Always Pouting's Reviews > Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt

Flash Boys by Michael   Lewis
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really liked it

Honestly investment and stock exchange is something that bores me to death so I was putting off having to read this one for a while and today I forced myself to get it over with. I was surprised to find that the book was really interesting though, I had no clue about High Frequency Traders or dark pools or even the arrest of Sergey Aleynikov which is honestly absurd. I think the information was accessible and easy to understand but I don't think it would be interesting to anyone who didn't have some interest in the engineering or math of the whole thing. I did feel bogged down by the details though especially of the people involved and their back stories. I know the whole purpose of the book was to talk about the small group of people trying to change things but I thought all the logistic stuff was the most interesting aspect of the book.

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Reading Progress

December 17, 2016 – Started Reading
December 17, 2016 – Shelved
March 20, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-9 of 9 (9 new)

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message 1: by Frances (new) - added it

Frances Good review Pouting! Is on my list; must try to get a copy.

Always Pouting Frances wrote: "Good review Pouting! Is on my list; must try to get a copy."

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it, it's really eye opening the lengths people go to to not have to play fairly...

message 3: by Cyndi (new)

Cyndi Great review!

Always Pouting Cyndi wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks Cyndi :)

message 5: by Geraldine (new) - added it

Geraldine Rodriguez Your profile picture confused me a lot

Always Pouting Geraldine wrote: "Your profile picture confused me a lot"


message 7: by Alison (new) - added it

Alison Brda I really enjoyed your review. It's on my list!

Always Pouting Alison wrote: "I really enjoyed your review. It's on my list!"

I'm glad! I hope you enjoy it.

James Good review. I had the opposite reaction. I got bogged down in the logistics but loved the backstories of the humans involved.

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