karen's Reviews > A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
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it was amazing
bookshelves: icky-sex

nerds, now i am among you.

this is going to be a review where i just prattle on and on about meee meee meee, because let's face it - there are a million reviews of this puppy out there so i don't have to worry about doing a disservice to the book. you'll either read the book or you won't. but you should: it's got direwolves.

i wasn't going to read this. after years of watching hordes of desperate sad-eyed nerds coming up to me, asking "any news on the george r.r. martin release??" (like the bn computer knows more, somehow, than the internet. it doesn't) and i would have to tell them (not without some schadenfreude-glee) "nope - it has just been moved back another year!!" it gave me a solid sense of "there but for the grace..." like when you see a very young junkie and you congratulate yourself for dodging that particular bullet.

despite what i kept hearing about how awesome the books were, i just filed it away in the mental RA folder of "stuff nerds like" and figured one day i would read them, you know - for research, but not before they were all out - i wasn't going to get sucked into the trap of so many before me - the waiting game of disappointment and having to reread the older books again and again to keep track of who was even alive at this point. "when you play the game of thrones, you play to become frustrated and impatient."

i have seen it a hundred times.

so when the teevee show came out and people were drooling over how good it was, i paid them no mind. i pushed it two feet past the "someday" pile in my brain. because i am not one of those people who watch a movie before reading the book, am i??

but connor wore me down. he really wanted me to see it and he wanted to talk to me about it and his bearded little face was all lit from within with enthusiasm and i just couldn't say no to him.

so i did it. i watched the teeveee. on demand - several episodes in a row, pissed off if i started to get too sleepy to make it through another episode.

so so good.

so now, i had to read it, right? i owe it to the gods of fine literature and all.

so i did, and god this book is fun.

i am glad they changed a few things for the filmed version - i'm not sure i would have been too comfortable watching a thirteen-year-old actress play daenerys.

in the same line of thought - natalie - i know you have not watched the show yet, but your crush on jon snow?? perfectly understandable to someone watching the show - he has that dark brooding thing i can see a girl going for, but if you have only read the books?? girl, your crush is on a fourteen-year-old boy. i have notified the authorities, you perv.

in the end, i am glad i watched the show first, if only so that i know how to pronounce the characters' names. oh, you crazy high fantasy novels and your names...

alfonso won't read this series because of the incest and because they never tell you where the soldiers pooped. i am not kidding. several people complain that the seasonal imbalance complicates the growing cycle and where is all their food coming from. this point i can understand - fantasy novels are supposed to care about developing a fully-realized world and all, and that is kind of a major detail, but it doesn't bother me at all. i am no connoisseur of fantasy- i am a dilettante at best. so i don't care where people are getting their food - i don't care if the social hierarchy is a realistic one, given the particulars of this realm, i certainly don't care where the soldiers are pooping. nor do i care in any novel where and when the characters poop. i just like this book's quiet intrigues and betrayals. the diplomacy, the lack of hesitation when it is time for a character to be killed off. i love how there aren't any "good guys" or "bad guys," only "effective" and "ineffective" characters. every one of them does at least one thing that'll make a reader go, "oh, bad move." so he dropped a few details when it comes to agriculture - he spent all his energies into creating characters that i love reading about.there are facets to this thing - sides of the argument rarely seen in a straight-ahead rollicking plot-driven novel.

and i'm not really sure where the misogyny accusations come from. is it because women can't really ascend to power except through marriage?? because i don't think that was invented for this book - i am pretty sure that has happened, historically, in other places. and if it's the looting and raping, well - that happens in war, too. wait, is it sansa?? yeah, she's kind of a wash. but the girl wants what the girl wants. she's at least more complicated than bella, right? there are plenty of good characters here that aren't weak or power-mad, or just regular-mad... okay - there are a couple. but sheeeeit - all the characters here are pretty bad, on the moral spectrum, right? littlefinger is my very favorite, but i wouldn't want to know him in my real life. i appreciate his devotion, though.

so i am super excited about clash of kings, both the book i will read and the show i will watch. swords and boobies and direwolves. i don't even know how i am going to make it until then.

oh, because i was talking about boobies and HBO just there, connor was telling me this story about louis ck, and i loved it, and i found this quote. it is relevant!! hbo is nudity-crazy!! but he took care of their lust for flesh:

HBO was asking us why there was no nudity on the show, and what they really meant was, Why wasn’t Pamela Adlon, who played my wife, nude? When I hired Pam, I didn’t tell her she was going to be doing anything like that. It wasn’t supposed to be that kind of show. So I said, “You know what, I’ll do it.” And I did that episode, and they were like, “O.K., we have plenty of nudity, thank you.”

hbo, thwarted!

look, dana, i read one of your books!!

and i have just discovered betterbooktitles.com!

come to my blog!
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Reading Progress

July 29, 2011 – Started Reading
July 29, 2011 – Shelved
August 2, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 171 (171 new)

karen i'm so stupid - i am bringing three books with me, two of which are 500-plus pages.

really, karen??

message 2: by Courtney (new) - added it

Courtney i always do that. last time i went to Georgia i brought 4 books with me. didn't read any of them. :p lol.

Danica I am looking forward to this review.

Jennifer Everytime I get nervous, or feel insecure about my environment, I surround myself with books, I seriously know, no reason.

karen 4 days?? thats about three books worth, right?

Richard G after this you will finally be well read, congrats! I always bring more books than i can handle, brought 3 for a 3 day weekend all 500 plus.

karen shushify, you nerrrrd!!

Richard G shushifying to me is same as relaxifying so gladly!

karen hhmph. undermined.

message 10: by Richard (last edited Jul 30, 2011 09:12AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Richard G i boasted your reviewafying to a new acquaintance this morning. we were discussing "motherless brooklyn" which i was hoping to read your review to her, she lives around the corner from zeod's that's the deli in the book.

karen i don't think i reviewed that one. oops. but i have any number of fine reviews asbout other books. you know what to do...

Lucy You're joining the nerd herd! I eagerly wait to hear if you love this or hate it.

message 13: by Bill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bill karen, how are you enjoying this so far, and where are you at with it?

karen oh, right - i forgot!!

message 15: by Bill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bill 5 stars...wow!...it is a great book though....i have to re-read it and then get on to the others....i hope they are as good.

you read it in 4 days too...very impressive!

karen i am such a nerrrd.

message 17: by Bill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bill no, you're not.

Lucy you are, you are! embrace your nerdery.

message 19: by Dana (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dana wow! 5 stars! on to the second one?

karen i made some promises first, but soon, yeah....

message 21: by K. (new) - rated it 5 stars

K. I always love it when other people love books I love. Glad you loved it!

karen yes!! i wanna review it, but first i gotta get through this AIFAF write-up...

karen woot!!

these nerds are worse though:


Lucy those nerds are my favorite nerds.

message 25: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! Hah! This one's pretty darn engrossing. Hope you can keep it up for the rest.

Jenn "Awww Yeaaahhh" karen wrote: "yes!! i wanna review it, but first i gotta get through this AIFAF write-up..."

Yes! To both! Thank you.

karen my computer has been a total dick all night. it took me more than 5 hours to get the adventure up... now i don't wanna review. stomping my foot. it is the slowest computer ever. i will get caught up on reading reviews and writing reviews tomorrow. for tonight - i cave.

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) You've described my thoughs about this book perfectly. I mean the reluctance to read it and the reasons for it.

It seems I'll have to... eventually.

karen you would think i would bu hung up on the food, since i love food, but as long as i'm fed while reading, where the characters are getting their food from doesn't bother me one bit. but i am selfish that way.

message 30: by Crowinator (new)

Crowinator I just finished the fifth one in the series because I had to do a review of it, even though I haven't read the other four, so eventually I'd like to go back and start the series from its actual beginning. And here I had the impression from the fifth book that Martin maybe spent too much time on everyone's bathroom habits, in that he always lets us know when his characters have to piss (his words) and how they actually do it, whether it's off the side of the boat or involves the gathering of skirts or so on.

karen hahaha well, then he is a man who pays attention to his critics!!

message 32: by Meredith (new)

Meredith Holley I'm glad you said that about watching the show because I was doing the same thing. This book is loooooong! I wanna watch the show!

message 33: by K. (new) - rated it 5 stars

K. I haven't heard anyone call this series misogynistic. If anything, Martin gives his women as much power as humanly possible without betraying history. He's a fan of underdogs and women, at a time when men rule everything, are one of them.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

I have heard the charges of misogyny, but I think they are misguided, and more general to high fantasy than specific to Martin.

While really liking this series, I was also bothered by the seasonal thing, because it kept being referred to as a shaping force in the generational qualities of different characters. But then at other times it was simply unbelievable to me that people would act the way they do because of the seasons. I do not care where anyone poops

message 35: by Brad (new) - rated it 4 stars

Brad swords and boobies and direwolves. i don't even know how i am going to make it until then.

Heh heh ... I love it! Awesome cool review, Karen.

message 36: by smetchie (last edited Aug 03, 2011 09:40AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

smetchie YES! Me too!! Me too! My love affair followed nearly the exact same path of decline. From "Stupid nerds, No way I'm watching that stupid nerd show and I don't care what the guy I work with says. it's dumb" to "Oh my Lord in Heaven that show is the best thing I've seen on television EVER gobble gobble every episode on demand in a row while ignoring children, husband and food until suddenly they expired and disappeared forever! OH NO where will I get my fix??? Then I quietly downloaded the entire series onto my nook and went around apologizing to all the nerds I scoffed at.

message 37: by Krok Zero (new)

Krok Zero The more memorable thing Louis CK said about why he didn't have Pamela get naked on that show was something about how "you can't laugh and jerk off at the same time."

message 38: by Lizzie (new)

Lizzie My love affair also followed this path! I read the New Yorker thing about the stupid demanding nerds and I thought, ha ha, pathetic, not reading that and I am certainly not watching the TV show. And then everybody I know was watching it and raving about it and we watched an episode and I was HOOKED. Watched every episode on demand and am now in withdrawal till the next fix in the spring.

karen i know... i can't believe i am now impatiently waiting just like one of them...

Natalie So, in my defense, a lot of time passes in these books. And I was 22 when I first read this (so slightly less pervy). But yeah when I re-read this I was like, really he's only 14.

karen hahaahah okay. you can tell the nice people that when they come for you.

Natalie See how anything I say right now doesn't help my case. Maybe young men shouldn't be so brooding and handsome and walking around with direwolves. Right?

message 43: by Greg (new)

Greg Natalie wrote: "So, in my defense, a lot of time passes in these books. And I was 22 when I first read this (so slightly less pervy). But yeah when I re-read this I was like, really he's only 14."

You're right, there is nothing creepy about a 22 year old with a 14 year old. And they let you run the children section?

karen haahahhahahaaa

Natalie Technically they made me run the children's department. But I like it. But not for the young boys.

message 46: by Richard (last edited Aug 03, 2011 08:44PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Richard G Bravo, Hallelujah! The books get better and the intrigue becomes more intrigueful and the twist and turns keep on twisting. but really karen "any news on the george r.r. martin release??" (like the bn computer knows more, somehow, than the internet. it doesn't) and i would have to tell them (not without some schadenfreude-glee) "nope - it has just been moved back another year!!" with glee,GLEE, ouch. as one of the throngs looking for any piece of information, shame on you. one time i asked greg any news and the not so know it all computer said "a dance with dragons" was coming out in 2035. well thx goodness that was really wrong amongst many disappointing false publication dates kind of like false dragons from the ... series and that's a plug.

karen it was always fun to watch your face fall

message 48: by Richard (last edited Aug 03, 2011 08:46PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Richard G you're mean.

karen hahaahah i know!! you nerds with your hopes and dreams - dashed!

Richard G i weep for thee. how sad and twisted your mind really is. oh by the way false dragons are not from fire and ice series.

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