Luffy Sempai's Reviews > The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North
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This is a book that draws inspiration from both Groundhog Day and an episode of X-Files whose name escapes me for now. Harry August is a tough negociator. Whenever Harry relives a section of his life he tries hard to do his best to improve his lot. Yes, the main character relives his childhood and does his best to make amends to change his past experiences.

I thought the premise was something slightly stale that needed to be addressed to make more of an impact. But I forget that this book is very much beloved by the Goodreads reviewing community. Maybe I've this reaction because I recently watched Source Code, a sci fi movie with the same flaws as this book.

The reason I'm not delving into the fabric itself of the story is that you can't go into details in this case without getting spoilery. Also, I'm a bit puzzled as to why I didn't like this book as much as others. Before I forget, the book Dark Matter too is a similar, vaguely so, but the impression is imprinted enough to get a tired, clicheed, deja vu feeling. This book is subpar IMHO, and though 3 stars is nothing to sneer at, the story doesn't warrant a greater score.
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Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Nice honest review Luffy.

Luffy Sempai Thanks Maureen. It's a crummy review isn't it? I wasn't inspired at all.

message 3: by Maureen (new)

Maureen No it's not, you've said exactly what you think Luffy.

Luffy Sempai Well, I owe you thanks again. Thanks for the encouragement, dear friend.

message 5: by Zoeytron (new) - added it

Zoeytron Luffy, I agree with Maureen. It always makes me a mite suspicious if there are no counter-balancing reviews. We already know that there is no way we can all love the same book equally. Your review reflects your opinion, and it is valued.

Luffy Sempai Well, it's kind of you to say so, and to evaluate my review nicely. I'm going to wait for your review, should you read the book sooner or later.

Rose I gave this 3 stars also. Good, I've read worse, but it could have been so much better

Luffy Sempai Rose wrote: "I gave this 3 stars also. Good, I've read worse, but it could have been so much better"

Yay! Once again, we agree on something. Nice to hear from you:)

message 9: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Nice review, Luffy. Sorry to see it wasn't better for you.

message 10: by Christine (new)

Christine Well done, Luffy. Love the word "spoilery."

Luffy Sempai Melissa wrote: "Nice review, Luffy. Sorry to see it wasn't better for you."

I'm sorry as well. Thanks.

Luffy Sempai Christine wrote: "Well done, Luffy. Love the word "spoilery.""

Thanks for the comment and the like, Christine :)

message 13: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Nice review, Luffy. I hope your next read is a great one :)

Luffy Sempai Thanks for the kind words, Deanna!

message 15: by Iris P (new) - added it

Iris P Appreciate your perspective on this novel Luffy. I've had this book on my shelves for ages now and I think that, based on this it might stay there for a while. Thanks again for your candid review!

message 16: by Marius (new)

Marius Du plessis hehe, nice X-Files reference, me being a card-carrying X-File, you are referring to the episode where a lady is trying to get Mulder to understand about a bank that is being robbed.
Season 6 : Episode 14 "Monday"

No, I do not endlessly rewatch X-Files....I do through in a couple of seasons of Millennium... :) Besides, nothing good to watch cept for Stranger Things...

The thing with me is, one of fiction weakpoints is where time plays a role, how it influences the future and in this case, the past.
Its just makes you think so much.

But the book, I am 3/4 through it, just before halfway I was hoping for it to start getting somewhere, but its picking up pace now....will see.

Luffy Sempai Iris P wrote: "Appreciate your perspective on this novel Luffy. I've had this book on my shelves for ages now and I think that, based on this it might stay there for a while. Thanks again for your candid review!"

Thank you Iris!

Luffy Sempai Marius wrote: "hehe, nice X-Files reference, me being a card-carrying X-File, you are referring to the episode where a lady is trying to get Mulder to understand about a bank that is being robbed.
Season 6 : Epis..."

Your references seem more of a time capsule now, doubly so. Happy reading to you.

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