Alejandro's Reviews > After You
After You (Me Before You, #2)

Louisa Clark returns!!!
This novel is the sequel to “Me Before You”, so you need to read that book first to be able to engage into this one.
I am truly glad that Jojo Moyes, the author, decided to write this sequel, since while Me Before You has a proper closure and you could be totally satisfied there, well, life doesn’t have “endings” like the books, and certainly while Will Traynor’s storyline ends there, Louisa Clark have a whole life in front of her and it was thrilling to know how was it, without having to guess.
And also, not only Louisa, but the entire Clark Family, the Traynor Family and even other characters like Patrick and Nathan. All those support characters that you learned to love or hate, all depending of your very personal point of view, all of them, their lives carry on too, and you’ll know what happened with each of them.
And you can trust that Louisa Clark’s life is like her clothing…
…anything but boring!
And since I won't make any spoilers, I only can tell you that you'll have a lot of surprises!
Obviously, like in life doesn’t have “endings”, also you never stop to meet new people, and certainly, here, in After You, Louisa Clark will meet several new people, and all of them will make impacts on Louisa’s life, and you have to know that not all impacts are negative, there are positive impacts too.
And the best of that?
That like in life, you can’t foreseen how each of those new characters will turn in the developing of this sequel, like in life, you just have to be careful, to do your best effort to keep on, but always following your heart and insticts, since at the end of the day…
…there is nothing more important than being able to watch yourself in the mirror and being sure that all what you did in the day didn’t cause any hurt to others.
Nobody is a saint, but we don’t have to be, only avoiding to provoke suffering without need to any person which doesn’t deserve it.
Never is easy, many times the easiest path is too tempting, but only you will know if you’re calling the right decision when stressful situations arise.
And nobody has to tell you how to live your own life, since only you would know if you’re truly happy and…
…if you’re happy with your decisions and don’t causing sorrow to others…
…how much else you really need in your life?
When somebody who has been too important in your life, in your heart, is gone, you may think that being happy without that person isn’t respectful for the memory of that person, but that isn’t the case, everybody deserves to be happy and if you keep in your mind and heart the memory of that person, you won’t be “betraying” that person if you find happiness in a new person, even more if you do all what you can (and sometimes even more than that) to protect the legacy of that person which isn’t here anymore.
The path to do what's right isn't easy, and it's testing, but when you trust that you're doing wha'ts morally right and you can be yourself at ease on the mirror, at the end, it will be worthy.
And don’t rush up to judge others, since in most cases, you won’t really know them, what’s in their minds, hearts and souls. Judging is easy. Helping isn’t.
If you think that you’re not up to lend a hand, don't do it, don't torture yourself, but then at least don’t judge since that won’t help neither.
Nobody expects that you save the world, but as Oskar Schindler found out…
…to save a life is to save the world.
And not lives needed to save from a physical wound, some lives needed to save from soul wounds and sometimes they are in such dark place that they put themselves beyond of accepting help and they can be testing, but if you think that it's the right thing to do, not matter the outcome, it will be worthy too.
Maybe you won’t be in the position to do something as dramatic to save a life, but any positive impact in another’s life…
…you’ll never know how much will help others in the future.
Nobody will do what you need to do in the world. If you don't do those things, nobody else will do it. You're unique in the world in ways that you wouldn't believe it. For better or worse. It's A Wonderful Life! (and nope, it's not that here you'll have a parallel dimension situation! I just think that the thought that nobody else will do what you must do, it was right to apply here).
And again, always think if whatever you do, you’ll be able to watch yourself in the mirror.
Since you are the only one able to judge yourself and your own actions.
Other people and their actions and repercussions? Only God can judge them.
This novel is the sequel to “Me Before You”, so you need to read that book first to be able to engage into this one.
I am truly glad that Jojo Moyes, the author, decided to write this sequel, since while Me Before You has a proper closure and you could be totally satisfied there, well, life doesn’t have “endings” like the books, and certainly while Will Traynor’s storyline ends there, Louisa Clark have a whole life in front of her and it was thrilling to know how was it, without having to guess.
And also, not only Louisa, but the entire Clark Family, the Traynor Family and even other characters like Patrick and Nathan. All those support characters that you learned to love or hate, all depending of your very personal point of view, all of them, their lives carry on too, and you’ll know what happened with each of them.
And you can trust that Louisa Clark’s life is like her clothing…
…anything but boring!
And since I won't make any spoilers, I only can tell you that you'll have a lot of surprises!
Obviously, like in life doesn’t have “endings”, also you never stop to meet new people, and certainly, here, in After You, Louisa Clark will meet several new people, and all of them will make impacts on Louisa’s life, and you have to know that not all impacts are negative, there are positive impacts too.
And the best of that?
That like in life, you can’t foreseen how each of those new characters will turn in the developing of this sequel, like in life, you just have to be careful, to do your best effort to keep on, but always following your heart and insticts, since at the end of the day…
…there is nothing more important than being able to watch yourself in the mirror and being sure that all what you did in the day didn’t cause any hurt to others.
Nobody is a saint, but we don’t have to be, only avoiding to provoke suffering without need to any person which doesn’t deserve it.
Never is easy, many times the easiest path is too tempting, but only you will know if you’re calling the right decision when stressful situations arise.
And nobody has to tell you how to live your own life, since only you would know if you’re truly happy and…
…if you’re happy with your decisions and don’t causing sorrow to others…
…how much else you really need in your life?
When somebody who has been too important in your life, in your heart, is gone, you may think that being happy without that person isn’t respectful for the memory of that person, but that isn’t the case, everybody deserves to be happy and if you keep in your mind and heart the memory of that person, you won’t be “betraying” that person if you find happiness in a new person, even more if you do all what you can (and sometimes even more than that) to protect the legacy of that person which isn’t here anymore.
The path to do what's right isn't easy, and it's testing, but when you trust that you're doing wha'ts morally right and you can be yourself at ease on the mirror, at the end, it will be worthy.
And don’t rush up to judge others, since in most cases, you won’t really know them, what’s in their minds, hearts and souls. Judging is easy. Helping isn’t.
If you think that you’re not up to lend a hand, don't do it, don't torture yourself, but then at least don’t judge since that won’t help neither.
Nobody expects that you save the world, but as Oskar Schindler found out…
…to save a life is to save the world.
And not lives needed to save from a physical wound, some lives needed to save from soul wounds and sometimes they are in such dark place that they put themselves beyond of accepting help and they can be testing, but if you think that it's the right thing to do, not matter the outcome, it will be worthy too.
Maybe you won’t be in the position to do something as dramatic to save a life, but any positive impact in another’s life…
…you’ll never know how much will help others in the future.
Nobody will do what you need to do in the world. If you don't do those things, nobody else will do it. You're unique in the world in ways that you wouldn't believe it. For better or worse. It's A Wonderful Life! (and nope, it's not that here you'll have a parallel dimension situation! I just think that the thought that nobody else will do what you must do, it was right to apply here).
And again, always think if whatever you do, you’ll be able to watch yourself in the mirror.
Since you are the only one able to judge yourself and your own actions.
Other people and their actions and repercussions? Only God can judge them.
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After You.
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message 1:
Feb 15, 2017 08:03PM


Me Before You frustrated me with that ending but I got it; I was surprised to know there would be an "After You"; I started the sequel a few months ago but haven't been able to finish yet; NOW I think I should. Because if that book can inspire such a deep and thoughtful review, surely the book is very worthwhile. ^_^

Thank you so much for your very kind word, Andrea :D

I'm sure that you felt what you wrote in your own review at moment, there is nothing wrong in that. It's evident that we can't read the same book twice, any time that we get back to a book, we changed, the time is different, external and inner factors at the new moment would change our feelings.
But, I'm glad that I help you to ponder an angle that maybe when you read the book, you didn't consider ;) :D I don't judge you ;) Only help you! :D

I can't guarantee that you'd have a positive experience out of the sequel, each person will get the book in a different light and trust me, this sequel have several testing moments, but as I exposed it, I did my best of not rushing to judge characters and trusting that Louisa as doing what she considered right to be able watch herself in a mirror later (the mirror's thing is mine, hehehe, it's not on the book :P ).

I can't thank you enough for such overwhelming feedback! :) I can understand your feelings about how "Me Before You" ended since certainly it's not the kind of ideal ending that we could hope for, but it wasn't what we wanted it, but what we deserve it, I guess, and yes, it was unexpected even to find out about "After You", but I understand that Louisa Clark's character touched deeply to Jojo Moyes, so I am sure that she was thrilled to come back to her and showing how her life went on. I am not surprised that you couldn't read "After You" totally, since it has several testing moments that we may feel irritated or that we think that we'd did differently, but I guess that since I didn't lose hope in Louisa, I trusted in her heart since definitely I couldn't judge what was she doing since it was the right thing to do, not the easiest one, even not the better for herself, but definitely the morally right thing to do, and one only can respect such bravery.
Thanks again for your wonderful appraisal! :)

Certainly, I can understand your feeling and trust for Louisa's future :) Indeed, it's not like we needed a sequel, I guess that since Louisa Clark's character is very dear to Jojo Moyes, she was thrilled to have a chance to get back to her ;)

Thank you, Florencia! As always, I do appreciate deeply your kind appraisals! :)

Wonderful review, Alejandro!!

Thank you for your kind words, Pamela! :)

Thank you for your kind feedback, Beatrice :)

Wonderful review, Alejandro!!"
Never too late ;) Whenever you'd be able to read it, it will be the right time for you ;)

I thought that too at first, since indeed once Will gone, what else could be told? But I am glad to say that many things happen in this sequel, as I commented, some of those things will be testing, you'll feel irritated at some moments, but trust in Louisa that she will always do what's right, not the easiest things, but the right ones ;)
I'm truly glad that you'll read th sequel. I hope you'd enjoy it as much as I did!

Thank you for your kind words, Daniella :)
I trust you'll love this one too then, maybe you'll be tested at some points in the story, but don't drop it, keep faith in Louisa ;)

There will be testing moments in the reading, the path that Louisa chose in this sequel isn't easy, and she'll meet characters truly demanding of patience, but if you trust in Louisa's instincts, I hope you'll enjoy the long road until the end of this book.
Thank you for your kind words!

You're most welcome :-)