Justin's Reviews > The Sun Is Also a Star

The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
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Ahhhhh!!! Why, Nicola Yoon, why?! Why am I reading your books in he first place? Why am I looking past the ridiculously sappy teen romance that litters the pages of your books and feverishly turning the pages? Is it the insanely short chapters? The story? The different points of view? The random science lessons? Why?!

I was skeptical at first. The plot summary on the inside jacket of the book almost made me throw up, and I got really dizzy from all the eye rolling. This book also takes on a more serious tone from the beginning. Yeah, it's all fun and young adult as all get out just like her last book, but this tackles some pretty heavy themes much more directly. Immigration, race, family dynamics, etc. are all mixed in with a love story that questions fate and nihilism along the way.

You've got al your typical "the universe brought us together" stuff here, and it's overboard at times, but I think what I enjoyed most was the relationships of the minor characters and how they contributed to the overall story. Yoon would step aside and dedicate a page or two to a seemingly random person, providing a brief account of their past or thoughts before diving back into Natasha and Daniel. It all felt kind of nice as an interlude from time to time, but these things often came back up al the way to the end.

The end was my favorite part of the book. I was hovering around two or three stars, but the last third of the book was fantastic. It really does reach a climax of sorts with all kinds of crazy things happening. That's vague on purpose. I don't wanna ruin anything.

And so, once again, I've tried my best to not like a Nicola Yoon book. I'm now 0-2 in succeeding. It's not perfect, but it's a great YA book to fly through. It has a very 500 Days of Summer vibe to me with teenagers. I guess you can sit JGL in there and give him a ponytail and it would work out alright. Or don't.

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Reading Progress

February 26, 2017 – Shelved
February 26, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
March 10, 2017 – Started Reading
March 10, 2017 –
page 51
14.83% "Well, this has a much more serious tone so far. Oh well. Whatever. Never mind."
March 11, 2017 –
page 108
31.4% "Love is just chemicals and coincidence."
March 16, 2017 –
page 200
58.14% "This book is like 500 Days of Summer, but just one day, and more racism."
March 20, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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message 1: by Wendy (new) - added it

Wendy Great review Justin

Justin Hey! Thanks, Wendy!

message 3: by Amy (new) - added it

Amy You have the hands-down funniest reviews! lol Every single time. I can't wait to read this one. I girlishly loved her other one.

Mariah Roze Our Diversity in All Forms Book Club is reading this for June. We’d love to have you join the discussion on it. :) https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

message 5: by Trish (last edited Jun 07, 2017 07:21PM) (new) - added it

Trish It really is very funny to read how you are being sucked into Yoon's orbit by your shoelaces. I am impressed that her work stands up to adult experience, or that you still have vulnerable underbelly.

typewriterdeluxe What a great review! Thanks for sharing your perspective.

Nicole R Everything is better with JGL. But I would nix the ponytail. A little too Third Rock from the Sun for me! ;)

Justin Hey hey! Ho ho! The ponytail has got to go! Hey hey! Ho ho!

message 9: by Julie (new)

Julie G (I click boxes to no avail) Justin,
I laughed out loud reading this. . . so, thank you!

Justin Haha that's awesome. Thanks!!

Jacob the Bookworm Your review makes me want to read this more now. Thanks a lot!! :-)

Samantha (WLABB) Totally agree. The ending pushed this one over the top for me.

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