Sarah's Reviews > A Suitable Boy

A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: foreverbooks

Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy is one of the best books I've ever read in my entire life. It's a long book. But it is very engaging; I managed to read it in one stretch, with a break to sleep, while I awaited the movers to take me and my belongings across the country. To my chagrin I had completed it before my flight, and when it finished I didn't want the book to be over, I wanted to go back and re-read it from the beginning. It is one of the best books about life in India I've ever read, it is the anti-Kite Runner book. There is nothing trite or stereotyped about the characterization; it believably describes elements of society that are even oblique to people within the mainstream of modern Indian society; the plot is not simple, nor is it a convoluted mystery story.

Writing this up I think I should go get it and read it again. Like most of my favorite books I gave it away a long time ago.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
March 1, 1997 – Finished Reading
June 10, 2007 – Shelved
June 18, 2007 – Shelved as: foreverbooks

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message 1: by Kannanpp (new)

Kannanpp Sarah, I like the part, "Like most of my favorite books, I gave it away". My exact feelings. Peace.

Lela Iskandar A Suitable Boy is just like an awesome Bollywood movie -- it's a long tale of tragedy, comedy and family dynasty all told in one shot.

Ramesh how on earth did you finish it in one stretch??? I have myself 2 months to read it.

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