wait for Shirley?
A naked cyclist?! Ew! And think of the sunburn :/ My naked neighbour thought he was hot. Not sure the rest of the street agreed with him, though!
I'm currently at 30%, but I probably won't read too much more tonight. All that sun has made me rather sleepy..
Shirley is three hours behind me, so she probably has some reading time left to catch up (if she's not already ahead!)
I'm currently at 30%, but I probably won't read too much more tonight. All that sun has made me rather sleepy..
Shirley is three hours behind me, so she probably has some reading time left to catch up (if she's not already ahead!)
Ok, we'll stop at 30 then.
I'll be considerate and use a spoiler tag to hide this from sensitive eyes.
(view spoiler)
I'll be considerate and use a spoiler tag to hide this from sensitive eyes.
(view spoiler)
PS - anyone else who wants to join - you are totally welcome