Hufsa's Reviews > A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
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really liked it

Is it possible to feel so sad, but at the same time have a smile on your face?? That is me right now....and it is such a weird feeling!

A Monster Calls was such a unique book - a mix of fantasy and realistic fiction! I loved that at some points I felt like I was reading a fairy tale and at other times I was reading about a young boy who was struggling emotionally as his mother battled cancer...and in the end, how all of it connected so beautifully! There were quite a few images (paintings? drawings? I am not sure) scattered throughout the book, and I really liked looking at them. They were kind of abstract, but very clearly portrayed the main character's feelings.
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Reading Progress

January 11, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
January 11, 2017 – Shelved
March 30, 2017 – Started Reading
April 1, 2017 –
page 69
April 2, 2017 – Finished Reading

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Terris Nice!

Hufsa Thanks! :)

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