Anne's Reviews > Red Sister

Red Sister by Mark  Lawrence
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: fantasy, kindle-app, read-in-2018

100% badass from start to finish.


When I think of nuns my mind doesn't immediately leap to a group of violent assassins.
Or, at least, it didn't use to.
Now? Well, now perhaps I'll think twice before I try to put the smackdown on a Sister. Who knows what sort of training they've had or weapons they're hiding under those habits?!
You can never be too cautious with those religious types...


So, yeah this is basically a story that centers around a little girl with supernatural Wolverine claws who's trying to find her place in the world. She gets sold by her village into slavery, convicted of murder and sentenced to hang, and recruited into the Medival Ninja Nun convent - all by the ripe old age of 9. Make no mistake, this kid is a vicious killer.
And I loved her so much!


Ok, I can see why some people might want to compare the convent to Hogwarts, I mean, yes there are kids being trained in a 'school setting' to use different forms of magic, there are friendships and rivalries, and there is a prophecy about a Chosen One who will save the day.
Yadda, yadda, yadda...
Still. This is not a retelling of Harry Potter and his band of loyal friends.
This is a story about a very dangerous, very bloodthirsty little girl...with a heart of gold.


I don't hand out 5 stars very often anymore, but this was a phenomenal book. I'm kind of scared of saying anything about the plot because I'm afraid it might ruin someone else's fun, but I have to mention how much I loved the way Lawrence pulled off those flashforward/flashbacks - whatever you want to call them. They were a brilliant touch that took the reading experience to a whole new level for me.
Highly Recommended!
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Reading Progress

February 22, 2017 – Shelved
January 23, 2018 – Started Reading
January 31, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-49 of 49 (49 new)

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message 1: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Aranda I'm so happy to see you enjoyed this book Anne! Was worried you wouldn't after another Goodreads pal have it a low rating.

Beige Great review! I also loved this bloodthirsty little gem and I can't until book 2 in April :)

message 3: by Martyn (new) - added it

Martyn Stanley I keep thinking I ought to read this. Sounds great!

message 4: by Miranda (new)

Miranda Reads This sounds so cool! Excellent review!

message 5: by Anna Kay (new) - added it

Anna Kay I have this out of the library right now, I figured this'd be more my speed than the trilogy he wrote about the feral royal rapist Prince. Tried that one and just couldn't.

Scott Firestone Is this a standalone series?

Anne Beige wrote: "Great review! I also loved this bloodthirsty little gem and I can't until book 2 in April :)"

I was so sad when I tried to get the next book. I was all, noooooooo!

Anne Martyn wrote: "I keep thinking I ought to read this. Sounds great!"

I put it off, too, b/c it sounded...meh. Nuns and whatnot are not my jam. But this was very well written!

Anne Scott wrote: "Is this a standalone series?"

Yeah, I don't think you need to read any of Lawrence's books to jump into this one.

message 10: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Anna (Curiosity comes before Kay) wrote: "I have this out of the library right now, I figured this'd be more my speed than the trilogy he wrote about the feral royal rapist Prince. Tried that one and just couldn't."

I read the first book in that series (and liked it) but never went back. This is completely different. It's got a lot of violence, but the main character is someone you want to root for, not strangle.

message 11: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Miranda wrote: "This sounds so cool! Excellent review!"

Thanks! I thought I was maybe the only one who hadn't read this one yet. :)

Holly Oooh I need to move this up on my reading list :)

message 13: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Yessss. I think you might enjoy this one quite a bit! Our taste tends to line up. *crosses fingers and hopes*

message 14: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma THAT ENDING! I cannot wait to read the next book.

message 15: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I KNOW! I'm almost glad I waited so long to read it! For some reason, I thought the next book was already out, went IMMEDIATELY to download it, and then...


message 16: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma Anne wrote: "I KNOW! I'm almost glad I waited so long to read it! For some reason, I thought the next book was already out, went IMMEDIATELY to download it, and then...


Oh the pain of that. I feel you...

Even worse knowing ML wrote the whole thing before the first was even released. Just stick it all together in one massive book already, I’m game...

Tessa in Mid-Michigan Have you read Tower Lord by Ryan? This was so similar in a lot of ways...that made me like it less. But the features you liked here the most are not found in that book.

Tessa in Mid-Michigan Oops, actually I mean the first book of his series, Blood Song.

message 19: by Natalie (new) - added it

Natalie Thomas badasss. that's what i need.

message 20: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Tessa wrote: "Oops, actually I mean the first book of his series, Blood Song."

No, I haven't. Do you have a link?

message 21: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Emma wrote: "Anne wrote: "I KNOW! I'm almost glad I waited so long to read it! For some reason, I thought the next book was already out, went IMMEDIATELY to download it, and then...


Oh the pain of that. I ..."

I'm just glad they're all done! But yes, hurry and release them!

message 22: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Natalie wrote: "badasss. that's what i need."

We all need that. :)

message 23: by Chad (new) - added it

Chad Anne, book 2 is available for request on NG. I know you don't really use it anymore, but if you want to read it before April...

message 24: by Kyla (new) - added it

Kyla Sweet! Awesome review as always!

Tessa in Mid-Michigan BTW, Mark Lawrence has a review of Blood Song.

message 27: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Tessa wrote: "Blood Song"

Tessa wrote: "BTW, Mark Lawrence has a review of Blood Song."

Thank you! I'll check those out.

message 28: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Chad wrote: "Anne, book 2 is available for request on NG. I know you don't really use it anymore, but if you want to read it before April..."


message 29: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Kyla wrote: "Sweet! Awesome review as always!"

Thank you, Kyla!

message 30: by Viola (new)

Viola I never heard about this book before, but now I want to read it :D great review!

message 31: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Thanks, Viola! I kept seeing the book pop up in my feed, but it seemed too weird. Bad decision on my part. lol

message 32: by Fernando (new) - added it

Fernando Hey Anne, should I read Broken Empire and Red Queen's War trilogies prior to reading this? I'd put it down as to want to read but I'm wondering about time lines. Thanks :)

message 33: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Nope! This is a stand-alone, Fernando. The stories may somehow intertwine (anyone? anyone?) but if so, I'm unaware and was able to read this with no issues at all.

message 34: by JW (new) - added it

JW I recently bought a copy but haven’t gotten around to reading it. Your review has me stoked, so I’m moving this one up higher on my TBR list.

message 35: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I felt the same way, Joansandy! I had it and just kept putting it off b/c it looked kinda crunchy and dry? I was sucked in by the first chapter - really cool story!

message 36: by Glen (new) - rated it 2 stars

Glen Little girls, beating the crap out of people? It's going to the top of my to-read list. I love the GIF of the kid eviscerating the plush dino.

message 37: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Baby Dino-Ninja was maybe the best gif I've seen in a long time, Glen. And who doesn't love evil little girls?

Holly I really want to know what happens next in this series, especially since it looks like the only part I didn't particularly love is going to have to be left out of the next book based on where this one left off.

message 39: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Ooooh! Then I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of the next one. I didn't mind the middle stuff, but I can see where you're coming from. I think we're gonna get another flashback though that's gonna lead up to book 3...don't you think?

message 40: by Mwanamali (new) - added it

Mwanamali Welp, I'm sold. Thank you. My TBR shelf that just keeps on swelling just blames thanks you. Will this be a movie? I feel like it should be a movie.

message 41: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Mwanamali wrote: "Welp, I'm sold. Thank you. My TBR shelf that just keeps on swelling just blames thanks you. Will this be a movie? I feel like it should be a movie."

Enjoy! I hope you like it as much as I did! I have no idea if this will be a movie, but I would pay to see it if they did. :)

message 42: by Mwanamali (new) - added it

Mwanamali Anne wrote: "Mwanamali wrote: "Welp, I'm sold. Thank you. My TBR shelf that just keeps on swelling just blames thanks you. Will this be a movie? I feel like it should be a movie."

Enjoy! I hope you like it as ..."

Thanks. I really hope I am able to find it here.

message 43: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I hope you can, too. Are any of his other books available there?

message 44: by Mwanamali (new) - added it

Mwanamali Anne wrote: "I hope you can, too. Are any of his other books available there?"

I've never seen em here.

message 45: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Dang. That sucks.

message 46: by Paul (new) - rated it 5 stars

Paul Close Amen, sister! 5 stars and then some...

message 47: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne The second book is just as good!

message 48: by Toni NB (new) - added it

Toni NB I love your reviews, Anne!

message 49: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Toni wrote: "I love your reviews, Anne!"

Thank you so much, Toni! I hope you end up liking this book.

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