♥Sharon♥'s Reviews > Memory in Death

Memory in Death by J.D. Robb
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's review

it was amazing

I know. I know. All of you are thinking how the heck, after 22 books, I am still handing out 5 star reviews. Well it is simple. I love these books. I love J.D. Robb's writing. I love Eve and Roarke. And I love all the secondary characters.

Peabody will always be at the top of this list with Feeney, McNabb and Dr. Mira following. There was a moment in this one when Dr. Mira's husband did something that warmed my heart. I love these two. I hope J.D. weaves him in to the story lines a bit more.

There really wasn't anything too crazy going on with the murder and the mystery side of things in Memory in Death. Maybe because it was Christmas time. I did piece things together before the reveal but it was still intriguing.

It loved spending Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Roarke and Eve. As always Eve is stunned by the beauty in his gifts to her but it would be Eve who surprises him with the best gift ever....a photo.

And poor Galahad. Eve had fun with him on Christmas Eve. And I have to admit I've done this to my kitties too. :)

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February 8, 2017 – Shelved
February 8, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
May 2, 2017 – Started Reading
May 8, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Enjoy it, Sharon. x

♥Sharon♥ Mo wrote: "Enjoy it, Sharon. x"

I shall! Thank you Mo! xx

message 3: by Lisazj1 (new)

Lisazj1 Enjoy Sharon! xx

message 4: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Enjoy Sharon!!!♥♥♥

message 5: by Karen (new)

Karen Love that gif! Enjoy Sharon! xxx

♥Sharon♥ Karen wrote: "Love that gif! Enjoy Sharon! xxx"

Jen wrote: "Enjoy Sharon!!!♥♥♥"

Lisazj1 wrote: "Enjoy Sharon! xx"

Thanks ladies!

message 7: by Piper (new)

Piper Hope this one is just as good as all the others that preceded it. ox

♥Sharon♥ Piper wrote: "Hope this one is just as good as all the others that preceded it. ox"

Just as good Piper!! xo

message 9: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Great review, Sharon. Ha Ha. Love the pic of Galahad. Very apt. And yes, that scene with Mr. Mira was lovely ...

♥Sharon♥ Mo wrote: "Great review, Sharon. Ha Ha. Love the pic of Galahad. Very apt. And yes, that scene with Mr. Mira was lovely ..."

Thank you Maura! xo

message 11: by Karen (new)

Karen Lovely review, Sharon! I'm very happy you're still loving these books! xx

♥Sharon♥ Karen wrote: "Lovely review, Sharon! I'm very happy you're still loving these books! xx"

Thanks so much Karen! xo

message 13: by Jan (new)

Jan Wow! Another 5 Stars in this never ending series Lol
I am so glad it was a hit :))
Great review, Sharon. xx

♥Sharon♥ Jan wrote: "Wow! Another 5 Stars in this never ending series Lol
I am so glad it was a hit :))
Great review, Sharon. xx"

😂 never ending is right! I'm half way through it though. :)

Thanks Jan! xx

message 15: by Judith (new)

Judith Great review,darling,x

♥Sharon♥ Judith wrote: "Great review,darling,x"

Thank you Judith!

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Great review Sharon xo-

message 18: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Yowza . . . 22 books in and still this great?! That's awesome. Glad you found something you love so much. :)

♥Sharon♥ Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ wrote: "Great review Sharon xo-"

Oh my goodness. I am just seeing this. Thank you Deanna!

♥Sharon♥ Melissa wrote: "Yowza . . . 22 books in and still this great?! That's awesome. Glad you found something you love so much. :)"

Sorry! I'm just seeing this now. Thank you Melissa! I do love it. I just finished #31! 😍😍

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