J.L. Sutton's Reviews > A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
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“Stories are wild creatures, the monster said. When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?”

Patrick Ness: Why I wrote A Monster Calls - BBC News

When a monster shows up and talks with 13-year old Conor in Patrick Ness’s A Monster Calls, the question behind why it has ‘come walking’ immediately arises. Has it appeared to do mischief to Conor or has Conor summoned it and, if so, summoned it to do what? The writing, especially when the monster is around, evokes dreams, faraway lands and ancient creatures. As soon as the monster begins to relate a set of stories, even though I liked the stories, A Monster Calls, along with the issues Conor is dealing with away from the monster, becomes very predictable. 3.5 stars; I enjoyed this quick read, but wanted something more so (unfortunately) I’m rounding down.
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Quotes J.L. Liked

Patrick Ness
Stories are wild creatures, the monster said. When you let them loose, who knows what havoc they might wreak?
Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls

Reading Progress

December 27, 2016 – Started Reading
December 30, 2016 – Finished Reading
January 2, 2017 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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P This book is deep.

Starjustin Nice review J.L. I really enjoyed this book and looked at the Monster as being a 'support system' for Conor when he needed it the most. :-)

message 3: by Paula (new)

Paula K Hope your next one is not so predictable...nice review!

J.L.   Sutton A Monster Calls is still okay, but yeah, a little predictable. Thanks Paula! I always hope my next read is a great one! Sometimes it's also a matter of timing.

message 5: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Whoa. That photo!

J.L.   Sutton Sarah wrote: "Whoa. That photo!"

That image is really spectacular in a dark and creepy sort of way!

message 7: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Yes! I haven't read the book (and probably won't, based on your recommendation), but I can easily see that creature being dynamic on the big screen. Such a cool monster!!

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