Greg Fishbone's Reviews > Children of the Mind

Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card
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I know several readers, myself included, who were blown away by Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. They then found the sequel, Speaker for the Dead, to be equally as riveting and eagerly reached for Xenocide, book three in the series, with the highest of expectations--only to be slammed with disappointment. This otherwise serviceable book, with an original premise and interesting characters, crashes to an unsatisfying and confusing ending that combines the worst attributes of deus ex machina and sequel hooking. Back in the mid-90s, it seemed that only the most devoted of Ender fans dared to approach the fourth book, Children of the Mind. The rest of us avoided it like the descolada virus itself.

This situation may have changed over the ensuing decade as Card has published a number of prequel and sequel books in the Ender universe including a notable series about the life and times of Ender Wiggin's schoolmate, Bean. As the story world has expanded, characters have been fleshed out, political systems have been better defined, and the original quadrology has been reframed into a new context. Xenocide-burned readers may finally be ready to take tentative steps toward CotM--or at least that's my theory, after receiving an endorsement of the book from a friend who described it as "not as bad as everyone thought it would have to be."

So I read the book and it was, indeed, not as bad as everyone thought it would have to be--but it's no Ender's Game, either.

It helps to know that Xenocide and CotM were originally conceived as a single volume, which was divided in half when the page count climbed higher than the publisher was willing to accommodate. CotM's confusing and disjointed opening takes place only moments after Xenocide's confusing and disjointed ending, and neither book feels complete on its own. I'm sure the author did the best he could but the result still reads like a botched operation to separate conjoined twins.

CoTM starts in the middle of the action with no easy recap for those of us who haven't read the previous book in a while, so a better transition would have been appreciated. Perhaps something like I've done in this episode of Book Review Theater...


A cardboard box appears from nowhere. Peter Wiggin and Si Wang-mu emerge, look around in confusion for a moment, and confront the first man passing by.

PETER: Excuse me, sir?

MAN: Yeah? Whatta you want?

PETER: I'm an extra-universally created simulation of Peter Wiggin, the late Hegemon of the Free People of Earth, under the spiritual control of Andrew "Ender" Wiggin who is and will remain, until his imminent death of old age, reviled and celebrated, respectively, as Xenocide and Speaker for the Dead.

WANG-MU: And I am Wang-mu, a former slave with artificially-enhanced intellectual capacity, ironically named after a Chinese goddess. Also ironically, the so-called free people of my society were in fact enslaved to outside powers by virtue of their genetically-crafted OCD tendencies while peasants and slaves like myself remained actually free.

PETER: With the aid of Jane, a unique artificial intelligence originally created by an alien race that's falsely presumed to be extinct at the hands of my apparent younger brother and puppetmaster, we are travelling from Wang-Mu's home world--

WANG-MU: The Planet Where Everyone Is Chinese.

PETER: Right. From Wang-Mu's home world, The Planet Where Everyone is Chinese, we were meant to find The Planet Where Everyone Is A Pacific Islander by way of The Planet Where Everyone is Japanese.

WANG-MU (looks around): With my advanced intellect, I've determined that this is not any of those worlds.

MAN: Nah. This is The Planet Where Everyone Is From New Jersey. Got a problem with that?

PETER: Not at all, my hairy knuckle-dragging friend. It would seem that Jane is playing a practical joke on us, or perhaps manipulating our journey in the same way that everyone around us seems to be constantly manipulating everyone else in some way or other.

WANG-MU: Including ourselves.

PETER: I'm sorry for taking up your time, but we really must be going. A fleet is approaching The Planet Where Everyone is Brazilian with the intention of blowing the whole thing up, not knowing yet that a cure to the dreaded species-scrambling descolada virus has been found, or that their actions would mean genocide for the last remaining Buggers as well as the native Piggies and Jane herself--who is unique enough to be considered her own species. Did I mention that Jane has the ability to pop people in and out of the universe, allowing them to create impossible objects, bring people back from the dead, and cure brain damage or deformities of the body?

WANG-MU: Which is why we must prevent Congress from shutting Jane down by persuading some influential philosophers that the events of World War II back on Earth are still relevant in space so many thousands of years later.

Peter and Wang-mu step back into the cardboard box, which promptly vanishes.

MAN: What a couple of self-important jerks!

Something like that would have helped a lot, although the premise does seem rather silly and far-fetched when you try to boil it down to a few short paragraphs of exposition. It also reveals a major weakness of the story world: the assumption that Earth would colonize new worlds on a nation-by-nation basis and that the resulting planetary cultures would not change or evolve noticeably from their progenitors. This detail seems glaringly unrealistic in light of Card's obsession with such anthropological details as food, architecture, and language.

Ender himself hardly appears in this book, and perhaps the most memorable character from Xenocide, OCD-laden genius Han Qing-jao, is missing entirely--only represented in CotM by tantalizing excerpts from her philosophical writings, which serve as thematic chapter headers. But Qing-jao's presence would perhaps have been redundant since she is far from the series's only deep-thinking philosopher and author of impactful works that have changed the lives of billions or trillions of people. In addition to Quing-jao, this would include Ender (author of a trilogy that has stayed continuously in print for over three thousand years), Valentine and Peter (who manipulated world governments through their pseudonymous writings as Demosthenes and Locke), Aimaina Hikari (whose works inspired attempted xenocide), Grace (whose writings inspired Hikari), Malu (whose works inspired Grace), and Plikt (who, as the speaker for Ender's death, has a lock on a future bestseller as well).

Only Ender's stepdaughter, Quara, seems to lack the bug for philosophizing and authorship, so of course the other characters use her as a punching bag for their verbal abuse--which highlights another annoyance I experienced with this book. Every scene is either a dramafest of angst and confrontation or an excuse for long philosophical soliloquies that usually include at least one Shakespeare quotation. Or often, both. Almost without exception, every philosophical theory presented in the book is then subsequently picked apart and discarded as childish and simplistic compared to the unexpressed deeper thoughts that all of our genius characters are keeping to themselves. This makes for one long, emotionally draining, and often pompous book.

Bottom Line: Every reader of thought-provoking science fiction, age 10 through 110, should pick up copies of Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead. My prior warning to avoid Xenocide is tempered somewhat, but anyone who continues onward in the series should read Xenocide and Children of the Mind together and be prepared for an exhausting and confusing ride.
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March 22, 2008 – Shelved as: book-review-theater

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Spider the Doof Warrior Great review! "Planet Where Everyone is Japanese"
I'm sure there are plenty of Japanese people who enjoy a good fish fry.

Greg Fishbone Glad you liked the review!

message 3: by Erin (new) - rated it 1 star

Erin Good review, just what I thought. I wish he'd scrap Xenocide and Children of the Mind and write a new conclusion to Speaker for the Dead.

David Burnette Your review is not accurate! Did u read this book? Ur dialogue that u say would have made it better to help readers who havent read the 3rd book in awhile, is clearly explained in the first 4 chapters of the book! Card did just fine at recapn.

message 5: by JW (new) - rated it 3 stars

JW Accurate or not, awesome review. I just laughed pretty hard at the mock conversation. Well done!

message 6: by Stuart (new)

Stuart Excellent review, I respect your resolve in reading Xenocide and braving the final book in the series. I absolutely loved Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead back in junior high, but struggled through Xenocide in high school. Now I have a daughter in junior high who wanted to read Ender's Game after watching the movie (to my delight), and she'll be moving on to Speaker for the Dead next. So the first two books are a great recommendation for anyone, but the next two are really only for the truly devoted fans. If OSC could have boiled the last two books down to 1 volume but cutting out the endless philosophical debates to a more manageable level, it would have been much more effective (and stayed a trilogy as well).

Kate Evans A good review, I was also confused by this book. I didn't read CofM until about a year after the others. I agree that Xonicide and CotM were the low point of this saga. I did like the series about Bean.

Amanda Carpenter I mostly agree. The last two book are definitely not as focused and definitely feel kind of self-indulgent where it concerns philosophical discussions. Pompous was a good word to describe certain sections. I think I just have a higher tolerance for the ridiculous sections, because I still enjoyed the book. I didn't enjoy them as much as Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead, but I enjoyed them. I also think the concept of the thought-space (or whatever it was) while ridiculous, was also a really cool concept.

Amanda Carpenter I mostly agree. The last two book are definitely not as focused and definitely feel kind of self-indulgent where it concerns philosophical discussions. Pompous was a good word to describe certain sections. I think I just have a higher tolerance for the ridiculous sections, because I still enjoyed the book. I didn't enjoy them as much as Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead, but I enjoyed them. I also think the concept of the thought-space (or whatever it was) while ridiculous, was also a really cool concept.

Deborah I like your beginning because that is exactly how I felt. Loved Ender's Game, was intrigued by Speaker for the Dead and then struggled through Xenocide never to touch Children of the mind. Your review gave me some hope though. Maybe, I'll eventually read it. But not now.

Deborah I like your beginning because that is exactly how I felt. Loved Ender's Game, was intrigued by Speaker for the Dead and then struggled through Xenocide never to touch Children of the mind. Your review gave me some hope though. Maybe, I'll eventually read it. But not now.

Charllee Dodson Did you read the rest of the series and realize how much it took Jane to pop anyone in and out of the universe? While Jane does love a practical Joke once in a while, I dont think she would pull that! Especially because a whole planet and the three species (not to mention the descolada) depend on the success of their mission to stop the fleet.

message 13: by Diarmuid (new)

Diarmuid Great review. I stopped reading when alternate Ender and his family could just appear from a magic box. Ruined the whole series for me.

message 14: by Hal (new) - added it

Hal Currently reading Xenocide and feeling disappointed, so went to see if COTM will be any better, if it's even worth finishing Xenocide, but wth all the philosophical mumbo jumbo it feels very heavily weighted and pompous is the best way to put it. The first two Ender books were amazing, I absolutely devoured them. Not feeling it so much with Xenocide, but by your review, I may just hang in there and move on to COTM

Thomas I agree. Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead were both outstanding books. Xenocide had an interesting story but focused so much on long philosophical thoughts that, although were sometimes interesting, tended to not go anywhere. CotM wasn't bad either and definitely was easier to read than Xenocide was. However, as I kept reading I found myself wanting the book to just get to the end already. When I finally got to the ending I got an okay ending and was just kind of relieved that it was over.

message 16: by RobinG (new)

RobinG I love "The Planet Where Everyone is Chinese." This review is far better than the book! Entertaining, accurate, and truly hilarious! Don't torture yourself with the book - this review is way better!

message 17: by Smartalek (new)

Smartalek Mr Fishbone's take on Xenocide and CotM is perfect.
They were (it was?) still a fun read, don't get me wrong, and I don't begrudge the time spent, but Oh. My. God!
All that pedantic nonsense, the soap-opera sturm-und-drang, the sophomoric philosophizing -- it all reminded me of the worst of the mental masturbation in the least of the later Heinlein works (the ones he wrote when most befuddled by what turned out to be a blocked carotid artery).
And it's funny that nobody I've read so far in this thread has noted Card's tortured (and torturous) efforts to reconcile his strong religious bent with his respect for empirical science in the ludicrous conceits of subatomic soul-equivalents, which lie at the very epicenters of the books' plots and themes...

message 18: by Lachlan (new)

Lachlan Stewart Rubbish. I disagree entirely. I can't pick a favourite between any of the quartet. You're entitled to dislike it I guess, and since your review has garnered the most likes there's a few people out there who agree but it ain't me. Loved every single book.

Arlene Best review ever! I’m halfway through this charade and have no idea what the heck this is supposed to be about!

message 20: by Ryan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ryan Children of the Mind was originally part of Xenocide but Card split it off into it's own book. It's probably better since the length of Xenocide plus this one would have made Xenocide pretty long.

message 21: by Bari (new)

Bari Davi Really? IMHO most of the sentiment , expressed here does not seem like the readers have the mindset of what i consider TRUE fans of SF/FANTASY , yes there are story twist and "fantastic" deeds and events ,,,, hence the classification "fantasy" just another symptom of the lack of imagination by readers these days. If you have a problem with COTM you really are reading the wrong genre

message 22: by Anna (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anna Szumiesz Your review was entertaining. I didn't feel as negatively about these two books, but that's possibly because I read them back to back. I was surprised to hear in Card's interview at the end of CotM that he didn't think the plot involving the Descoladors was interesting.... Maybe that answers your question. He was more interested in the confusing and highly philosophical bits than that aspect of the plot. I agree with your impression of the angsty drama. I also found that irritating and overwhelming at times, and gave the characters the impression than they were still teens instead of adults as most of them were. I also thought he treated ender rather tragically (not in the dramatic sense) in this book. I was really disappointed that old man Ender just decides to go live in a monastery with his angry and unloving wife. I think Card explains well enough that ender never wants to settle down, so I'm not sure why he made him make that choice. It gives Ender-as-step-father the feeling of a plot device. I will read first contact but I'm not sure about the other books.

message 23: by PAR (new) - rated it 3 stars

PAR I agree. I only read your firsts few sentences though lol. Enders Game and Speaker were 5/5 amazing books! Xenocide and Children are just not. They’re good like 3/5. But not amazing like the first 2.

Frank R. Man…I really enjoyed all the philosophy of Xenocide and related it to Advaita Vedanta (which he basically adapted to the sci-fi concept of Philotes existing like unmanifested Brahman from the Upanishads). I just started COTM though and am not closed to it sucking but am hoping to channel my inner nerd hardcore.

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