carol. 's Reviews > Leviathan Wakes

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey
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bookshelves: awards-of-all-sorts, hugo, represent, nebula, mystery, sci-fi, fast-and-fun, ships-in-space

Leviathan Wakes broke my reading slump! Listlessly slogging my way through various reads--a couple of which came highly recommended--I was starting to wonder if it I had lost my book love. Then I picked this up for a Book o' the Month read. Expecting a detail dense sci-fi, within the first few pages I found myself hooked, and by page 100, thoroughly reeled in by this hefty genre mash-up. Space opera? Perhaps. Horror? Maybe. Military? Sort of. Mystery in space? Yes, definitely. And if by the end it reminded me a little of The Rook and The Gone-Away World, that's not a negative comparison. All of them have some interesting philosophical underpinnings combined with genre mash-up, a light mystery-driven plot and a nice side of humor.

"Mariner Valley had been settled by East Indians, Chinese and a small contingent of Texans. Apparently the drawl was viral. They all had it now."

Oddly, I seem to be on an unintentional run of books created by collaborators, and in some cases it works well (Ilona Andrews), and in some, not so much. Although there's a few rough spots here--and I'd have to agree with a number of reviewers that pinpoint the ending as displeasing--it generally works very well. I went looking for some background on the collaboration, and the duo offered up a few thoughts on Scalzi's blog and in an appealing three-part Youtube video interview with author Carrie Vaughn:

Initially, a fragmented viewpoint had trouble luring me in, but once the authors settled down for an exchange of viewpoints between Holden, an "executive officer" on an ice hauling deep-space freighter of outcasts, and Detective Miller, a world-weary member of an asteroid peace-keeping force, it was suddenly became completely absorbing. The culture felt at once familiar with generational differences between deep spacers who grow up on various asteroids and moons, and those that grow up on the more developed Earth and Martian colonies. The writers add a twist by including some physical differences that occur between Earth-gravity and deep-space gravity peoples, and further enlarge upon it by including economic and political angles that make the culture-building feel real. If the lead characters seem a bit stereotypical, it is because the authors intended them to be more archetypical. The genius is in their interactions, with the world-weary detective and his 'realistic' problem-solving contrasting with the outsider hero and his optimistic one. Suddenly 'right' and 'wrong' aren't so clear.

"The circle of life on Ceres was so small you could see the curve. He liked it that way."

I admire the writers' goal of a composition that addresses the emotion of the story, and for wanting to write an engaging style that doesn't depend on artificial cliffhangers (Psst! Modern UF and YA--we're talking about you). One reason I don't spend much time in deep-space sci-fi is the tendency to focus on world and tech-building at the expense of character and plot. Either that, or it all becomes a set-up for a giant philosophical thought experiment. Had I known from the beginning about the authors' intentions, I might have went into it with higher expectations of enjoyment.

"We’re sentimentalists. We care whether the soul-crushed cop finds redemption. We care whether the quixotic holy fool of a captain overcomes his own failings in time to get the girl. And we expect you to care too. The risk we take is that you might not, and if you don’t, there’s no defense against the failure on our part. But you know what? We think it’s worth it anyway."

It was worth it.

Four deep-space stars.

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Reading Progress

July 2, 2011 – Shelved
August 2, 2013 – Started Reading
August 2, 2013 –
page 110
18.58% "Engrossing."
August 3, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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message 1: by Arah-Lynda (new)

Arah-Lynda Excellent. Thank you.

carol. Thank you, Arah-Lynda!

Michael Happy for you to break your slump. Sold me with this review--space opera with emotional engagement and decent plotting. Much appreciated.

message 4: by Mimi (new) - added it

Mimi Yes, most excellent and persuasive review. I've had this book for a couple years now and wasn't convinced I should give it a chance (because of all those space opera reasons you mentioned). But now I will pick it up.

carol. Michael wrote: "Happy for you to break your slump. Sold me with this review--space opera with emotional engagement and decent plotting. Much appreciated."

Michael, I know you will certainly find reviewers we know that disliked it, but I think part of the reason they didn't is because they were expecting a traditional deep-space opera, dense tech-building, etc. Funny how expectations can make or break a read. That cover and the hype of "space opera" is certainly what kept it on my TBR so long.

carol. Mimi, I'll be interested to know what you think. If you enjoy Scalzi, this is very similar in approach.

message 7: by Beth (new)

Beth Seconding Michael E.'s cheer for breaking your slump! A swathe of two- and three- stars can do that to me, too.

I have a couple of Abraham's fantasy things in Mount TBR, creeping their way up to the top... this review has nudged them a bit further up.

message 8: by Olga (new)

Olga Godim Great review, Carol. And I like it that you often send your friends to side trips to other sites. The writers expressing their opinion on writing and collaboration in Scalzi's blog was a treasure.
"If you went into a government lab to design a program to instill anxiety and neurosis, you couldn’t do much better."
Gosh, how true!

carol. Beth wrote: "Seconding Michael E.'s cheer for breaking your slump! A swathe of two- and three- stars can do that to me, too.

I have a couple of Abraham's fantasy things in Mount TBR, creeping their way up to ..."

Glad to hear I'm not the only one that gets them--you are right, it was a run of 2 and 3 star type books.

I hadn't read Abraham until I checked out Tor's free short story collection and he had one in it. It was a poignant character superhero piece. I think I like his work.

carol. Olga wrote: "Great review, Carol. And I like it that you often send your friends to side trips to other sites. The writers expressing their opinion on writing and collaboration in Scalzi's blog was a treasure. ..."

Thanks, Olga! I enjoy these little side trips too--I feel like it adds to my appreciation.

message 11: by Eric (new) - rated it 3 stars

Eric Good review, I enjoyed a lot of things about this book, but I just couldn't get over how it ended.

carol. I was a little surprised to hear there were sequels--the ending seemed too much of a "let's wrap it up quick and move on."

Stacey's All Booked Thank you for the review.

Claudia Putnam I'm about 1/3 through. Don't like Holden one bit. Too Kirk-y. Miller seems like a kind of cliched gumshoe. But I agree that there's something about the writing that draws you in. I don't see the point of alternating the POVs once you get Holden and Miller on the same ship. Maybe they'll diverge again later. Tired of these male-POV, male-commander stories, though. The women are strong and all that, but they don't run the show. Why not?

carol. Because the writers are white dudes from the George R.R. Martin school of writing? ;)

Mr. Matt Zoinks. Nice review, Carol. Can't believe I waited this long to read this gem...

carol. Glad you enjoyed it, Mr. Matt. I'll look forward to eyeballing your thoughts.

carol. It's a fun read, Incorrigible! I've heard it is a good tv series. It sounds as if they are playing in the world and not doing a chapter by chapter reproduction.

Justine We're going through the whole series on SpecFic. Of course I'm the only one starting this month on book one:) Have you read the rest of them?

carol. The first three. :)

Sarah And now me :) I'm glad I'm trying it and I love your review, Carol!

carol. Thanks, Sarah! It's great to have friends and a group that inspire us to new reads, isn't it? A monthly read put this on my own list.

Sarah That it is :) This time it took me the incentive of two groups to actually try it.

Cathy "We’re sentimentalists. We care whether the soul-crushed cop finds redemption. We care whether the quixotic holy fool of a captain overcomes his own failings in time to get the girl. And we expect you to care too. The risk we take is that you might not, and if you don’t, there’s no defense against the failure on our part. But you know what? We think it’s worth it anyway."

I like that! I wonder what these guys would have done with the plot of Collapsing Empire!

carol. I liked it as well. No idea how true that remained through the rest of the series, however.

Claudia Putnam I wonder why there are so many SF books with Leviathan in the title?

carol. Heh. :D Appeals to the imagination.

message 28: by Brian (new) - added it

Brian M The series made me pick this book back up. The first season ended right where I left off. Would recommend.

carol. I've heard good things about the show :)

William Delicious hard science, the first of a truly extraordinary series, sweeping scale, wonderful characters, plus a pretty-good SyFy tv series!

Thank you for the review.

Cathy I still haven't started the TV series. I am kinda scared I won't like it. Shouldn't be a danger of spoiling myself at least, I finished Abaddon's Gate and plan to buddy read Cibola Burn mid to end of this month...

William The first thing about the TV series, the players are younger than you might expect. They do settle quite well into the roles, and grow on you nicely. Alex was the big surprise for me in the TV series, I didn’t like his personality at first, but now I think he's great. The other characters are pretty good, once you give them a chance.

Deepika Carol, I just finished watching the first season, and the first six episodes of ‘The Expanse’. I found myself wanting to spend some more time with Joe Miller, and realised that this book would be a great opportunity. I am so glad you liked it. I like when the tech-building is not too dense. I love when the characters get super philosophical. Your review and the passage that you have quoted at the end have sold the book to me. I am definitely going to read it.

carol. Deepika, from what I recall, this book is largely about Joe Miller. The background, for the show watchers, is that this was a one-off--it kind of had to be, in case it didn't get a good reception. As such, it really centers on the "lonely detective."

My suspicion is that, given that there was a series when they started to make the show, they wanted to hook people in for the long haul, and draw them in to all the other parts of the world, so they cut in Miller's story with Avasarala's (who is largely a book 2 character) and the rest.

All this is to say, I think you will be very happy with the focus on Miller. Try and let go any of the other expectations you might have about similarity to the show.

message 35: by JoJo (new) - rated it 5 stars

JoJo Me Whole series - so good I can say I’ve yet to find another so engaging. This hit it on every level for me. I gobbled up every novella attached to the series and every one of the delicious books right to the explosive end… any recommendations for another series like this is much appreciated!!
I did read the new book out by this writing duo and am eagerly awaiting the next. I was fortunate that every book was already out when I stumbled upon the first of The Expanse books.

Silo series kept me up
too late too.

Read the Expanse if you haven’t. Bear through the political machinations- they are critical to circumstances and outcomes that are intricate to the plot. Such great world building. Great character development- you might just fall in love with all of them. Really.
Even the bad guys are relatable.

The aliens (distinct species) and the sign left behind that eventually leads to their discovery is insanely well thought out. The creative and innovative imagination gave so much more than a little green man.
Not to mention what certain factions have in mind for the alien artifact-hence the need to go through some of the less dynamic politics.

It’s a well thought out conquering of the galaxy mankind has achieved when you meet up with them within these pages. And a well thought out and realistic bunch of political players and military brass within the books as well.

This series is so worth it.

message 36: by Mira (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mira Finch I am always so happy to go to a book's reviews and see that you have written one!

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