Hanne's Reviews > Ex Games

Ex Games by Stella Rhys
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it was amazing

Taylor’s fiancé recently broke up with her and she can’t understand why. Not much later, Mason tells Taylor that her ex is getting married with his ex. She can’t believe what she’s hearing. Mason is her ex’s big brother and he wants to stop that marriage. He hopes Taylor wants to help, but she doesn’t want to see either of them at the moment. She eventually agrees with Mason. Mason and Taylor have a fake relationship to make her ex jealous. Mason and Taylor grow closer each time they are together and the fake relationship becomes a real one.

I’m happy a friend recommended me this author, because even though I already owned this ebook, I probably still wouldn’t have picked it up without this recommendation. This book won’t be my last read by the author. I loved Ex Games! There were many funny moments, beautiful moments or romantic moments. The last two chapters and epilogue were so beautiful and perfect. It was an amazing enemies to lovers story. Taylor hates Mason and that feeling doesn’t change quickly. Mason doesn’t hate like Taylor thinks he does.

I really liked Taylor. She’s feisty, hardworking, strong and kind. She didn’t have an easy childhood, but she’s a fighter. She has achieved a lot in her life. I was so happy that Taylor has an awesome friend where she can always count on. Taylor is hurt and a little lost at the beginning, but she works hard and gets better.

I adored Mason and he’s my favorite character of the book. He’s rich, powerful, smart, hardworking, a little arrogant and a little cold. He also has a soft side that Taylor gets to see. Mason is different with her and his life will change a little. He likes to spoil her and he’s possessive over her. I loved Mason and Taylor together.
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Reading Progress

November 27, 2016 – Shelved
November 27, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
Started Reading
January 21, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Karla (new)

Karla Fantastic review, Hanne!

message 2: by Sara (new)

Sara Great review! :)

Steffi De Ceuster  ♥ I so loved this one! I love your review, Hanne! I think I need a re-read! :D xoox

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