Lata's Reviews > We Are Legion (We Are Bob)
We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse, #1)

2.5 stars. I had high hopes for this story, but found myself mostly just turning pages slowly. I think there were some interesting concepts but I didn't think the implementation was particularly skillful. I could accept the US descending to a theocracy, but not other aspects of the situation. I also found the main character to be initially sort of amusing, but swiftly found him tedious, and yes, immature, but actually found myself getting very frustrated with the author pointing out, at least once a chapter, the main characters' immaturity, as if I was supposed to just chuckle about it and enjoy spending time with ever expanding versions of Bob. I also found the anthropological work performed by one of the Bobs to be irritating and mono-focused on just the males of the alien species, as has happened all too often on earth. And my biggest frustration with this book was I just got tired reading a book where there were three female characters whose presence you'd miss if you blinked while turning a page. Yes, I know this story was going to be about Bob and the ever expanding versions of Bob, but gack, the lack of female characters was irritating.
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message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Jul 14, 2018 09:57AM


And yeah, the author has no obligation to put in the effort to write about a woman, but we have no obligation to pull punches when calling lazy authorship lazy.
I'm baffled at the guy in the comments who's upset someone would describe their thoughts on a book that "BELONGS to the author." What does he think a book review is?